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How to learn the Truth about fertilizers

 How to learn the Truth about fertilizers  How to learn the Truth about fertilizers  How to learn the Truth about fertilizers
🧪 How to learn the Truth about fertilizers.

Spring is here and so is the time to give your plants more food for active growth!

❓ How to decide which fertilizer to chose with so many of them on the market? The basic idea is -

❗️ All fertilizers and good for plants, because it's food!

But like with every food in must be in right time, right kind, and right amount.

Basic types of fertilizers:

  • ❇️ Controlled-release fertilizer is coated and release nutrients slowly and constantly within labeled amount of time (3-6-12 months). Good for stepping-up and transplanting.

  • ❇️ Slow release granulated fertilizer breaks down quickly, especially in the heat, and should be used as a top-dress only occasionally (for example, to green up a plant quickly).

  • ❇️ Liquid fertilizers are the most efficient in a long run. They make plants strong, resistant, healthy and productive, slowly but surely building up energy in their system. This is why all professional food farms, from veggies to hemp, stick to liquid plant food.

We suggest Sunshine Boosters, they are safe to use with every watering and year around. Their formulas are natural (based on organic amino-acids) and great for edibles.

🛒Get your plants some food

#Edible_Forest #Fertilizers #How_to

We Grow Happiness


How to keep weeds away?

How to keep weeds away?
☘️ How to keep weeds away?

"Give a weed an inch and it’ll take a yard...."

Hot season started, and so did the weed season!

💚 Ways to keep your yard weed-free without use of herbicide:
  1. Mulch, mulch, mulch
  2. Cover the area with cardboard (still getting those Amazon boxes?) and put mulch, mulch, mulch on top.
  3. Plant dense ground cover plants! Weeds will lose competition for food and light.

  4. 🎥 Did you know that Confederate Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) makes not only a trellis/fence solution, but also a dense fragrant ground cover? It's not demanding, fast growing, drought tolerant plant, takes full sun or shade. Sweet, deliciously fragrant flowers is a pleasant bonus!

    🛒Get your fragrant ground cover

    #How_to #Perfume_Plants

    We Grow Happiness


New Complete Guide to Avocado Varieties

New Complete Guide to Avocado Varieties New Complete Guide to Avocado Varieties
🥑 New Complete Guide to Avocado Varieties. How to choose the right type of Avocado.
How many varieties of
Avocado are there in cultivation? Did you know that there are hundreds of them? You probably thought there were only 2 kinds - black and green?

You may not realize is that this basic (but practical!) classification doesn't encompass all the wonderful qualities avocados have to offer.

There are numerous hybrids in cultivation, and once you plant your first tree and taste the REAL fruit (not from the grocery store), you'll be eager to explore other varieties. It's a guarantee! While it's true that avocado fruit can vary in "butter" content, most superior varieties are equally delicious.

This Avocado Variety Guide helps to choose the right variety for you. With its interactive tool, you can sort cultivars by fruit shape and quality, cold hardiness, origin, crop season, flower type A or B, tree habit and more.

🛒 Shop Avocado Varieties

#Food_Forest #Fun_Facts #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


How to grow your own Olive Oil

How to grow your own Olive Oil
🫒 How to grow your own Olive Oil

Olive trees are:
  • 🔹 Easy to grow
  • 🔹 Heat- and drought-tolerant
  • 🔹 Beautiful in landscape
  • 🔹 Symbol of Prosperity
  • 🔹 Source of excellent superfood - Healthy Olive Oil

📚 Learn how to grow your own olive tree

🛒 Shop Olive trees

#Food_Forest #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


How to make Dragon Fruit Smoothie? What to do with a

 How to make Dragon Fruit Smoothie? What to do with a  How to make Dragon Fruit Smoothie? What to do with a  How to make Dragon Fruit Smoothie? What to do with a
🍹 How to make Dragon Fruit Smoothie? What to do with a Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit, regardless of variety, makes excellent smoothies. A perfect Dragon Fruit Smoothie can be made with a creamy blend of dragon fruit, mango, and banana. The tropical flavor is played up with a squeeze of fresh lime.


Mix in a blender:
2 dragon fruit, peeled
  1. cup of mango pulp
    1 banana
    1 cup of milk of your preference
  2. tbsp sugar
    1/2 tsp Lime juce

Some Ice
Add Mint for decoration

🛒 Shop Dragon Fruit

#Food_Forest #Recipes #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


How to grow Desert Roses (Adeniums)

How to grow Desert Roses (Adeniums) How to grow Desert Roses (Adeniums) How to grow Desert Roses (Adeniums)
🌸 How to grow Desert Roses (Adeniums)

Adeniums, also known as Desert Roses, are exotic and striking plants with curious caudex and bright flowers. They can bring beauty to any indoor or outdoor garden. Despite their desert origins, they require a bit of care to thrive. Here's a simple guide to help you grow healthy and vibrant adeniums:

📚 A Guide to Growing Adeniums

🛒 Shop Adeniums

#How_to #Container_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals


How to water a newly planted Mango tree?

How to water a newly planted Mango tree?
🥭 How to water a newly planted Mango tree?

Never rely solely on your sprinkler system when planting a new tree, especially during the first week or even several weeks if you have no rain. By rain, we mean a nice downpour. Here in Florida, we usually have a hot and dry spring, and while springtime is great for starting new trees, additional hose-watering becomes essential for establishing them during the first months.

📚 Learn how to water your mango tree

#How_to #Food_Forest

We Grow Happiness


How to make a Mango tree fruit?

How to make a Mango tree fruit?
🥭 How to make a Mango tree fruit?

We use SUNSHINE Mango Tango - Mango Tree Booster, for healthy mango trees and profuse fruit production.

📚 Learn how to make a Mango tree fruit

#Food_Forest #How_to #Fertilizers

We Grow Happiness


How to start a tropical garden?

 How to start a tropical garden?
🌳 How to start a tropical garden?

❓ Q: It's spring, finally! I can't wait to plant my paradise garden. We moved into a nice new house but the yard has nothing but grass. Where do I start?

👉 A: When you start your garden from scratch, you need to plant your trees first.
Getting tropical flowering trees now is really important for making your garden strong and beautiful. Trees are like the bones of your garden, giving it shape and shade. If you plant them in spring, they have enough time to grow strong roots before winter. This helps them survive better.
Trees also give shade to other plants so they can grow well too. It's like building a house - you need to start with the frame before adding other parts. So, it's a good idea to get those trees now before moving on to shrubs and vines.

📚 Learn how to start a tropical garden


We Grow Happiness