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Medinilla Gregori Hambali
an Exquisite Natural Wonder

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Welcome to the world of the Medinilla var. Gregori Hambali originated in Papua New Guinea! Prepare to be enchanted by this botanical marvel that showcases vibrant pink flowers gracefully cascading down its stems. The lush foliage, with its deep green color and bright mauve undersides, adds an extra layer of visual appeal, making it a true standout.

What makes this plant truly remarkable is its resilience and versatility. It thrives in moderate light conditions and can adapt well to varying levels of humidity, making it an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor settings. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting your plant journey, the Medinilla var. Gregori Hambali is sure to flourish under your care.

Caring for this exquisite beauty is a delight in itself. Regular watering and occasional misting are all it needs to flourish, rewarding you with lush foliage and an abundance of blooms. Watching this plant thrive and transform your space into a botanical paradise is an incredibly rewarding experience.

Elevate your surroundings with the captivating Medinilla Gregori Hambali. Its mesmerizing beauty and enchanting presence will captivate your senses and bring joy to your heart. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the wonders of this botanical masterpiece. Treat yourself to this magnificent beauty and be prepared to be amazed. This plant won't disappoint!

Medinilla Gregori Hambali flowers

Medinilla Gregori Hambali

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healing drops of blood

Pomegranate fruit

The pomegranate, a treasured fruit with ornamental and medicinal value, has a rich history. Native to regions from Iran to the Himalayas, it spread across the Mediterranean in ancient times. Theophrastus described it over 300 years before Christ. Legends abound, including its association with the Garden of Eden's "tree of life," symbolizing hope and eternal life in Christian art. The fruit's many seeds became a symbol of fertility. Its erect calyx-lobes inspired Solomon's crown. Egyptians cultivated it, and dried fruits were found in Bronze Age tombs. Moses reassured the Israelites of finding pomegranates in the Promised Land. Its allure and medicinal properties inspired myths, epics, and artworks, transcending time and cultures. Some scholars even suggest it was the fruit in the Garden of Eden, not an apple...

The gemstone garnet, named after the fruit due to its resemblance to pomegranate "pits," carries significance in Slavic languages as "Granat." Believed to bring luck in love and friendship, this precious stone holds an association with the pomegranate's symbolic value.

Pomegranates have been consumed by man since before recorded history. From ancient times, the fruit was valued for its medicinal properties. Consuming the fruit will help to improve blood quality. The tiny beads of fruit, full of precious oil and juice, are brilliant as drops of blood or rubies. These "drops of blood" from the pomegranate when consumed will help to build healthy red blood cells, according to the ancients who wrote the "Law of Similars". According to Ayurveda obese persons should consume the pomegranate fruit as it will improve metabolism and assist in the weight loosening. There is a saying in Hindi - "Ek anaar sau bemaar" - meaning one pomegranate can serve one hundred sick people.

Pomegranate tree is easy to grow in your garden. Many varieties exist, and every one has its special features...

Pumegranate tree with fruit


10 tips how to care of tropical garden
during hot Summer

Cats in shade of tropical plants

Q: Do you have any special recommendations how to take care of plants during hot season, to reduce heat strees?

A: Tropical plants prefer temperatures of 70-90F, except for heat-adapted desert plants. High temperatures above 90F can cause slowed metabolism and signs of stress like wilting, yellowing, and leaf drop. Hot and humid conditions attract pests and fungal diseases. To keep your plants stress-free and healthy, during Summer:

1. Monitor temperature and signs of stress.
2. Provide shade to regulate heat exposure: use shade cloth or simply a sheet of fabric as needed to protect lush foliage from burns.
3. Choose heat-tolerant plant varieties.
4. Plant in groups and levels, with trees protecting smaller shade loving plants (see companion planting).
5. Water deeply in the morning or evening to prevent evaporation.
6. Mulch to conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature.
7. Air: ensure good air circulation.
8. Trim damaged foliage and crowded branches.
9. Fertilize: use appropriate fertilization to improve plant heat tolerance. Remember, plants need lots of food during active growth period.
10. Remove weeds, pests, and diseases promptly.

Tibouchina multiflora (grandifolia) - Glory bush, Quaresmeira

In the photo: Tibouchina multiflora (grandifolia) - Glory bush, Quaresmeira, one of the most impressive flowering plants for tropical gardens, with impressive, large velvet leaves and beautiful purple flowers. It blooms in both sun or shade!


ABC7 Fort Myers News:
Avocado Varieties at Top Tropicals

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We continue the series of ABC-7 News on Top Tropicals selections. Previously, we showed you segments about Butterfly Plants, Rare Fruit Trees, and Mango varieties. Today's video is about growing an Avocado tree in your home garden.

Growing your own avocado tree has many benefits. You can enjoy fresh, delicious avocados right from your garden. Avocado trees are attractive, provide shade, and enhance your landscape. There are many avocado varieties to choose from, offering unique flavors, sizes, and ripening times. You will find Avocado trees for sale online right here at TopTropicals.com. Our trees can be shipped to you!

Watch the news segment by Rachel Anderson for ABC-7:
Avocado Varieties at Top Tropicals.

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Avocado trees in 3 gal pots


What is Akee?

Grow Your Own Food

Akee fruit on the branch

Q: What is Akee and how do you eat it? Is it a fruit or a vegetable?

