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What is your cats Zodiac sign?

  What is your cats Zodiac sign?   What is your cats Zodiac sign?   What is your cats Zodiac sign?
♋️ 😸 What is your cat's Zodiac sign?
Cat Horoscope: Cancer Zodiac Cats 06/22-07/22

❓ How to know the astrological sign of your cat? It can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats.

  • ✨ You can discover the astrological traits that describe the cat, such as their independence, diva-like tendencies, sense of humor, intelligence, and more.

  • ✨ It's also important to consider the astrological relationship between cats and plants...

♋️ Cancer Zodiac Cats are:
  • ▪️faithful, loving, and protective
  • ▪️affectionate and enjoy cuddling
  • ▪️excellent communicators
  • ▪️can be quite jealous, viewing their family members as their personal property
  • ▪️feel lonely when left alone
  • ▪️love being in the spotlight and are often the stars of social media platforms

🌟 Learn more about Cancer Zodiac Cats and their lucky plants

#PeopleCats #Horoscope

🏵 TopTropicals


The best tropical fruit tree for container growing, and the fastest to fruit:

Rollinia (Rollinia deliciosa) - the biggest Annona fruit

Rollinia (Rollinia deliciosa) - the biggest Annona fruit

Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa)

Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa)

Guanabana (Annona muricata)

Guanabana (Annona muricata)

Pineapple Annona Golden (Annona costaricana)

Pineapple Annona Golden (Annona costaricana)

Custard Apple (Annona reticulata)

Custard Apple (Annona reticulata)

Mountain Soursop or Hedgehog (Annona montana)

Mountain Soursop or Hedgehog (Annona montana)

🏆 The best tropical fruit tree for container growing, and the fastest to fruit: Annona.

🍏 Annonas (Annona sp) are very much loved tropical fruit. The fruit has smooth, creamy flesh, just like a natural custard - hence one of the common names - "Custard Apple". Growing an Annona tree is a rewarding experience, its a small compact tree that will let you enjoy its creamy and exotic fruit right away.

The best tropical tree suited for container growing, due to its small height. It can be maintained within 6-8 ft tall.

The fastest fruiting tree: 2-3-4 years from seed to fruit, depending on species.

Most species are deciduous: drop leaves during winter-spring.

Thrives in frost-free climate. Some species are cold hardier than others. Container culture is a good way to cold protect these beautiful small trees.

❤️ 6 top most popular Annonas:
  • ▪️ Rollinia (Rollinia deliciosa) - the biggest Annona fruit and the most showy
  • ▪️ Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa) - the most popular
  • ▪️ Guanabana (Annona muricata) - the most cold sensitive but the fruit is so tasty!
  • ▪️ Pineapple Annona Golden (Annona costaricana) - cold hardy and easy to grow
  • ▪️ Custard Apple (Annona reticulata) - with red flesh
  • ▪️ Mountain Soursop or Hedgehog (Annona montana) - mentioned earlier, cold hardy

📚 Learn more:
Horoscope for Guanabana tree
Hedgehog Mountain Soursop - Annona montana
How to grow and hand-pollinate Guanabana Tree indoors (PDF)

🛒 Shop Annona varieties


🏵 TopTropicals


What is your cats Zodiac sign?

  What is your cats Zodiac sign?   What is your cats Zodiac sign?   What is your cats Zodiac sign?   What is your cats Zodiac sign?
♊️ 😸 What is your cat's Zodiac sign?
Cat Horoscope: Gemini Cats 5/21-6/20

❓ How to know the astrological sign of your cat? It can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats.

  • ✨ You can discover the astrological traits that describe the cat, such as their independence, diva-like tendencies, sense of humor, intelligence, and more.

  • ✨ It's also important to consider the astrological relationship between cats and plants...

♊️ Gemini Cats are:
  • ▪️social
  • ▪️chatty
  • ▪️intelligent
  • ▪️enthusiastic
  • ▪️"computer cats". One of their favorite pastimes is watching other cats on the internet and attempting to engage with them. They are natural communicators, friendly companions, and technologically savvy.

🌟 Learn more about Gemini Cats and their lucky plants

#PeopleCats #Horoscope

🏵 TopTropicals


Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
🗂 Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Follow these tags to find your interests:

🦋 #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

🥭 #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.

📖 #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

🛠 #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

👀 #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

🥗 #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

🌼 #Tree
s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

🏆 #Win - Contests, Sweepstakes, and other specials.

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🏵 TopTropicals


Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
🔴 🗂 Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Follow these tags to find your interests:

🦋 #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

🥭 #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.

📖 #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

🛠 #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

👀 #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

🥗 #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

🌼 #Tree
s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

🏆 #Win - Contests, Sweepstakes, and other specials.

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🏵 TopTropicals


What is your cats Zodiac sign?

  What is your cats Zodiac sign?
♉️ 😸 What is your cat's Zodiac sign?
Cat Horoscope: Taurus Cats 4/21-5/20

❓ How to know the astrological sign of your cat? It can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats.

  • ✨ You can discover the astrological traits that describe the cat, such as their independence, diva-like tendencies, sense of humor, intelligence, and more.

  • ✨ It's also important to consider the astrological relationship between cats and plants...

