Tamarindus indica - video

Tamarind, Sampalok
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae
Origin: Tropical Africa & South Asia
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapBig tree taller than 20 ftFull sunModerate waterEdible plantSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short timeFlood tolerant plantSeaside, salt tolerant plant
Tamarindus indica
Did you know that Tamarind has not only tasty fruit but also pretty flowers?

Link to this plant:

Sweet Tamarind tree, Tamarindus indica, grafted

Sweet Tamarind Vietnamese Pink. A rare variety with...  more

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster

This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot
1 plant in stock
Last one

Tamarind tree, Tamarindus indica

Tamarind. A graceful tree with racemes of pea-like...  more

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster

This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot
In stock