A: Blighia sapida, commonly known as Akee, holds a special place as the Jamaican National Fruit. The fruit of this medium size, fast growing subtropical tree is used as a vegetable, is renowned for its delicious taste, vibrant red pods, and creamy texture. Akee is primarily grown in Jamaica and is an integral part of Jamaican cuisine. Its unique ripening process and the need for careful preparation make it distinctive.

The fruit starts off green and gradually transforms into a vibrant red hue when it matures. To enjoy Akee, the pods must be harvested when fully ripe, and the skin should be orange to red. They are then carefully opened, revealing three distinct sections: the creamy white or yellow flesh, the central seed, and a thin, dark membrane. The seed and the membrane are not edible, only the ripe yellow flesh is consumed, which has a soft, buttery consistency and a mild, nutty flavor.

Akee is often cooked and served in various traditional Jamaican dishes. It is famously paired with salted codfish, creating the popular national dish known as "Ackee and Saltfish." This dish is a flavorful combination of sauteed Akee with flaked salted codfish, onions, peppers, tomatoes, and spices. Akee is also used in stews, curries, and salads, adding a rich and distinct taste to the culinary preparations.

Beyond its culinary significance, Akee holds cultural and historical importance in Jamaica. It is believed to have been brought to the Caribbean region from West Africa during the transatlantic slave trade era. Today, Akee symbolizes national pride and is a source of cultural identity for Jamaicans.

Akee tree is fast growing and easy to grow. It will start producing within 2-3 years after planting.

Akee fruit on a plate

Akee fruit on a tree


Repotting tropical plants

Orange cat with indoor plants

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Q: When is the best time to repot tropical plants?

A: Repotting tropical plants is vital for their overall health and growth. The best time to repot them is during the Spring through early Summer, when they start active growth.

Start by selecting a well-draining soil mix that consists of equal parts potting soil, peat moss, and perlite. Gather the necessary supplies, including a slightly larger pot, the soil mix, and a good fertilizer

Carefully remove the plant from its current pot, trim any damaged branches, and place it in the new pot with fresh soil mix. Be sure to position the plant with the growth point slightly above the soil level. Water the plant thoroughly but avoid overwatering. After repotting, find an appropriate location with suitable lighting conditions for your plant. Monitor the moisture levels and water when the top inch of the soil feels dry.

Additionally, apply the appropriate Sunshine Boosters fertilizer according to the instructions on the packaging. Use Sunshine Boosters fertilizers for specific plant needs (Robusta for foliage, Megaflor for flowering, Ananas for pineapples, etc.). It is safe to apply Sunshine Boosters all year around. Keep a close eye on the plant for any signs of stress or issues and adjust your care routine as needed. Help the plant to cope with stress by spraying with solution of Sunshine Epi.

Enjoy the beauty of your thriving indoor tropical garden!

repotting a plant


ABC7 Fort Myers News:
Mango Varieties at Top Tropicals

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We continue the series of ABC-7 News on Top Tropicals selections. Previously, we showed you segments about Butterfly Plants and Rare Fruit Trees. Today's video will show you how to pick the best mango tree and how to take care of it.

At Top Tropicals, we have over a hundred varieties of mango, from Dwarf "Condo" mangoes to large upright trees, from colorful fruit to green Asian varieties. We have them all! And we can ship them to your door. Top Tropicals is open seven days a week, and their staff can answer all of your questions.

Watch the news segment by Rachel Anderson for ABC-7:
Mango Varieties at Top Tropicals .

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Mango trees

Mango trees in 3 gal pots


PeopleCats of the month:
Cat Brothers

Two brother cats for Gemini Zodiac

Photo above: You've met before Georgie and Philemon but you probably didn't know they were brothers. Not twins, because they were from litters following each other, so Georgie is the older brother. But they both are very smart, maybe their mother taught them the same tricks.
Photo below: Wesley and Marco are actually real twins... but they are so different! Fat and skinny, lazy and crazy, quiet and loud, velvet and fluffy. But they are both very sweet and loving!

Gemini Cats and their Zodiac

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Today's story is about Gemini cats.
They are known for their exceptional communication skills. They are undoubtedly quite the chatty felines! With a diverse repertoire of meows, and it's up to us humans to decipher their messages. These cats possess remarkable intelligence, capable of uttering words like 'hello' and posing 'why?' questions, even when they are just kittens. If you happen to leave paint around, be prepared for Gemini cats to step in it and leave paw print messages around the house. It's their way of communicating in a feline code that may elude our comprehension.

Two gray brother cats for Gemini Zodiac


Top Tropicals TikTok Reels:
Starfish Flower - Stapelia gigantea

Starfish Flower - Stapelia gigantea, Top Tropicals TikTok

Calling all Exotic Gardeners!

Discover a botanical amusement on our TikTok channel! Unearth rare plants, bizarre and strange flowers, and hidden treasures from around the globe. Join our passionate community and let's explore the extraordinary together. Follow us at tiktok.com/@toptropicals and unlock a world of captivating green wonders!

Our first reel is introducing Stapelia gigantea - Starfish Flower, Giant Toad Flower, Carrion Flower... This is one of the largest flowers in the plant world!...

Starfish Flower - Stapelia gigantea, inside the flower

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