Phoenix dactylifera, Date Palm

Phoenix dactylifera

Date Palm
Family: Arecaceae / Palmae
Origin: Middle East
Large tree taller than 20 ftFull sunModerate waterEdible plantPalm or palm-like plantSeaside, salt tolerant plant

Fresh dates, the fruit of the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera), are widely grown in warmer climates, such as the Middle East, to the point where they are a staple food in many cultures. Dried dates are also widely enjoyed in a number of other cultures. Dates contain high levels of vitamin C and dietary fiber, as well as naturally occurring sugars, including fructose, glucose, and sucrose. Date palms can produce up to 150 lbs of fruit each season, depending on the tree's size and the local climate. The fruit is usually thin-skinned, yellow-orange in color, and oval or oblong in shape. Though dates can be eaten fresh or dried, most people prefer the sweet taste and chewy texture of dried dates. Whether you're eating a fresh date or a dried one, this sweet, nutrient-dense fruit is an excellent addition to your diet.

The palm is dioecious, meaning each plant is either male or female, not both, as in most palms. A very hardy palm, which will grow almost anywhere, apart from very cold areas, and only unconditional requirement is full sun. Not particular about soil and will even grow in poor soils. Prune suckers annually to create single trunk specimens. Although a drought resistant desert plant, the date palm has deep roots that typically seek out subterranean water sources. Provide regular irrigation for best look and faster growth.

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