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The truth about Ladybugs in your garden life

The truth about Ladybugs in your garden life The truth about Ladybugs in your garden life The truth about Ladybugs in your garden life
🐞 The truth about Ladybugs in your garden life

Q: I have Ladybugs in my garden, I wonder if they are eating my plants? Do I need to get rid of them?

  • 🐞 Ladybug (Harmonia axyridis) is, in fact, one of the best insects you can find in your garden, it is a natural predator that takes care of many bad bugs, including aphids

  • 🐞 Keep Ladybugs happy and bring them to your garden!

  • 🐞 Ladybugs actually are cultivated as natural pest control, and you can even buy them for your yard, instead of chemicals!

  1. Love life of Ladybugs
  2. Ladybug larvae eating aphids.
  3. One of our #PeopleCats, "innocent" Ladybug (a.k.a. Bug) is wondering who else she can bug next...

  4. #How_to

    🏵 TopTropicals


How to grow Noni tree for fruit?

Morinda citrifolia - Noni fruit

Morinda citrifolia - Noni fruit

Morinda citrifolia - Noni fruit tree

Morinda citrifolia - Noni fruit tree

Morinda citrifolia - Noni tree

Morinda citrifolia - Noni tree

Morinda citrifolia - Noni fruit

Morinda citrifolia - Noni fruit

How to grow Noni tree for fruit?

💊 The medicinal Noni tree (see our earlier post) is one of the most suitable fruit trees for potting culture. A 1-3 gallon size plant will flower and fruit for you within a year.

Noni's special features:
  • ✅ flowers and fruits at young age, nearly year around.
  • ✅ tolerates shade and grows large ornamental leaves in filtered light.
  • ✅ suitable for indoor culture

  • - easy in cultivation, drought and water tolerant, not susceptible to insects.
  • ✅ medicinal properties are endless and cannot be under-appreciated.
  • ✅ This plant can be grown in any climate indoors, and will produce fruit for you under minimal care. Just provide warm frost-free conditions, as this tropical tree is very cold sensitive.

📚 Learn more: Morinda citrifolia - Noni. Life Sustaining Plant

🛒 Order Noni Tree

#Food_Forest #Remedies #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


How to make plants green?

How to make plants green? How to make plants green? How to make plants green?
How to make plants green? Give them some Superfood!

🍀 Pale or yellow leaves? Green veins on yellow leaves? How to improve that look? Any special fertilizer?

  • ✅ Leaf chlorosis or in other words "iron deficiency", especially during wet rainy weather - may be not harmful to the plant but bad for the looks.

  • ✅ This deficiency can be corrected with microelement applications - Sunshine Superfood.

  • ✅ Use Sunshine Superfood once a week to correct the iron deficiency that usually goes away within a month.

  • ✅ Then maintain plants health with monthly applications.

  • ✅ It is beneficial to use microelements in combination with regular applications of health boosting fertilizer such as Sunshine Robusta.

🛒 Shop Sunshine Superfood

#Fertilizers #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


Iguana attacking!

Iguana attacking! Iguana attacking! Iguana attacking! Iguana attacking!
🦎 Iguana attacking! your plants...

Q: I am having a hard time keeping iguanas eating everything! Any solution to keep them out?

Iguanas may become quite a problem in the garden. Our first suggestion would be - get a Duck as we have (Duck Dobi), she is so dominant and keeps any wild animals away from the property, including gators... and cats! They are scared of her! Dobi thinks she owns the place.

Here are a few other ways to control iguana problem in your backyard:

  • Rid your lawn of dropped fruits. Iguanas love fruit. And they love low-hanging fruit or fruit that's easy to get to. If you have fruit trees, take the time to pick up your yard and dispose of any dropped fruit.

  • Keep a lid on a garbage can. Put your garbage cans in a place they can't get to, or put a cinder block on your can lid.

  • Do not leave pet food out. If you're putting a bowl of dog food or a plate of cat food out for your pets, you're inviting iguanas into your yard.

  • Fill iguana holes. Iguanas like to dig. Wherever you see a hole, fill it. Stuff rocks into the hole first, then fill it with dirt and top it with sod. The iguana may return to dig again, but he won't dig through large rocks.

  • Do NOT feed the iguanas. Don't be friendly with them, so they won't come back.

  • Wire netting around plants. You can use wire netting or screens to prevent iguanas from entering plants and shrubs.

  • Spray them with a hose. When you see an iguana in the yard, spray them with the hose. They also hate loud noises. Constant "harassment" can keep them from returning.

