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Privacy Hedges with Benefits

Flowering hedge

What's the numero uno question we get bombarded with at Top Tropicals Nursery? Well, it's a real head-scratcher:

Q: "...Can you recommend me a flowering privacy hedge to spice up my yard's life? My current hedge is just a green wall and I'm tired of the monthly trim routine. I need something lively, fast-growing, and unusual if possible. No plain old ixora, please!.."

A: After over two decades of being the go-to advice-givers, we thought, "Why not spill the floral beans and share our tropical wisdom?" But where to begin? The jungle of flowering ornamentals is vast, and picking the perfect shrub is like finding the missing piece of a gardening puzzle. So, in our new column "Hedges with Benefits" we're dishing on those not-so-average shrubs that'll not only prettify your patch but also bring some serious practicality. Today's lineup is -

Top Ten Winners:
Fast growing flowering shrubs

Below is the top selection of spectacular flowering shrubs that can create a nice hedge or a natural screen within just a couple of seasons.

Flowering hedge Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree

Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree.
Grows super fast to a very tall dense hedge, and starts flowering right away. Full sun, very easy, not fussy about soil or water. Winter bloomer.

Flowering hedge Calliandra surinamensis - Powderpuff

Calliandra surinamensis - Powderpuff.
Pretty pink powderpuffs almost year around! Easy to prune.

Flowering hedge Dombeya x wallichii - Tropical Hydrangea

Dombeya x wallichii - Tropical Hydrangea.
You can see this beautiful bush right at Top Tropicals gate. Winter bloomer, large lush leaves and huge, pink hydrangea-like blooms. Very large and fast growing, likes water, tolerates shade.

Flowering hedge Acalypha hispida - Cat tail, Chenille plant

Acalypha hispida - Cat tail, Chenille plant.
All time favorite, everblooming with red cat tails! Full sun. Easy to control.

Flowering hedge Hibiscus variegated Snow Queen

Hibiscus variegated Snow Queen.
Popular landscape bush with unusual look, red flowers over snow white variegation, very showy! Responds well to pruning. Full sun.

Flowering hedge Leonotis leonurus - Lions Ears

Leonotis leonurus - Lions Ears.
Winter bloomer, great for low hedges. Covered with bright orange curious flowers, medium sized, easy to control at 3-4 ft. Full sun.

Flowering hedge Plumbago auriculata Imperial Blue

Plumbago auriculata Imperial Blue
One of the most popular Southern hedge plants, everblooming with bright blue flowers, tolerant to drought, heat, and poor soils. Can be maintained short or tall (2-6 ft).

Flowering hedge Eranthemum pulchellum - Blue Sage, Lead Flower

Eranthemum pulchellum - Blue Sage, Lead Flower.
Great for shady spots, winter bloomer with dark green leaves and unusual sky-blue flowers. Can be trimmed if needed. Nice and dense.

Flowering hedge Clerodendrum paniculatum - Pagoda Flower

Clerodendrum paniculatum - Pagoda Flower. Happy in the sun or shade, easy plant. Loves water.

Flowering hedge Tibouchina lepidota - Ecuador Princess, Jules 

Tibouchina lepidota - Ecuador Princess, Jules Dwarf.
Sun or shade, blooms on and off throughout the year. Beautiful Purple Princess!


Veterans Day: November 11
Special Deals

Veterans Day Cat

Our special Veterans Day sale on tropical plants is a salute to those who served! Enjoy this discount code - a small token of gratitude for our heroes:


Your savings with this code:
5% off orders $100+
10% off orders $150+
15% off orders $200+

Excluding S/H. Exp. 11-12-23

Mango & Avocado Super Sale!

Cat with mango and avocado

Instant 20% off Mango and Avocado trees

Celebrate Veterans Day with the taste of the tropics! Indulge in our exclusive offer on Mango and Avocado trees, available now at unbeatable prices. With the discount code above, your qualified purchase of these trees can be as low as:

$64 for Mango trees
$61 for Avocado trees

Hurry up! Limited time quantities - while supply lasts!

