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Top Story: The little mango tree that could

Mango Tree

By Ed Jones, the Mango Guy

"...Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing. You are just talking..."
- Wangari Maathai -

This is the story of the little mango tree that could. From the beginning, it has been a fighter and has come through its latest battle with a few scars, but it is still going...
...On January 30, the unthinkable happened. Cold weather was coming. We had a low of under 25F on that Sunday morning...
...Then, on April 4, 2022 we had a very bad hail storm... Hail stones up to 3" fell for 20 minutes...
Learn more about what happened and see this mango tree today... What helped it to survive and also what will help it to grow back into a beautiful tree?

For information on how to shape your mango trees, see this video:

Annona - Golden Sugar Apple youtube video

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Real Deal PeopleCats

No min order. Exp. 5-22-22.

Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree1213 Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Tithonia diversifolia - Sunflower tree from Top Tropicals

Jackfruit tree Super Thai (Artocarpus 
4334 Jackfruit tree Super Thai (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $51.06

Buy Jackfruit tree Super Thai (Artocarpus heterophyllus) from Top 

Persimmon tree Native American, Low chill, Diospyros virginiana
3500 Persimmon tree Native American, Low chill, Diospyros virginiana
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Persimmon tree Native American, Low chill, Diospyros virginiana from Top 

Bauhinia variegata purple - Orchid Tree
2728 Bauhinia variegata purple - Orchid Tree
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $30.07

Buy Bauhinia variegata purple - Orchid Tree from Top Tropicals

Vernonia fulta - Tropical Aster, Ironweed, 
5647 Vernonia fulta - Tropical Aster, Ironweed, Bitterleaf
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Vernonia fulta - Tropical Aster, Ironweed, Bitterleaf from Top 

Monstera deliciosa (Philodendron pertusum) - Swiss cheese 
2988 Monstera deliciosa (Philodendron pertusum) - Swiss cheese plant
Grown in
6-10"/1-3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Monstera deliciosa (Philodendron pertusum) - Swiss cheese plant from Top 

Pavonia multiflora - Brazilian 
2710 Pavonia multiflora - Brazilian Candles
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Pavonia multiflora - Brazilian Candles from Top Tropicals

Jasminum mesnyi - Japanese Jasmine
1120 Jasminum mesnyi - Japanese Jasmine
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Jasminum mesnyi - Japanese Jasmine from Top Tropicals

Alocasia Imperial Red
6785 Alocasia Imperial Red
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Alocasia Imperial Red from Top Tropicals

Justicia Fruit 
2100 Justicia Fruit Cocktail
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $12.57

Buy Justicia Fruit Cocktail from Top Tropicals

Kopsia arborea (pruniformis) - 
2509 Kopsia arborea (pruniformis) - Pin-Mala
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $16.07

Buy Kopsia arborea (pruniformis) - Pin-Mala from Top Tropicals

Alpinia x purpurata - Hot Pink Cone 
6020 Alpinia x purpurata - Hot Pink Cone Ginger
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Alpinia x purpurata - Hot Pink Cone Ginger from Top Tropicals


New Video:
Golden Sugar Apple - Pineapple Annona

Annona - Golden Sugar Apple youtube video

In this video we talk about a rare hybrid of Annona - Golden Sugar Apple. This rare Annona is a species originally brought to us from Costa Rica. We believe it to be a natural hybrid between A. muricata and A. glabra...
Fast growing, it forms a nice bushy specimen. It has a large, up to 1 lb fruit, green when unripe, turning dark yellow to orange on ripening. The pulp is golden to orange when ripe, with a strong Pineapple scent, and resembling Jackfruit in texture. Flavor is like the custard apple but with pineapple, papaya, apricot and melon overtones. Note that some people dislike the taste, others find it good... The tree tolerates flooding. It is also cold hardy! The plant would be very interesting for rare fruit collectors as it offers a large, exotic fruit of unusual color and taste, and appears to be much more hardy and water tolerant than similar looking but sensitive A. muricata, A. montana and Rollinia.

