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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

⭐️ Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#8. Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

💛 Growing Carambola tree is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy this unique star-shaped delicious fruit right at home. It fruits on the 3d year from seed. The tree is easy to grow and reliable producer, providing wind protection.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:



🍇 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#7. Mulberry (Morus hybrids)

💜 Mulberry is very cold hardy and can grow in wide range of climate zones, from USDA 5 to 10. Everyone knows this sweet, tasty, juicy fruit. The tree will produce right away, you will see fruit the next season after planting, and the tree grows fast.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Papaya (Carica papaya)

Papaya (Carica papaya)

🍊 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#6. Papaya (Carica papaya)

🧡 Papaya is probably the fastest fruiting tree that can start production the same year from planting a seed. Many dwarf varieties available in selection, reaching only 6-8 ft tall, but producing large crops of full size fruit - they are easy to harvest. Plant 2-3 Papaya trees of different cultivars that fruit at different times of the year and enjoy heavy crops of healthy fruit year around! Another benefit - this tree doesn't take much space in the garden, you can plant as many as you want.

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When you are in the mood for something special - you need a Loquat Liquor

When you are in the mood for something special - you need a Loquat Liquor
🥃 When you are in the mood for something special - you need a Loquat Liquor. This is what you do with so many loquat fruit.

🍑 Loquat tree is an excellent choice for any garden, as it is quite cold hardy, drought-, poor soil- and salt tolerant. The delicious fruit look and taste similar to apricots, but there is only one problem: there are too many of them! Make Loquat the perfect fruit for an easy home winery...

🍹 Loquat Liquor recipe

Wash loquat fruit and slit in 4-5 places. You may leave seeds in for Apricot-nutty flavor similar to Amaretto. Combine fruit with vodka and sugar in a wide mouth jar and cover. Stir fruit once a day until sugar is dissolved. Then stir once a week for 4 weeks. Drain liquid and strain through fine cheesecloth. Enjoy!

You can dispose the used fruit but we usually give it a second life: add water, bring to boil, let sit, chill, and it will make another (almost non-alcoholic) drink!

  • ✔️ 3 quarts of loquat fruit
  • ✔️ 1 quart vodka
  • ✔️ 3 cups sugar
  • ✔️ vanilla to taste (optional)

📚 From previous posts:
🎥 YouTube video about Loquat
📁 Overlooked fruit: tasty Loquat recipes (PDF)

🛒 Shop Loquat varieties

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)

🍑 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#5. Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)

💛 Loquat tree is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree. It is a heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer. Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)

Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)

🍒 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#4. Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)

♥️ Another exceptional tropical cherry is Barbados Cherry. It is super popular as a heavy producer. The plant can start fruiting when it's only a few inches tall! If you are looking for a compact, but fast growing tree with colorful fruit that starts fruiting right away - plant Barbados Cherry. It will also happily fruit in containers.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Eugenias - Tropical Cherries

Eugenias - Tropical Cherries

🍒 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#3. Eugenias - Tropical Cherries

💙 Eugenias are favorites of Southern gardens. They are relatively cold hardy and start producing right away. Black Surinam Cherry Lolita and Grumichama are our favorites!

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Guava (Psidium sp.) - Cattley and Tropical guava

Guava (Psidium sp.) - Cattley and Tropical guava

🍉 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#2. Guava (Psidium sp.): Cattley and Tropical guava

❤️ Guava is a reliable producer, starts fruiting in a pot at small size. Some varieties, especially Cattley guavas - Psidium littorale - are relatively cold hardy and can take some frost without damage. Guavas are fast growing small trees or large bushes.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Annona - Sugar Apple, Custard Apple

Annona - Sugar Apple, Custard Apple

🍏 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#1. Annona - Sugar Apple, Custard Apple

💚 Annonas are the fastest fruiting trees: 2-3-4 years from seed to fruit, depending on species. They are the best tropical fruit trees suited for container growing, due to their small height and can be maintained within 6-8 ft tall.

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What trees will fruit quickly? Top 10 fast-fruiting trees

What trees will fruit quickly? Top 10 fast-fruiting trees
🥭 What trees will fruit quickly? Top 10 fast-fruiting trees

Q: I would like to plant several fruit trees... I am 85 years old and hope to see them fruiting soon. What fruit trees can you recommend that will fruit quickly?

A: Most grafted fruit trees, such as Mango, Avocado, and Peaches, will fruit quickly - often within the same year or the next. There are also many wonderful tropical fruits that will produce for you within a year or two, even without the need for grafting.

⚠️ In our next posts we will introduce to you the top 10 of most popular, most rewarding and easy to grow fast fruiting tropical trees...

📚 Discover 10 fast-fruiting trees in the following posts:
  1. Annona - Sugar Apple, Custard Apple
  2. Guava (Psidium sp.): Cattley and Tropical guava
  3. Eugenias - Tropical Cherries
  4. Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)
  5. Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
  6. Papaya (Carica papaya)
  7. Mulberry (Morus hybrids)
  8. Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)
  9. Blackberry Jam Fruit (Randia formosa)
  10. Peanut Butter Tree (Bunchosia argentea)

  11. Stay with us and make sure to subscribe! ⬇️

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