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Are you a collector?

馃敂 Are you a collector? 鉂勶笍

馃Ф Are you a collector like many of us here in Top Tropicals community? We know our passion often lies with rare plants, but what else captures your interest?

馃彙 Take inspiration from our friend Lynda, who collects... toys. Her holiday display is a delightful sight, featuring Christmas miniatures, bunnies, puppies, and, of course, teddy bears! It鈥檚 a wonderful blend of festive cheer and cherished collectibles 馃崻馃Ц馃ザ

馃敟 What are your favorite collections besides plants? Let us know in the comments and share your own pictures and unique displays! And click the poll in the next post馃憞

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Pachira aquatica (Bombax glabra) - Malabar Peanut or Guiana Chestnut

馃挵 What do the blooms of Money Tree look like?
  • 馃挵 Pachira aquatica (Bombax glabra) - Malabar Peanut or Guiana Chestnut is in bloom right now! The flowers are exotic and eye-catching. They resemble fireworks bursting into bloom!
  • 馃挵 Each flower features long, thread-like stamens in shades of creamy white, pale yellow, or pinkish hues, forming a feathery, pom-pom-like structure at the center. The flowers are surrounded by greenish or reddish-brown sepals, adding to their unique look.
  • 馃挵 It is a beautiful, fast growing flowering tree with edible nuts.
  • 馃挵 It is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to those who own it, and is sometimes referred to as a "money tree"
  • 馃挵 While the flowers are stunning, they are usually seen in mature outdoor trees and not as commonly in indoor potted plants.

馃摎 Learn more from earlier post:
Good luck tree that brings money and prosperity

馃洅Shop Flowering Trees

#Trees #Food_Forest

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Team work in the kitchen

Team work in the kitchen Team work in the kitchen
馃嵖 Team work in the kitchen

馃摳 "I like team work: you cook, I watch" - Bob

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Do you have Longevity Spinach in your garden?

Gynura crepioides - Okinawa Spinach, Purple leaves

Gynura crepioides - Okinawa Spinach, Purple leaves

Longevity Spinach (Gynura)

Longevity Spinach (Gynura)

Gynura crepioides - Okinawa Spinach, Purple leaves

Gynura crepioides - Okinawa Spinach, Purple leaves

Gynura crepioides - Okinawa Spinach, Purple leaves

Gynura crepioides - Okinawa Spinach, Purple leaves

Do you have Longevity Spinach in your garden?
  • 馃 Longevity Spinach (Gynura) is a leafy green plant known for its mild flavor and nutritional benefits. It is one of the Superfoods, known for its longevity-promoting properties in traditional medicine. There are two varieties - Green (Gynura procubens) and Purple leaves (Gynura crepioides - Okinawa Spinach).
  • 馃 It's often used in Southeast Asian cuisine, added to soups, stews, and salads for its health-promoting properties, including immune support and improved digestion.
  • 馃 It is prized for being easy to grow and rich in vitamins and antioxidants. This green is also known as cholesterol spinach, and there are many claims that it lowers can cholesterol.
  • 馃 Perfect for hot and humid climates unlike traditional Spinach that only grown in cooler areas. It will thrive in any type of soil, any type of light other than dark shade, and is pest-free.
  • 馃 Very adaptable to container gardening and even grows well on a windowsill.
  • 馃 The leaves and young shoot tips can be steamed, used in stir fry, tempura, stews, and soups. Just add them at the very end.

Check out the recipes猬囷笍猬囷笍猬囷笍

馃摎 Learn more:
5 most useful edibles for tropical garden
How to make healthy food taste delicious: Longevity Spinach Super-food Recipes
Gynura: Longevity Spinach Superfood Recipes

馃帴 Best Hot Weather Spinach Crops - Longevity and Okinawa Spinach

馃洅 Plant Longevity Spinach and live long

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Remedies

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What are the easiest, low maintenance plants?

Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Photo above: Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree. The most beautiful of all orchid trees. This winter bloomer starts flowering in very small size, when only 2-3 ft tall, and grows fast. (Bonus plant: makes it 7 easy plants!)

Six easiest to grow, effortless plants

Q: I'm seeking low-maintenance, tropical plants for my yard since I have limited time for gardening. Could you recommend some easy-to-care-for options that will still give my outdoor space a tropical feel?

A: Tropical plants don芒鈧劉t necessarily require extensive care. Many options are low maintenance, effortless, and easy to grow, including a variety of plants, trees, shrubs, and vines that demand minimal upkeep. They are fast growing, not fussy about soil, cold- and heat- resistant, and can rely on regular sprinkler irrigation. Below are six our favorites - the easiest and most effortless tropical plants for your Southern landscape. You can find the full list here.

1. Fruit tree: Lolita Cherry

Eugenia uniflora - Black Surinam Cherry Lolita

Eugenia uniflora - Black Surinam Cherry Lolita. The plant is vigorous and ready to fruit the same year. The fruit has exceptional flavor, very sweet, without aftertaste, large 1-1.2 inch, very juicy. Reliable producer. These cherries are cold hardy and can take short periods of frost.

