Mangifera caesia, Binjai, Malaysian Mango, Wani

Mangifera caesia

Binjai, Malaysian Mango, Wani
Family: Anacardiaceae
Origin: Kalimantan, Borneo
Large tree taller than 20 ftSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunRegular waterPink flowersEdible plantIrritating plant

Mangifera caesia (Binjai) is a big tree which can get taller than 20 feet and is native to Kalimantan, Borneo. Small varieties of this tree may not reach more than 10-20 feet and both full sun and semi-shade is suitable for growing these trees. Binjai tree requires regular watering and blooms with pink flowers.

Binjai trees are known for the production of edible fruits. Depending on the size of the tree and the size of the fruits requested, the number of fruits produced can vary. The fruits of Binjai tree are sour in the wild form but if it is cultivated in Bali or Borneo, the fruits can become sweet and fibreless. The white juice of immature Binjai fruit is poisonous, so it is very irritant while touching the skin or when ingested directly.

Apart from being edible, these fruits have several health benefits and are used for medicinal purposes. It is rich in Vitamin C and helps treat abdominal problems, cholesterol, skin inflammation, and urinary tract infections. The fruits can also be eaten raw, juiced, cooked or made into different varieties of jams and jelly.

Growing Binjai trees in a pot is recommended if you live in a cold region. To get the best growth and fruit production, pay attention to drainage, water, and light requirements. This plant needs plenty of water and full sun to grow and mature. However, during the hot summer months, you should provide some shade to protect the plant from overheating.

Similar plants:

Mangifera caesia, Binjai, Malaysian Mango, Wani

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