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October Tropical Garden: to do list


1. Prune. Last pruning before winter. Check the trees and shrubs one more time. Cut away dead wood and remove crossing limbs and branches.

2. Mulch. Continue to mulch to stop weeds and get ready for winter. Keep mulch 1-2 inches away from the stems. Evenings are starting to cool, so it is more comfortable working in the garden.

3. Pest control. Check for mealy bugs and scales. Remember that a garden with many kinds of plants has fewer pests than gardens with lots of mass plantings. So keep up with variety! Avoid pest magnets like Oleander, Oak, Hibiscus which require constant spraying.

4. Propagation. You still can take cuttings but do it as soon as possible. Days are getting shorter and less sunlight signals thу plants to slow down their growth. Cuttings will not root as quickly.

5. Seeds. Consider growing vegetables and perennials from seeds. In mild cooler conditions, seedlings have less stress and get a good start.


Top Tropicals Powerpoint Presentation by Anna Banana:
"Let's grow something different!"


Mark your calendar: Anna Banana's Presentation "Let's grow something different" Oct 16 @ 2 pm.

Learn more about rare tropicals and how to grow them in non-tropical climate. Cold protection, water-wise, soil improvement and much more.

Where: ALVA Garden Club
Meeting Location: The Alva Library Museum, 21420 Pearl Street, Alva, FL 33920
When: Tuesday, October 16th @ 2 pm.
Contact Phone Number for the Event: 239-728-3386
See more info about this event.


Season Colors from Kristi, TopTropicals Flower Queen


Q: I live in New Jersey and I have a collection of potted tropical plants in my sun room. Our Fall season comes in bright colors, do you have something with colorful foliage for Fall?

A: For our northern customers it's almost time for the changing of the seasons. It is a very exciting and enjoyable time. The onset of fall means, less humidity, cooler nights and the Fall foliage. Here in Florida we do not get the chance to see the changing of the leaves, except maybe a few like Florida Maple Tree. So we use plants that mimic the season change, for all year round color! These are a few examples of the plants with colorful leaves that you may use for your Fall colors, plus remember - there is always a big list of Fall and Winter Flowering Tropicals!

Colorful tropical plants for Fall

Hibiscus tiliaceus - Variegated Mahoe
Acalypha wilkesiana - Chicago Brick Copper Leaf - see all acalyphas
Mussaenda philippica x flava - Calcutta Sunset Marmelade
Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum Purple Haze
Acer rubrum - Red Maple
Adenium Nil with red veined leaves
Cerbera x manghas hybrid - Enchanted Incense
Cordyline fruticosa Willies Gold - see all codyline
Graptophyllum pictum Chocolate Queen

See Fall and Winter Flowering Tropicals.


6 reasons to buy tropical plants in Fall


1) Easy planting. No sweat. Enjoy your gardening fun during cooler weather!

2) Easy shipping. With cooler weather, there are less chances for the mail order plants to get overheated in transit or at your doorstep in case you miss the delivery. But don't wait too long, another few weeks and too much cold will put another restriction for deliveries up North.

3) Easy establishing. Stress-free roots = stress-free plants = happy gardeners. Cooler weather is always better for planting and quick establishing.

4) Easy maintenance. Plant growth rate slows down during cool period, so your garden maintenance will be minimal.

5) Winter bloomers will brighten your days! Look at these winter-flowering plants that create a spectacular show during Fall-Winter in subtropical climates. If you grow them as houseplants, this is your chance to have flowers in Winter!

6) House plants Many tropical species suitable for indoor cultivation are available year round, but when you buy them in Fall - they are in their fullest and best shape after Summer vigorous growth.

One the photo: Barleria cristata Striped Lavender Lace.


6 Things to Do on Labor Day Weekend


1. Plant a tree... or a shrub, even just a small perennial will do. This plant will make you feel good and accomplished for the whole year, until next Labor Day (or even longer!). You will always see this fruit of your work and remember your motivation, so things are not that bad with you!

