Crescentia alata, Parmentiera alata , Gourd tree, Jicaro, Morrito. Calabash Tree

Crescentia alata, Parmentiera alata

Gourd tree, Jicaro, Morrito. Calabash Tree
Family: Bignoniaceae
Origin: Mexico, Central and South America
USDA Zone: 11-12?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterUnusual colorEdible plant

It is a small tree growing to 8 m tall. It has hard, cannonball-like fruit 7-10 cm diameter, that are difficult to break into. The seeds are edible and high in protein with a licorice-like sweet taste. Flowering is nocturnal and occurs on the branches and trunk throughout most of the year.

Crescentia alata is similar to Crescentia cujete

except that both fruits and flowers are smaller.

See our video about Candle Tree.

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