♉️ Taurus Cats are:
  • ▪️sybarites
  • ▪️gourmands
  • ▪️pragmatic
  • ▪️excellent ratters
  • ▪️possessive

🌟 Learn more about Taurus Cats and discover their lucky plants

#PeopleCats #Horoscope

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Year of the Dragon: Chinese or Vietnamese?

Green Wooden Baby Dragon

Q: Is Chinese New Year the same as Vietnamese Tat? I want to buy a Vietnamese Micky Mouse plant and I am wondering if this would be also a lucky plant for the Year of the Dragon?

A: Vietnam, as well as other parts of Asia, is celebrating the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, which falls on February 10. Vietnam and neighboring China share 10 of the zodiac calendar's 12 signs: the rat, tiger, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The Vietnamese traditional Tet market in Hanoi is covered in hues of red and gold, colors that represent good luck and fortune. One of the most significant plants is the golden-flowered Ochna. But there are several other plants associated with the Lunar New year, as well as Dragon Year.

Green Wooden Dragon has specific favorite plants, including all species of Dragon fruits, Lychee or First Dragon’s Eye (Litchi sinensis), Longan or Second Dragon’s Eye (Euphoria longana), Creeping Philodendrons, and the Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata).

Learn more:

Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria 

Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata). According to ancient Chinese manuscripts, the Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) is crucial for Dragons, as it is believed to be connected to their existence, guarding and complementing each other. Growing these plants is considered auspicious and is believed to safeguard the Dragon family.

Green Wooden Baby Dragon

The most celebrated flower in Vietnam, Ochna integerrima, called in Vietnam Hoa Mai or Mai Vang, blooms profusely on the occasion of Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year.


Cat Horoscope:
Sagittarius Zodiac Cats 11/22-12/21

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Sagittarius Zodiac cat sitting on a post

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
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Sagittarius Zodiac cat on a deck

Cats that help regain faith in one's future...

Sagittarius cats are natural explorers, keen on investigating every nook and cranny of their abode and surroundings... Consequently, they may find themselves in situations requiring rescue, such as descending from a lofty tree pursued by curiosity or rescue from large birds of prey to whom your favorite decided to indicate who exactly is the sheriff of this district...

Restlessness characterizes Sagittarius cats, as they possess boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity for new experiences...

Sagittarius cats are exceptional healers for their human companions, alleviating physical and mental distress. Their mere presence, coupled with a soothing aura, helps individuals overcome serious illnesses and regain faith in their future...

Sagittarius cats are drawn to plants with large, striking, elongated, leathery leaves. Fruits, nuts, and chestnuts are particular favorites, satisfying their gourmet inclinations. Alocasias and Colocasias with their heart-shaped leaves and arrow-like (named also sagittate!) shouts, resonate well with both Sagittarius humans and Sagittarius cats, offering the vibrations necessary for achieving their goals. Opting for fragrant herbs, fruits, nuts, and aesthetically pleasing and fragrant flowering plants ensures the satisfaction of these feline aesthetes and gourmets.

Sagittarius Zodiac white cat with black bird

Note: The bird was fine and flew away! Sushi the Cat was very gentle.


Cat Horoscope
Scorpio Zodiac Cats 10/24-11/21

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Scorpio Zodiac cat with indoor plants

In the photos: Typical Scorpio cat Sonya, born 11-4-2010.

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
More >>

Scorpio Zodiac cat with seagull

Love all around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans...

Scorpio Cats exhibit a profound passion for life and love, extending not only to their own romantic affairs but also to the relationships of those around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans. These feline individuals thrive on being intricately involved in everything...

Scorpio Cats are inclined to assert dominance in any situation...

Scorpio Cats are known for their intense focus. Once they set their sights on something, they pursue it relentlessly, demonstrating fearlessness and a confrontational spirit...

One of the most distinctive traits of Scorpio Cats is their unwavering fidelity and loyalty. You’ve heard stories of cats separated from their families who travel miles to get back to them? They were probably all Scorpios!..

Scorpio Cats harbor a fondness for tall flowering shrubs and fragrant creepers with large blossoms. They possess a unique connection to scents, and while ordinary cats may recoil from potent odors, Scorpio Cats exhibit a particular affinity for select aromatic plants. For instance, while most cats are drawn to Catnip (Nepeta cataria) and Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis), Scorpio Cats go wild for the fragrances of Patchouli and Chinese Perfume Plant (Aglaia odorata). Even female perfumes containing oils from these plants bring the Scorpio Cat bliss, as they savor the scent and affectionately attend to the "mistress" of this aroma...

Scorpio Zodiac cat with flowers on a balcony


Cat Horoscope
Libra Zodiac Cats 09/23-10/23

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Libra Zodiac cat

Scooby, the Libra Cat

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
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Cats that change their minds...

...Like all representatives of the Libra sign, the temperament of Libra cats is characterized by variability... They frequently change their preferences, which can range from their food to their activities. What they love one day, they might completely ignore the next. One day Libra Cats can help you to plant flowers, next day or week, or until the wind changes, they fast dig out all that you planted on previous days…and so in everything!... Speaking of their preferences, all Libra cats have an affinity for plants... Continue reading >>

Libra Zodiac cat

Shaka, the Libra Cat