2. Pull 66 weeds. Needless to say, you have plenty of those in your yard at the moment. Why 66? Just do it and see what happens. If you don't see any happy results, pull another 66.

3. Fertilize all plants in your garden or potted collection with slow release fertilizer and microelements. Remember, this is the last chance to give them food and strength to survive, before winter. Starting October, all leftover fertilizer goes to storage, even in tropical gardens.

4. Apply SUNSHINE booster to protect your plants from cool temperature, help to go into dormancy and rest without stress.
Remember, there are products for all your pre-winter needs: Sunshine-T for improving cold tolerance, Sunshine-BC for caudex and bonsai plants, Sunshine-H for houseplants, and general booster Sunshine-E to cover all occasions... 50 and 100 ml bottles available for large plant collections.
Sunshine-Honey should be applied on all fruit trees to ensure their next year successful crop.

5. Add extra mulch in those areas where it was washed off with summer rains or broke down. One day of mulch work will provide 6 months of safe overwintering for your plants.

6. Have a BBQ or simply a nice meal with your friends or family. Enjoy your holiday relaxation after hard work weekend and recharge your Happiness for many days to come.


Care for a Baobab Bonsai


Q: How to grow Baobab bonsai properly? How long does it take to shape a nice little bonsai tree?

A: Baobab, or Adansonia digitata, is a unique addition to a bonsai collection. Native to Africa, it has an unusual structure and appearance. Some legends say that the tree was cast down from the heavens and landed upside down, where it began to grow. This story is no doubt a result of its appearance in the winter, when the upper branches of the tree look more like roots than treetops. The Baobab has some specific needs, but if you pay careful attention to its requirements, this tree is not difficult to grow and makes an excellent bonsai specimen.

  1. Keep Baobab warm, it is sensitive to freeze.
  2. Place Baobab in a bright, sunny window. Baobabs need at least six hours of full sunlight per day, so a window with a western or southern exposure is best. If your house doesn’t get enough light, supplement natural light with artificial grow lights. See article Indoor lighting for tropical plants.
  3. Water Baobab regularly during the growing season whenever the soil is dry. Never water the tree when it is dormant (dropped leaves).
  4. Feed Baobab a good-quality fertilizer about once a month. Apply micro-element solution SUPERFOOD once a month, as well as SUNSHINE-BC plant booster for Bonsai and Caudex plants.
  5. Prune the branches of your Baobab bonsai as often as they need it to give the tree the shape you desire, pruning or pinching off branches that are growing at odd angles or are too long. Trim early in the spring before new growth appears.
  6. Repot the baobab bonsai every year in Spring. Remove it from pot and trim the roots back by one-third of their length, completely removing any that are damaged or dead. Place it in a container that is twice the size of the root ball and fill the pot with a well-drained soil like Adenium Mix.

    It is believed that it takes forever to form a nice shaped tree, up to a few years. However if you provide warmth and bright light, branches grow very quickly, and an experienced bonsai hobbyist can make a unique specimen within 2-3 years. And then, the tree will stay with you for 5000 years - it can be passed from generation to generation!

    Check out this plant... with FREE shipping to all states!

Se also Baobab Bonsai Kit and save more!



Monstera deliciosa - Swiss cheese plant

Swiss cheese plant is a jungle climbing relative of the philodendron from Mexico and Guatemala. It is seen in gardens in tropical and subtropical areas, growing well in partial sun or shade. The plant begins bearing fruit after three years. The large deep green, cone-like fruit is actually an unripened flower spike, covered with hexagonal scales that dry out and separate as the fruit ripens from the base upwards, revealing the white pulp. It takes a little longer than a year to mature to an edible stage. The fruit tastes kind of like a cross between a sugar apple and a pineapple.Very perfuming smell and taste! It's so amazing, can't figure the consistency, but totally a pineapple sugar apple cross... But wash the black specks off before eating - they will sting your tongue.

Check out this plant...


Looking for the rarest plant? This is the one!


