Selenicereus megalanthus, Pitaya, Pitahaya, Dragon Fruit, Strawberry Pear

Selenicereus megalanthus

Pitaya, Pitahaya, Dragon Fruit, Strawberry Pear
Family: Cactaceae
Origin: Central America
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterYellow, orange flowersWhite, off-white flowersThorny or spinyEdible plantFragrant plant

This cactus originates from Bolivia, Equador, Peru and Columbia. It's greatly known for it's sweet tasting fruit. Knobbed, yellow cactus fruit sharing some similarities with the dragon fruit (pitaya). Taste is said to be superior to most cactus fruits. The fruit is popular eaten chilled, out of hand. It is also used to flavor drinks and pastries.

A vining, terrestrial or epiphytic cactus, with fleshy stems reaching from a few inches up to 20ft long (in mature plants). The fruits are smaller than the common dragon fruit, and contain prominent spikes until ripening time, upon which the spikes drop off. Prefers partial sun and can tolerate down to 32F, but typically doesn't want to see below 40F. The vines tolerate very high temperatures as well.

Commercially grown to a limited extent in Columbia. Fruits are occasionally exported to Europe and Canada.

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What to do with a Dragon fruit?

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Pitaya Dragon Fruit Palora, Yellow (Selenicereus megalanthus)

Very rare Yellow Pitaya. This cactus originates from Bolivia, Equador, Peru and Columbia. It's greatly known for it's sweet tasting fruit. Knobbed, yellow cactus fruit sharing some similarities with the Hylocereus dragon fruit (pitaya). Taste is said to be superior to most cactus fruits. The fruits are smaller than the common dragon fruit, and contain prominent spikes until ripening time, upon which the spikes drop off.
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Pitaya page
What to do with a Dragon fruit?

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster

This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
Grown in
6-10"/1-3 gal pot, very large plant
In stock
Happy Value:  $27.97