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Grow Your Own Food...
Affordable for everyone!

Grow your own food

Grow Food Not Lawns - this is the theme for our Garden party. But it's much more than that. It's a philosophy and a state of mind. One that more and more people are adopting as the world's food supply continues to dwindle and get more expensive...
Like all things plant and garden related, each of us can adopt this state of mind at whatever level we're capable of and comfortable with. Many of our customers just want to start small and see what it's all about. After all, the world of tropical plants can be more than just beautiful, it can be sustaining as well!

Growing your own food is more than just about price, it's also about quality, choices and availability. As you watch the choices, and quality of store bought food go down and prices continue to go up, maybe it's time to grow more of your own food?

Fun Facts

- A mature mango tree can produce 200 to 300 fruit per year
- A single avocado tree is capable of producing 500 avocados in one year
- A mature papaya plant can produce as many as 100 fruits per growing season
- One longevity spinach plant can provide you with a fresh supply of healthy spinach leaves all the time!

At Top Tropicals we offer a wide selection of fruit, including mango and avocado, and even spinach to get you started and to continue down the road on your own self sustaining journey. Even better, to help you with your food project, we have not only added to our varieties, but we have reduced prices on many items to make it even more affordable and enjoyable!

Who is cutting prices in today's world?! - We are, because...

...it's important that we do what we can to make it easier for our customers!

We have Avocados starting at only $49.95 and Mangos as low as $79.95, with dozens of varieties in stock! Use our discount coupons to save even more, and if you're local or in Fort Myers, stop by our Garden Center and save even more!

Mango fruit


Mango trees: how to deal with cold weather

Mango lights

By Ed Jones, the Mango guy

...Well, you did it didn’t you? You love fresh mangoes, don’t you? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to pick your own mango fresh off a tree in your back yard?
So you bought a mango tree hoping to do just that. You are in USDA growing zone 10 or 11 aren't you? If so, you should have no problems with weather extremes other than possibly an occasional frost in zone 10A. If you can cover your tree, you will not likely see any damage. But what if you are a little further north and you have decided to try your luck on the magnificent mango fruit tree? Mangoes are a tropical fruit tree best grown in tropical zones with temperatures that stay above 40F. If you are in zone 9A or 9B, you may still have luck growing a mango tree...


New Video: What to do when your mango tree freezes?

Link to YouTube Video

...It's a happy warm Summer and we hate to think about cold weather. However, when buying a tropical Mango tree, be ready to protect it when winter comes!
In this video we explain how to properly take care of your mango tree after a freeze or frost. We give you step by step directions to ensure your tree has the best chance for survival.....

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Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


Top Story: The little mango tree that could

Mango Tree

By Ed Jones, the Mango Guy

"...Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing. You are just talking..."
- Wangari Maathai -

This is the story of the little mango tree that could. From the beginning, it has been a fighter and has come through its latest battle with a few scars, but it is still going...
...On January 30, the unthinkable happened. Cold weather was coming. We had a low of under 25F on that Sunday morning...
...Then, on April 4, 2022 we had a very bad hail storm... Hail stones up to 3" fell for 20 minutes...
Learn more about what happened and see this mango tree today... What helped it to survive and also what will help it to grow back into a beautiful tree?

For information on how to shape your mango trees, see this video:

Annona - Golden Sugar Apple youtube video

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Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!

More specials
with instant 30% OFF!

Real Deal PeopleCats

No min order. Exp. 5-22-22.

Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree1213 Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree from Top Tropicals

Jackfruit tree Super Thai (Artocarpus 
4334 Jackfruit tree Super Thai (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $51.06

Buy Jackfruit tree Super Thai (Artocarpus heterophyllus) from Top 

Persimmon tree Native American, Low chill, Diospyros virginiana
3500 Persimmon tree Native American, Low chill, Diospyros virginiana
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Persimmon tree Native American, Low chill, Diospyros virginiana from Top 

Bauhinia variegata purple - Orchid Tree
2728 Bauhinia variegata purple - Orchid Tree
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $30.07

Buy Bauhinia variegata purple - Orchid Tree from Top Tropicals

Vernonia fulta - Tropical Aster, Ironweed, 
5647 Vernonia fulta - Tropical Aster, Ironweed, Bitterleaf
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Vernonia fulta - Tropical Aster, Ironweed, Bitterleaf from Top 