Avocado fruit on a branch

Cat with 


Cat Horoscope
Scorpio Zodiac Cats 10/24-11/21

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Scorpio Zodiac cat with indoor plants

In the photos: Typical Scorpio cat Sonya, born 11-4-2010.

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
More >>

Scorpio Zodiac cat with seagull

Love all around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans...

Scorpio Cats exhibit a profound passion for life and love, extending not only to their own romantic affairs but also to the relationships of those around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans. These feline individuals thrive on being intricately involved in everything...

Scorpio Cats are inclined to assert dominance in any situation...

Scorpio Cats are known for their intense focus. Once they set their sights on something, they pursue it relentlessly, demonstrating fearlessness and a confrontational spirit...

One of the most distinctive traits of Scorpio Cats is their unwavering fidelity and loyalty. You’ve heard stories of cats separated from their families who travel miles to get back to them? They were probably all Scorpios!..

Scorpio Cats harbor a fondness for tall flowering shrubs and fragrant creepers with large blossoms. They possess a unique connection to scents, and while ordinary cats may recoil from potent odors, Scorpio Cats exhibit a particular affinity for select aromatic plants. For instance, while most cats are drawn to Catnip (Nepeta cataria) and Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis), Scorpio Cats go wild for the fragrances of Patchouli and Chinese Perfume Plant (Aglaia odorata). Even female perfumes containing oils from these plants bring the Scorpio Cat bliss, as they savor the scent and affectionately attend to the "mistress" of this aroma...

Scorpio Zodiac cat with flowers on a balcony


How to grow a happy Moringa Tree

Moringa tree in the garden

Q: We purchased some tropical edible and medicinal plants from you in August this year. I have a question pertaining to our Moringa tree. When we purchased it, it was about two foot tall. It has put on tremendous growth and is now a little under ten foot tall. My question is, should a Moringa be losing lower leaves at this point? The bare limbs are still green and the top looks to have healthy green leaves.

A: Thank you for choosing our Moringa tree, and sharing the picture. It's great to see that your tree appears healthy and happy - it's a resilient plant. Given the relatively dry Fall we've experienced this year, a little extra water can make a significant difference.

Here are some suggestions to ensure your Moringa thrives:

Moringa branch with flowers

Watering: While Moringa is generally drought-tolerant, during dry periods, in addition to relying on your lawn sprinkler system, add some extra water with a hose. Adequate moisture is crucial for maintaining healthy foliage.

Pest Control: Moringa is not only a nutritious plant for humans but also attracts pests that appreciate its medicinal properties :) If you notice insect damage on the leaves, consider spraying with Neem oil or using an over-the-counter systemic insecticide containing imidacloprid or a similar ingredient.

Seasonal Behavior: Moringa trees are semi-deciduous to deciduous, and their leaf-shedding behavior can vary depending on the climate. In Florida, for instance, it's common for Moringa trees to shed leaves in the Fall. However, this is a natural process, and you can expect new growth in the Spring.

Fertilizing for Vigorous Growth: To promote the most vigorous growth of your Moringa tree and other plants in your garden, consider implementing a fertilizing program. If using dry, slow-release fertilizers, apply them only during the active growth season: from March through November. If you're looking for a year-round solution, liquid amino acid-based formulas like Sunshine Boosters can be a great option. You can easily add them to your watering routine or use injectors like The Robuster for convenient and consistent feeding. If you're planning to expand your garden with other medicinal plants or an edible forest, The Robuster smart fertilizing system is an excellent choice, offering the most efficient, care-free way to nourish your plants with natural nutrients throughout the year.

The Robuster

This garden doubled the size during just one season under the Robuster care.