2. Flowering tree: Shaving Brush Tree

Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree

Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree is one of the coolest looking flowering trees, this fast-growing tree bears spectacular showy staminate flowers in the spring. It usually has no leaves at that time, which serves to show off the large and striking blooms. Very low water needs, grows fast!

3. Flowering shrub: Firespike

Odontonema cuspidatum - Firespike, Red

Odontonema cuspidatum - Firespike - ultimate butterfly magnet with showy bright red flowers. Will take sun or shade. Very easy and happy plant!

4. Flowering vine: Bleeding Heart

Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleeding Heart

Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleeding Heart. One of the most spectacular blooming vines. Spectacular, dramatic flowers are slightly flat, they have white sepals on either side of bright crimson petals. The appearance may be liken to a line of dangling hearts, each emerging from the other. Very easy to grow and undemanding plant. Blooms in both sun or shade!

5. Small perennial: Ground Orchids - many colors!

Ground orchids

Ground orchids are the easiest and most rewarding flowers for a tropical garden. They thrive in regular garden soil or potting mix, tolerate both sun and shade, and bloom nearly year-round. They take both sun or shade, are cold-resistant and carefree. And look at these colors! From vibrant purples to soft pinks and yellows, ground orchids bring a splash of tropical beauty with minimal effort. Their consistent blooming makes them a must-have for gardeners seeking color all year.

6. Fragrant exotic: Queen of the Night

Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Queen of the Night

Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Queen of the Night - powerfully fragrant at night! This special cactus grows in tropical rainforests and has large wide meaty leaves. The flower is huge, white, and nocturnal. Blooms at night hours, hence the name. One of the most exotic indoor plants, great shade garden specimen. Easy to care, very low maintenance. Very low water needs.


Friendship lasts longer

馃槇 Friendship lasts longer...

"Friendship is far more tragic than love. It lasts longer"
- Oscar Wilde

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How to make a healthy Avocado Tropical Smoothie - recipe

How to make a healthy Avocado Tropical Smoothie - recipe
馃 How to make a healthy Avocado Tropical Smoothie - recipe

馃ぉ Ingredients:

  • 路 1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 路 1 cup coconut milk (or any plant-based milk)
  • 路 1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks
  • 路 1/2 banana
  • 路 1 tablespoon honey or agave syrup (optional)
  • 路 1/2 cup ice cubes

馃あ Instructions:

  • 路 Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
  • 路 Blend until smooth and creamy.
  • 路 Taste and adjust sweetness with honey or agave if needed.
  • 路 Pour into a glass and serve immediately.

馃惛 This smoothie is rich, creamy, and packed with tropical vibes - a refreshing and healthy treat!

馃洅 Plant your own Avocado Tree

#Food_Forest #Recipes

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Why this Hibiscus is changing color?

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

馃尭 Why this Hibiscus is changing color?
  • 馃尭 Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus - is an amazing winter bloomer that chances flower color! It opens pure white than gradually shifts to baby pink to dark pink over three days, much like the Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow plant (Brunfelsia).
  • 馃尭 As the blooms age, they take on a rich, deep pink hue, creating a stunning rainbow of colors on the bush all at once.
  • 馃尭 Blossoms reach up to 5 inches across!

馃摎 From previous posts:
How hibiscus plant acts like a chameleon
How to make your Hibiscus plants thrive and bloom

馃洅 Order Cotton Candy Hibiscus

#Hedges_with_benefits #Nature_Wonders

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Paws, Claws, and Garden Flaws: How Cats Help in the Garden

Paws, Claws, and Garden Flaws: How Cats Help in the Garden
馃尦 Paws, Claws, and Garden Flaws: How Cats Help in the Garden

馃槰 Pest Control (Sort of): Cats love to chase bugs, mice, and lizards, though they rarely catch them. Mostly, they just keep pests entertained until they die of laughter or exhaustion.

馃槑 Quality Control Inspectors: Every freshly dug hole, bag of soil, or new plant needs a thorough inspection. Expect your cat to sit on it, sniff it, or bat at it like a professional.

馃挬 Fertilizer Experts: Got a sandy patch? Your cat will "fertilize" it for free - just don't ask what they're burying.

馃毥 Weed Prevention: Cats help stop weed growth by rolling around and flattening anything remotely green and edible. Who needs grass when you have a furry steamroller?

  • 馃悎 Scarecrows on Demand: No bird or squirrel will dare stick around when your cat strikes their ultimate "hunting pose". Bonus: the pose is 90% napping 馃槾

馃 Mood Boosters: Cats are pros at reminding you to take a break. Just try to resist when they flop dramatically onto your tools or demand belly rubs mid-planting.

  • 馃悎 Your garden may not be more productive, but it'll definitely be more entertaining with a cat around!

  • Share your cats in comments!

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Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

Photos for the previous post 馃憜
Plumbago indica - Chitraka, Scarlett Leadwort, Red Plumbago

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