Seemannia purpurascens, Gloxinia purpurascens, Purple Seemannia

Seemannia purpurascens, Gloxinia purpurascens

Purple Seemannia
Family: Gesneriaceae
Origin: Bolivia
Small plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeShadeRegular waterRed, crimson, vinous flowers

The plants are tall-growing and somewhat weedy in appearance, with lavender, pink or magenta flowers that have a contrasting bright green limb. The leaves are usually bright green but occasional individuals have very dark leaves with reddish-purple undersides.

Similar plants:

Seemannia purpurascens, Gloxinia purpurascens, Purple Seemannia
Seemannia purpurascens, Gloxinia purpurascens, Purple Seemannia

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