How to establish Tabernaemontana
and get more fragrant blooms

abernaemontana australis flowers

Q: I purchased Tabernaemontana australis from you back in June of this year and it recovered just fine, but the new growth got some chlorosis.  Older leaves still look normal.  The flowers also look normal but lack fragrance.  Since I live up north, I have it in a heated greenhouse for the winter, with a grow light to compensate for the short days.  I have it in a 10 inch clay pot in a mix of equal parts standard indoor potting soil, peat moss, and perlite.  It gets fed with half strength 10-10-10 about once a month on average. Is there some specific culture that you would recommend for this plant ? I really love it and want it to thrive.

A: Tabernaemontana is a plant that may take some time to establish itself, and leaf chlorosis often becomes a common issue when the root system is not well-established. This symptom is indicative of Iron deficiency, and possibly other micro-element deficiencies, such as Boron or Molybdenum, which become more apparent when the plant receives excessive water. This problem tends to intensify as temperatures drop, particularly when a combination of cool and wet conditions prevails. It's worth noting that your potting mix seems to be appropriate for this plant.

In light of these circumstances, we recommend the following steps:

1) Reduce watering during the cooler season, especially when daylight hours are shorter. Allow the top layer of the soil to dry before watering again.

2) Consider supplementing with microelements using a product like  Sunshine Superfood. You can apply this as a foliar spray and mix it with your watering can.

3) Maintain your regular fertilizing program throughout the winter months, but ensure that you use only liquid amino-acid fertilizer, such as  Sunshine Megaflor. Follow the instructions on the label for the correct dosage and apply it with each watering, even during the winter. Since you will be reducing amount of water, the amount of fertilizer also will be adjusted accordingly.
Important: do not use any dry fertilizers during winter months (Nov-March).

Regarding the fragrance of the flowers, they typically emit a mild, sweet scent, although it may not be as potent as that of gardenia or jasmine. The strongest aroma usually becomes more prominent during warm (but not excessively hot) and humid conditions, particularly in the morning hours. As the plant grows larger and healthier, the fragrance should become more intense because the flowers produce more essential oil when the plant is robust. You may also apply Sunshine Honey supplement to improve flower quality and fragrance strength.

abernaemontana australis bush


Happy Parrots Beak

Link to YouTube Video

Introducing Parrots Beak: a whimsical and vibrant shrub, with funny flowers that mimic the playful antics of a parrot, with its pendant branches and joyful handstand-like leaves... This low-maintenance, sun-loving plant adds a touch of the tropics and endless whimsy to your garden, making it a butterfly magnet!

Looking to add some funny Parrot's Beak to your life? Order large plants - Gmelina philippensis - Parrots Beak - right now while we have them!

Gmelina philippensis - Parrots Beak

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Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


Calathea Zebrina: Nature's Zebra Striped Star

Calathea Zebrina - Zebra Plant

Q: Can you recommend a showy houseplant for a living room that doesn't need much care?

A: Meet the Calathea Zebrina - Zebra Plant, the zebra-striped sensation straight from the Brazilian rainforests. This charismatic plant is like a piece of living art for your home! The Calathea Zebrina isn't just a houseplant; it's a conversation starter and a slice of jungle magic right in your living room. Get ready to embrace the zebra-stripes and let your home's wild side shine!

Calathea Zebrina - Zebra Plant

Zebra Stripes with a Twist:
With its bold dark green stripes on a velvety light green canvas, the Zebra Plant adds a touch of nature's whimsy to any room. It's like having a zebra with a green thumb as your housemate. The underside of the leaves are purple and not always visible because leaves grow horizontally (although some will curve or grow more upright).

Low-Light Lover:
Not only is it easy on the eyes, but it's also easy to care for. The Zebra Plant thrives in low light conditions, so you don't need to rearrange your whole house just to keep it happy. It even tolerates a little over-watering which all of us tend to do with house plants.

Green with Envy:
This plant may make your other houseplants a bit envious with its captivating appearance. Its zebra stripes aren't just a fashion statement; they're a botanical masterpiece. Keep it even greener with Sunshine Robusta plant food - safe to use year around!

A Slice of Serenity:
In a world that's always in a hurry, the Zebra Plant is a gentle reminder to slow down, appreciate nature's beauty, and bring a touch of tranquility to your space.

