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Date: 1 Jul 2022, Entry id: 1656678962-1

New video: Cheena
Jackfruit x Chempedak Natural Hybrid - Jackedak

YouTube video Cheena Jackedack

Jack-edak is a highly recommended variety grown in TopTropicals garden from a seedling of Cheena (Jackfruit x Chempedak) that fruited for us within 3 years from planting. The fruit (20-25" size) is probably the best we ever tasted! It is super sweet, crunchy and has a rich, pleasant, excellent flavor. It has very little latex which makes it easy to handle when cutting up. The tree produces at the very base of the trunk, so you can prune it as short as you want. Our tree survived light frosts as well as 48 hours of 3 ft flooding, with no damage! Cheena is a natural hybrid between Jackfruit and Chempedak. The tree has an open, low and spreading growth habit and can be maintained at a height and spread of 8 ft with annual pruning. Cheena is a consistent producer. The fruit are up to 25 lbs, long, narrow and uniform in size and shape. The skin is green, with blunt spines that yellow and open slightly upon maturity. Comes true from seed.

Cheena - Jackfruit x Chempedak Natural Hybrid - Jackedak

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