Kalanchoe serrata, Bryophyllum serratum, Kalanchoe Magic Tower
Kalanchoe serrata

Kalanchoe serrata, Bryophyllum serratum

Kalanchoe Magic Tower
Family: Crassulaceae
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall plant 2-5 ftFull sunDry conditionsRed, crimson, vinous flowersOrnamental foliagePink flowersSeaside, salt tolerant plant

Kalanchoe serrata, commonly known as Kalanchoe Magic Tower, is a tough little shrub with a lot of punch. This plant species can reach heights of 2-5 feet and will display an array of vibrant pink flowers from late spring through to autumn, making it an ornamental foliage in any garden. From midseason to late summer,Kalanchoe serrata produces red and crimson vinous flowers that add some depth and color to gardens.

Kalanchoe serrata is known to be a very easy plant to care for and is adaptable to a range of USDA hardiness zones from 9-11, so it can be found thriving in many parts of the USA. This succulent can tolerate both full sun and dry conditions, making it a low maintenance garden beauty. Even better, this magnificent specimen is also highly tolerant of salty wind and spray, making it a great seaside or coastal favorite.

A mature Kalanchoe serrata can handle hard frost, as is cold hardy to temperatures as low as 30sF. It can survive a short time in these colder regions, but should be properly protected with a warm layer of mulch or a thick layer of leaves. It may also benefit from being planted in containers or pots, and can then be brought indoors to overwinter. This will ensure the pot and root system keep warm and is better for the health of the plant.

All in all, Kalanchoe serrata may provide a cheerful addition to your garden and is worth the investment for its beautiful flowers and salt-tolerance. With minimal effort and proper plant care, this small shrub is sure to prosper!

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Kalanchoe serrata Magic Tower

The most convenient plant that will grow even by your mailbox! Requires no care, grows fast and compact, and produces showy red flowers. The young plantlets which grow along the leaf edges are easily dislodged to become new plants and can be found in profusion around the base of the adult plant. Very fast growing, drought tolerant small shrub.
Perfect houseplant too! Tolerates almost any conditions. Spectacular bloomer!
See picture of the plant for sale.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
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