Samanea saman, Albizia saman, Pithecellobium saman , Monkeypod, Rain Tree, Cenizaro, Cow Tamarind

Samanea saman, Albizia saman, Pithecellobium saman

Monkeypod, Rain Tree, Cenizaro, Cow Tamarind
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Mimosoideae
Origin: Tropical America
USDA Zone: 10-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapLarge tree taller than 20 ftFull sunModerate waterPink flowers

As a fast-growing, large tree, Samanea saman (Monkeypod) can reach heights of up to 80 feet and a width of almost as much. For gardeners who haven't the space, pruning can be done to maintain size. In full sun, this tree can withstand a wide range of climates and temperatures, but generally thrives best in USDA Zones 9-11. The tree prefers moderate water throughout the year, but can tolerate periods of drought.

The long-lasting, pink 'powderpuff' flowers bring a burst of color to the landscape in late summer and early autumn. Deer rarely damage or consume the leaves or flowers. The pods have a sweet, sticky brown pulp, and are fed to cattle in Central America.

When planting Samanea saman, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and mix equal parts compost and existing soil. Once planted, mulch and water regularly. In cold regions, it's best to grow this tree in a pot. For best growth, the pot should be moved indoors during winter.

This beautiful and easy-to-care-for tree adds a stunning and unique touch to any landscape. Its height, shade, and color make it an ideal accompaniment to any garden.

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Samanea saman, Albizia saman, Pithecellobium saman , Monkeypod, Rain Tree, Cenizaro, Cow Tamarind
Samanea saman, Albizia saman, Pithecellobium saman , Monkeypod, Rain Tree, Cenizaro, Cow Tamarind

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