Monstera deliciosa (Philodendron pertusum) - Swiss cheese 
2988 Monstera deliciosa (Philodendron pertusum) - Swiss cheese plant
Grown in
6-10"/1-3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Monstera deliciosa (Philodendron pertusum) - Swiss cheese plant from Top 

Pavonia multiflora - Brazilian 
2710 Pavonia multiflora - Brazilian Candles
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Pavonia multiflora - Brazilian Candles from Top Tropicals

Jasminum mesnyi - Japanese Jasmine
1120 Jasminum mesnyi - Japanese Jasmine
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Jasminum mesnyi - Japanese Jasmine from Top Tropicals

Alocasia Imperial Red
6785 Alocasia Imperial Red
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Alocasia Imperial Red from Top Tropicals

Justicia Fruit 
2100 Justicia Fruit Cocktail
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $12.57

Buy Justicia Fruit Cocktail from Top Tropicals

Kopsia arborea (pruniformis) - 
2509 Kopsia arborea (pruniformis) - Pin-Mala
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $16.07

Buy Kopsia arborea (pruniformis) - Pin-Mala from Top Tropicals

Alpinia x purpurata - Hot Pink Cone 
6020 Alpinia x purpurata - Hot Pink Cone Ginger
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Alpinia x purpurata - Hot Pink Cone Ginger from Top Tropicals


Top Tropicals Team in Ukraine

Top Tropicals Research tem: Fedor 

The tragedy hits quite close to home for Top Tropicals as we have a number of friends and associates who are currently in the Ukraine. These kind and hardworking people have contributed significantly to the success of Top Tropicals, most specifically our line of Sunshine Boosters fertilizers...
Top Tropicals has a research and development center in Ukraine. Where we develop SB plant fertilizer and number of new and exciting products, including Carefree Garden Complete Greenhouse/Grow Room Controller...

Our Ukrainian Team members are:

Fedor Shabliy - a brilliant chemist. Under his supervision the Sunshine Boosters series was developed, and then tested by local farmers in the Ukraine.
Oksana Shabliy (chemist)
Anton Tkachenko (mechanical and electronic engineer)
Roman Bidyuk (software developer)
Igor Kayun (software developer)
Igor Sushelnitsky (software and electronic engineer)
Olga Ozerova (project manager)
They have families, kids...


Top Tropicals Ukraine Research tem

Top Tropicals: Learn more about this subject

Ukraine 2022: Protecting windows from shuttering

Cardboard window shutters to protect against broken glass...

Sunshine Boosters Special

With all this in mind, we are earmarking a percentage of all Sunshine Booster sales for this team of friends to aid in their living expenses and full recovery. In order to give back to our team in Ukraine, we are offering the following Sunshine Boosters Garden Series items at a discounted price:

Your purchase helps support Ukraine!

Sunshine C-Cibus 1 gallon
Sunshine Mango Tango 1 gallon
Sunshine Megaflor 1 gallon
Sunshine Robusta 1 gallon
Currently priced at 33% off reg price!

In addition, we will also donate $5.00 from each purchase to help Support Ukraine.

Spring is the time to fertilize and all of you will be getting some food for your plants. So get your plants Sunshine Boosters - the Fertilizer that Works, developed in Ukraine. Help us to support our Ukrainian Research Team! As always, we appreciate the support of our loyal community of Top Tropicals customers and enthusiasts.

Top Tropicals: Shop our online 


How to survive Winter in South Central Florida

A touching story

by Ed Jones, the Booster Guy

Top Tropicals: How to survive winter in South Central Florida

...As much of the country is still in the midst of winter, I believe the worst has passed for us here in the South Central part of Florida...
...This Winter, almost all of zone 9b and some of zone 10a had frost and many had a hard freeze...
...Now, many of us here in this part of the state enjoy growing subtropical plants and trees. There are many that grow well here and most can handle a frost or even a dip to the high 20s for a short time. Smaller and more recently planted trees and bushes are most at risk...
...At the Top Tropicals nursery here in Sebring, home to over 20,000 plants, we scrambled for several days to try to protect as many of our plants as possible. We moved smaller plants into some of our hoop houses that had propane heaters...
...After 2 weeks of moving plants in and out of protection, we were all pretty worn out; happy that everything survived and hoping that we would not have to do that again anytime soon. Slowly, things at the nursery are beginning to resemble our old normal. Seeds are being planted, cuttings are continuing to grow and grafting season will be upon us soon. We are all very happy for that...
...What to do and not to do when the freeze is coming and you have mango, avocado, and other tropical fruit trees and tender tropicals? Here is some news from the Orchard and many more coming... check it out and stay with our updates to learn more!