Calathea Zebrina - Zebra Plant


Prepare your plants for Winter with Sunshine Boosters

Tropical Plants on Winter Windowsill

We usually stop using dry slow-release fertilizers from November to March. However, liquid Sunshine Boosters, which are natural plant food, can be used all year. They help your plants survive winter. When it gets colder, we water less, so the fertilizer decreases too. The plants only use what they need. To learn more about how Sunshine Boosters work and why they're safe and helpful, check out this blog: Using Sunshine Booster during Winter.

Sunshine boosters formulas

Apart from giving your plants nutrients during winter, you also can improve their ability to handle the cold. Try the Sunshine Boosters supplement kit for tropical plants. Follow the schedule and use three different supplements: SUNSHINE Superfood, SUNSHINE Epi, and SUNSHINE-Power-Si. Read more about treatment with Sunshine boosters supplement kit.

Sunshine boosters supplement kit

Sunshine boosters supplement kit


Growing Barbados Cherry in container

Barbados Cherry fruit on the branch

Q: I am interested in buying some Barbados cherry plants. Could you please advise if these can be grown in containers indefinitely or it's still better for them to be planted in ground for nutrients etc?

A: The Barbados cherry, like other tropical cherry varieties, is exceptionally well-suited for cultivation in containers.

Barbados cherry grows into a dense bush, demands minimal pruning, and begins bearing fruit at a young age. Our plants, which are propagated from cuttings, initiate the flowering and fruiting process in the very same year. They produce fruit almost year around. This year we've had three big crops: April, July and October (still fruiting now!) besides sporadic fruiting throughout the warm season.

Barbados Cherry branches with fruit

You can cultivate Barbados cherry in a pot, commencing with a 1-3 gallon container and gradually increasing the size each year. Below is a photo of a fully developed tree in the ground, for reference. This tree is approaching its third year of growth. When grown in a container, it maintains a more compact size, with the largest container needed likely being between 7 to 15 gallons. Regular pruning can be employed to keep it smaller.

 Barbados Cherry bush in the ground

Photo above: Barbados Cherry bush in the ground

Barbados cherry (Malpighia) possesses a distinct growth pattern that sets it apart from other tropical cherry varieties - Eugenias. Malpighia's branches can assume peculiar shapes, even at angles of up to 90 degrees. Therefore, pruning to achieve the desired shape is advantageous.

Additionally, you may want to explore the Dwarf Barbados cherry, a miniature cherry variety ideal for container cultivation, with cascading growth habit. Although its fruits are slightly smaller than those of the regular variety, they are notably sweeter.

Dwarf Barbados Cherry branches with fruit

Photo above: Dwarf Barbados Cherry fruit

When it comes to ensuring the health and vitality of your potted Barbados cherry plants, maintaining a consistent nutrient supply is crucial. Implementing a regular fertilization regimen is essential to promote robust growth, consistent flowering, and bountiful fruit production. For optimal results, we recommend using Sunshine Boosters, which are specially formulated to enhance the development of fruits and edibles. These boosters are derived from organic amino acids, making them environmentally friendly and safe for year-round use. By incorporating Sunshine Boosters C-Cibus into your plant care routine, you can ensure that your container-grown Barbados cherry plants receive the essential nutrients they need to thrive and flourish.

Barbados Cherry in the ground

Photo above: Dwarf Barbados Cherry in the ground

Barbados Cherry in a pot


Cat Horoscope
Libra Zodiac Cats 09/23-10/23

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Libra Zodiac cat

Scooby, the Libra Cat

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
More >>

Cats that change their minds...

...Like all representatives of the Libra sign, the temperament of Libra cats is characterized by variability... They frequently change their preferences, which can range from their food to their activities. What they love one day, they might completely ignore the next. One day Libra Cats can help you to plant flowers, next day or week, or until the wind changes, they fast dig out all that you planted on previous days…and so in everything!... Speaking of their preferences, all Libra cats have an affinity for plants... Continue reading >>

Libra Zodiac cat

Shaka, the Libra Cat