Stifftia chrysantha - Pompom, Rabo-de-Cutia

Looking for the rarest plant? This is the one!
Stifftia chrysantha is an exotic, rare flowering small tree with spectacular flowers, endemic to the vast tropical savanna ecoregion of Brazil called Cerrado. It grows into a bushy, attractive tree between 8 and 15 ft tall and starts flowering within 1.5 - 2.5 years from seed. It is a very rewarding plant that blooms 9 months out of the year, starting in Winter with great intensity during July-September, with each flower staying on the plant for several weeks. Seeds ripen from September through November.
The tree belongs to Aster family (Compositae) and has nothing to do with Powderpuffs which are from Bean (Fabaceae) family. The flower has 30 to 40 green, imbricated scales with short hairs, and actinomorphic corollas are orange below and darker above. After flowering, the inflorescence blows apart, which would scatter seeds. The dried center remaining is very attractive, like a small dried flower, and lasts for many months.
Stifftia can be grown in full sun to partial shade and is relatively cold tolerant, can take short cold spells.
The plant doesn't like wet feet and heavy/soggy soils; requires very well drained, acidic soil. We strongly recommend to use our professional soilless mix. Let soil slightly dry between waterings. It can be grown in full sun to partial shade and is relatively cold tolerant, can take short cold spells. If grown in a pot, try to keep the container shaded because roots don't like to be overheated. The plant needs monthly applications of slow release fertilizer as well as extra iron - use micro-nutrients to keep leaves green and healthy.
See more pictures of this beauty.

Check out this plant...


TROPICAL GARDENING: How to grow Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet) in the ground outside.


Q: I recently moved from New Jersey to Florida and I brought with me my Brugmansia that I used to have as a house plant. Can I plant it in the ground now?

A: Angel Trumpet - Brugmansia - is a very popular container plant valued for its large, stunning fragrant flowers. Originated from South America, it will be happy to grow in tropical to subtropical climate outdoors. These are a few useful tips to get the most out of this beautiful plant:

  1. Light. Plant it in full sun - the more sun, the more flowers you get, although Brugmansias tolerate shade. If the plant was previously grown in container indoors, to avoid leaf burn, keep it protected with a shade cloth or simply white sheet for a while and gradually open to adjust to full sun.
  2. Soil and fertilizer. Use fertile soil with lots of organic matter (add compost to existing soil). It must be very well drained, Angel Trumpet won't tolerate waterlogged conditions. Plant it on a little "hill" elevated 3-4" above the surrounding area. Brugmansias are very heavy feeders. Once the plant is established, fertilize on regular basis with Slow Release Fertilizer - a handful once a month.
  3. Water. Water daily until established. Once the root system is well developed, the plant is drought tolerant and won't require too much care. But at the beginning, watch the leaves - the lush foliage droops quickly if the plant is thirsty.
  4. Plan space. Brugmansia is a short tree, but it needs a lot of room to spread branches with its heavy hanging flowers. Think 12" wide and maybe almost as much tall.
  5. Support. Being widespread plant, Brugmansia can be blown with strong winds. Stake with strong support until established.
  6. Propagation. Brugmansia is one of the few plants that propagates with semi-woody cuttings; soft green cuttings usually have little success. Other than that, it is pretty easy!

    Check out our Brugmansia collection and... collect them all!


Fabulous Frangipani - Plumeria

New article! By Jane Jordan, a horticulturist who studied and worked at the RHS botanical gardens in Cannington, England. She now lives in Sarasota, Florida. Alongside her passion for horticulture, she is also a novelist.
"...The name Frangipani is derived from a 16th century Italian Marquess, who invented a plumeria scented perfume. While in Hawaii they are known as Lei trees. Lei means garland or wreath, and Lei flower garlands are famously given as a symbol of affection. Hawaii has become synonymous with this beautiful flower, although Frangipani, is native to warm tropical areas of the Mexico, Central America, India and the Caribbean, accordingly, this plant is well suited to the Floridian climate and hardy to USDA planting zones 9-11..."