Top Tropicals: Learn more about this subject

Top Tropicals: Winter greenhouse 


Avocado Q & A

Sensation: Avocado 2.5 y.o seedling just bloomed!

Ed's Avocado seedling blooming at age 2.5 years old... Go figure!

Q: Can I plant a seed from a store bought avocado and expect it to bear fruit?

A: Avocados grown from seed do not always come true, meaning being the same as the avocado that produced the seed being planted. Also, avocados grown from seed will take upwards of 8 years to flower and bear fruit unless grown by Ed Jones and his witchcraft. Ed Jones, the Avocado Guy... Yes, he is also the Mango Guy, and the Booster Guy... We don't know how he does it. He grows the most beautiful fruit trees, many of them from seed and they all seem to flower within two years! (See his blogs about his Star Fruit, Olive trees, and video about Shaping Mango Trees). All we know for sure, he uses Sunshine Boosters for all his plant experiments.
As far as Avocado , we recommend a grafted variety, where a scion, or branch tip, of a known cultivar is grafted to good rootstock. These trees will usually flower right away and bear good amount of fruit within a couple of years of being planted in the ground.
It's a good chance now to get a good grafted Avocado on our special Happy Value Sale while supply lasts, for only $59.95.

Happy Value Avocados

Limited 2 trees per customer. Limited time offer, while supply lasts.

Photo above: TopTropicals Avocados 2022


Is Ugly Betty mango ugly or awesome?

A note from our customer

"...Hello my name is Gary, I bought your Ugly Betty Mango tree a little over a year ago. When I saw your photo I thought to myself why are they calling this mango ugly Betty? It doesn't look ugly at all to me. It was a deep yellowish orange with a little red to it round so what is so ugly about it? Once the fruit started developing on my tree I thought - now I understand, it's such an odd shape! However, it looks nothing like your photo and personally I thought this mango should be called Awesome Mango! I did not find it ugly at all. Here's a photo of what you call an ugly mango Betty..."

Sunshine Mango Tango.
Plant Food for every Mango to be Awesome


New Video:
Shaping your Mango Trees

by Ed Jones, the Mango Guy (and the Boosters Guy)

Learn how to shape your mango trees using a technique known as tipping. Tipping your mangos will help to develop more branches and will give the tree more places to flower and produce fruit.


See more by Ed Jones:
How to prune mango trees for best shape and production

...Why should you prune your mango trees? There are at least 3 reasons.

  1. A good foundation is the key to strong growth and a shapely tree.
  2. If you get your mango tree started off on the right foot with a strong foundation, it becomes much easier to keep it shaped nicely.
  3. It will be forced to produce more branches allowing for more places for fruit production.


    Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


    See all available mango varieties from our store.


Mango Talk: How to prune mango trees for best shape and production

by Ed Jones, the Booster Guy

...Why should you prune your mango trees? There are a few reasons.
First, a good foundation is the key to strong growth and a shapely tree.
Second, if you get your mango tree started off on the right foot with a strong foundation, it becomes much easier to keep it shaped nicely.
And third - it will be forced to produce more branches allowing for more places for fruit production...

...We received our Mango tree in late February of 2020 as a relatively small plant in 3 gal pot...
...The opening photo was taken just last week and you can see that as she grows, her shape is very nice...
...She is now about 7' tall and just as wide. She has a great foundation and a lot of branches. We also have less grass to mow. She also got her very own marker painted on a brick:

...We have also enlarged the circle of mulched area under the tree to allow it to be able to get nutrients from it's SUNSHINE Boosters Mango Tango without having to compete with the grass. This is one mistake that I see frequently in my neighborhood with all trees...