  • Keep your yard clean. Excessive overgrowth or yard storage are great places for iguanas to hide.

  • Do not leave food out, unattended. Iguanas are mainly herbivores but that doesn't mean they won't smell something good and want to eat it. They will TRY anything.

Hopefully these tips help keep your iguana problems to a minimum!


🏵 TopTropicals


How to grow a happy Adenium




How to grow a happy Adenium.

What you need for successful growing Adeniums:
  1. A small pot with excellent drainage, size of root system.
  2. Adenium soil mix. Use only well-drained soil. We suggest this Adenium mix.
  3. Lots of light for heavy flowering. However, in super hot climates, they look healthier in filtered bright light.
  4. Little water. Adeniums like a neutral to hard water. Acidic water tends to sour the soil too fast and may cause root rot.

  5. Water plants preferably in the early morning, and allow them to drink up throughout the day.
    Do not water again until soil dries on surface. Never allow your plants to sit in a saucer of water, but don't let them to dry out too often - this causes adeniums to go into early dormancy. Adeniums do not like both over-watering or drying-out.

    5 Fertilizer. To make your plant develop a large swollen base/trunk, you'll need a good quality fertilizer. Sunshine Megaflor provides all the nutrients responsible for both Caudex growth and profuse flowering.

    🛒 Shop Adenium colors and hybrids

    #Container_Garden #How_to

    🏵 TopTropicals


A story about John and Kayla and their little fruit tree

👫 🌳 A story about John and Kayla and their little fruit tree.

🍊 What is the best fertilizer for fruit trees?


  • 🔸 helps to produce strong growth, high yield, larger fruit size.

  • 🔸 improves plant health and vigor, and increases crop yield.

  • 🔸 eco-friendly and natural, can be used for edibles and organic gardens. Pollinating insects friendly.

  • 🔸 safe to use in daily feeding with every watering.

  • 🔸 does not affect crop taste.

🛒 Get SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Booster for your fruit garden

#How_to #Fertilizers

🏵 @TopTropicals


Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
🗂 Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Follow these tags to find your interests:

🦋 #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

🥭 #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.

📖 #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

🛠 #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

👀 #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

🥗 #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

🌼 #Tree
s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

🏆 #Win - Contests, Sweepstakes, and other specials.

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🏵 TopTropicals


Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
🔴 🗂 Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Follow these tags to find your interests:

🦋 #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

🥭 #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.

📖 #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

🛠 #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

👀 #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

🥗 #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

🌼 #Tree
s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

🏆 #Win - Contests, Sweepstakes, and other specials.

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🏵 TopTropicals


How to keep plants green, and fruit trees - productive?

🌻 How to keep plants green, and fruit trees - productive?

😺 SUNSHINE SuperFood - Micro-element Plant Booster does the job and adds to your plants' diet all necessary elements that may be lacking in poor soils.

SUNSHINE SuperFood has been a proven remedy in commercial crops.

‼️ Do your plants ever get the following problems? Sunshine Superfood will fix thems all:

  • ❇️ Flowers are small or not fragrant? ✔️

  • ❇️ Mishapen, small fruit or no fruiting? ✔️

  • ❇️ Poor root growth? ✔️

  • ❇️ Pale or yellow leaves, die backs, curled leaves, slow growth? ✔️

And much, much more! Don't let your plants starve! 🥗

🎥 Sunshine Superfood results in sunflower fields of Ukraine, video from a drone we donated 💪🇺🇦

🛒 Get SUNSHINE SuperFood to improve your garden crops

#How_to #Fertilizers

🏵 @TopTropicals


What is the easiest container plant with beautiful flowers?

What is the easiest container plant with beautiful flowers?
🎍What is the easiest container plant with beautiful flowers?

  • 🌸 Desert roses - Adeniums! With so many colors of hybrids available in cultivation, you want to collect them all!

  • 🌸 Double flowers, red, purple, yellow, striped, dotted, rainbow, and even black flowers!

  • 🌸 Unlike most tropical and house plants, Adeniums like a neutral to hard water. They have very low water needs, can grow in full sun or shade.

  • 🌸 A secret how to create a large swollen caudex: raise the plant a bit every time you re-pot it, so that the upper part of roots will be a little exposed. The plant will form more roots that will go down.

📚 Learn how to grow Adeniums:
What you need for successful growing Adeniums

🛒 Shop Adenium colors and hybrids

#Container_Garden #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals