In this video we talk about growing your own Akee tree so you can have
delicious Jamaican meals without going to a Jamaican restaurant!
Akee is a rare fruit tree that is hard to find. It is a National fruit of Jamaica and delicious when fried! The tree is easy in cultivation, fast growing and can be maintained compact. It is relatively cold tolerant for being a
tropical tree. It will start fruiting for you the next season, you don't have to wait long. Sometimes it fruits twice a year!..
Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at
and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!
"...How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate
our heroes and she-roes..." - Maya Angelou -
On May 30, people across the nation will make it a point to remember and
honor the many sacrifices of military service members who have given their
lives for our country. Celebrate this important day with us by planting a tree in memory of our heroes - and here is your 22%
"...Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water
it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing. You are just talking..." - Wangari Maathai -
This is the story of the little mango tree that could. From the
beginning, it has been a fighter and has come through its latest battle with a few
scars, but it is still going...
...On January 30, the unthinkable happened. Cold weather was coming. We had
a low of under 25F on that Sunday morning...
...Then, on April 4, 2022 we had a very bad hail storm... Hail stones up to
3" fell for 20 minutes... Learn more about what happened and see this mango tree today... What
helped it to survive and also what will help it to grow back into a beautiful
Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at
and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!
"...Time spent among trees is never time wasted..."
- Katrina Mayer -
One of the most impressive and massive trees in the world - Ceiba pentandra - Kapok Tree. A majestic tropical tree! The ancient Maya of Central America
believed that a great Ceiba tree stood at the center of the earth... Would you
like to try growing it in the center of your backyard? Considering it will
take decades to grow this big...
Ficus macrophylla (Banyan). Did you know that exotic Banyan Trees are close related to Fig trees?..
...As much of the country is still in the midst of winter, I believe the
worst has passed for us here in the South Central part of Florida...
...This Winter, almost all of zone 9b and some of zone 10a had frost and
many had a hard freeze...
...Now, many of us here in this part of the state enjoy growing subtropical
plants and trees. There are many that grow well here and most can handle a
frost or even a dip to the high 20s for a short time. Smaller and more
recently planted trees and bushes are most at risk...
...At the Top Tropicals nursery here in Sebring, home to over 20,000
plants, we scrambled for several days to try to protect as many of our plants as
possible. We moved smaller plants into some of our hoop houses that had propane
...After 2 weeks of moving plants in and out of protection, we were all
pretty worn out; happy that everything survived and hoping that we would not
have to do that again anytime soon. Slowly, things at the nursery are beginning
to resemble our old normal. Seeds are being planted, cuttings are continuing
to grow and grafting season will be upon us soon. We are all very happy for
...What to do and not to do when the freeze is coming and you have mango,
avocado, and other tropical fruit trees and tender tropicals? Here is some
news from the Orchard and many more coming... check it out and stay with our
updates to learn more!
...The most popular garden radio show Garden America is featuring Top
Tropicals topic "5 most practical and rewarding fruit trees for subtropical areas".
Jackfruit Orange Crush (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
...We recently obtained this variety and it is hands down the best Jackfruit we ever tasted. It is
crunchy, sweet, aromatic, with bright orange pulp...
Dwarf Guava Hawaiian Rainbow (Psidium nana)
- A very small version of the favorite aromatic Guava.
- Grows only up to 5-6 ft tall with a short trunk and branching, bushy habit.
Yellow Pitaya, Dragon Fruit (Selenicereus megalanthus)
- This particular species of Dragon fruit is the sweetest and has great
flavor unlike most pitayas
- doesn't mind regular water and rains but is also drought-tolerant
4) Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
- Can be kept as a very compact tree, and fruits in a pot.
- Flowers and fruits right away. The plants are covered with flowers now
and setting fruit.
- Very cold hardy to upper 20's, drought tolerant, fast growing
5) Macadamia Nut
(Macadamia integrifolia x tetraphylla)
- The most delicious and popular sweet nuts that are usually so expensive,
can be produced in your garden!
- Cold hardy, fast growing, and very productive.
...Who doesn't like tropical beauty? Everyone wants tropical plants. But not everyone lives in a warm climate. Is it possible to grow tropicals outside of Tropics?
Top Tropicals horticulturist Mark Hooten, who is well known to many
gardeners as the Garden Doc with his
Saturday Plant Clinic, is answering gardeners' questions about how to prepare and protect tropical plants during winter...
Ficus pumila:
you won't believe these leaves and fruit!..
by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats
...If you visited tropical and subtropical countries, you probably have seen this curious plant covering fences and walls and even whole
buildings, looking like an ivy... But if you looked closer, you might have noticed something unbelievable about this plant... Do these small tiny leaves, and these large
glossy leaves, and these fig-like fruit too... do they all belong to the same plant?!.. No way!..
Saving on your favorite plants is Easy.
Easy like Sunday Morning...
..."A ' ohe loa i ka hana a ke aloha.
Distance is ignored by love..."
- Toni Polancy -
It's time for our favorite day and another Easy stroll through Top
Tropicals Garden with savings of
50% and MORE!
Put a little Aloha in your garden....
Two Exotics from Paradise
It may be cold where you are, so take a trip with us to the Hawaiian Islands. Tropical breezes,
soothing ocean waves and an unbeatable selection of tropical plant treasures...
This week we bring the Aloha to you. A guava that will bring a taste of the
Islands and a spectacular variety of Majestic Taro.
Dwarf Guava Hawaiian Rainbow
- Ready to fruit this year! -
This is a very small version of the favorite aromatic Guava - Hawaiian Rainbow Nana. It grows only up to 5-6 ft tall, perfect for limited space. It can be grown in a pot and fruits heavily almost year around. The flesh is sweet, aromatic, and varies from white to yellow to pink.
Colocasia Diamond Head
- Large Developed plants! -
Diamond Head is a spectacular variety of Taro is named after the volcanic cone on the Hawaiian island of Oahu - both the cone and plant are black and lustrous! Mature plants form a well-behaved clump and reach 3 to 4 feet tall, with leaves up to 2 feet wide! A must for black plant fanatics. Grows more compact that other Colocasias and no two leaves are the same!
Gmelina philippensis - Parrots Beak. An extraordinary fountain-like shrub
with pendant branches, large long leaves and exotic flowers comprised of
yellow blossoms which emerge at the end of a tube-like structure of overlapping
bracts. The flower resembles parrot's beak!
#4. Royal Queens Wreath
Petrea - Royal Queens Wreath, Tropical Wisteria. Spectacular tall
clusters of purple flowers similar to those of Wisteria come in racemes reaching
over 1 foot long!
#3. Chinese Hat
Holmskioldia sanguinea - Bronze Chinese hat. Rare variety with
orange-bronze flowers. Unique flowers are the main interest: each is a narrow tube
backed by a broad, circular calyx, just like an oriental hat!
#2. Jacaranda
Jacaranda - all-time favorite winter flowering tree. Hypnotizing
bluish-purple, trumpet-like flowers create the magical image of the tree...
#1. Royal Poinciana
Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant. one of the most popular
tropical trees covered with bright red orchid-like flowers from late winter
through early summer. A must for any tropical garden, this tree however requires
space since it spreads its branches 30-40 ft wide or more.