Annona - Golden Sugar Apple youtube video

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Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!

This weekend specials - 30% OFF!

Real Deal PeopleCats

No min order. Exp. 5-17-22.

Hibiscus acetosella - African Cranberry Hibiscus, red leaves5551 Hibiscus acetosella - African Cranberry Hibiscus, red leaves
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy 1 get 1 free
Buy Hibiscus acetosella - African Cranberry Hibiscus, red leaves from Top 

Clitoria ternatea - Blue Butterfly 
1318 Clitoria ternatea - Blue Butterfly Pea
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Clitoria ternatea - Blue Butterfly Pea from Top Tropicals

Thunbergia laurifolia - Blue Sky vine
1292 Thunbergia laurifolia - Blue Sky vine
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Thunbergia laurifolia - Blue Sky vine from Top Tropicals

Capsicum annuum x chinense - Biquinho Pepper
6669 Capsicum annuum x chinense - Biquinho Pepper
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, fruiting size

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Capsicum annuum x chinense - Biquinho Pepper from Top Tropicals

Cassia (Senna) bicapsularis - Butterfly Bush
1332 Cassia (Senna) bicapsularis - Butterfly Bush
Grown in
6-10"/1-3 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy Cassia (Senna) bicapsularis - Butterfly Bush from Top Tropicals

Pseuderanthemum seticalyx - Australian Nerve Flower, Shooting Star
6086 Pseuderanthemum seticalyx - Australian Nerve Flower, Shooting Star
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $26.57

Buy 1 get 1 free
Buy Pseuderanthemum seticalyx - Australian Nerve Flower, Shooting Star from Top 

Cestrum nocturnum - Night blooming 
1046 Cestrum nocturnum - Night blooming jasmine
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $19.57

Buy Cestrum nocturnum - Night blooming jasmine from Top Tropicals

Datura Metel - Horn-of-Plenty
2014 Datura Metel - Horn-of-Plenty
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $19.57

Buy Datura Metel - Horn-of-Plenty from Top Tropicals

Perilla frutescens - Shiso, Shishi Herb, Beefsteak Plant
5646 Perilla frutescens - Shiso, Shishi Herb, Beefsteak Plant
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $12.57

Buy Perilla frutescens - Shiso, Shishi Herb, Beefsteak Plant from Top 

Pogostemon patchouli - 
2097 Pogostemon patchouli - Pucha-Pat
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $19.57

Buy Pogostemon patchouli - Pucha-Pat from Top Tropicals

Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea var. Bicolor Fuerte
6632 Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea var. Bicolor Fuerte
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $23.07

Buy Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea var. Bicolor Fuerte from Top Tropicals

Aframomum melegueta - Grains of Paradise, African Cardamom
5912 Aframomum melegueta - Grains of Paradise, African Cardamom
Grown in
6-10"/1-3 gal pot, large plant

Flash sale 30% OFF:  $30.07

Buy Aframomum melegueta - Grains of Paradise, African Cardamom from Top 


No Winter lasts forever

Jasminum nitidum (illicifolium) - Star 

Photo above: Jasminum nitidum (illicifolium) - Star Jasmine, is a fragrant-sweet Spring bloomer!

"...No Winter lasts forever, no Spring skips its turn. April is a promise that May is bound to keep, and we know it..."
- Hal Borland -

Ruttya Fruticosa

Photo above: Ruttya Fruticosa - Rabbit Ears, Hummingbird Bush


New Exotic Adeniums

Saving on your favorite plants is Easy.
Easy like Sunday Morning...

It's time for our favorite day and another Easy stroll through Top Tropicals Garden with savings of

up to 50% and MORE!

The Flower of Prosperity and Good Fortune...

The Adenium obesum, Desert Rose, is a highly prized ornamental plant, perceived in some cultures as a sacred symbol of prosperity, abundance and good fortune. Since the Desert Rose is strong and adaptable to climatic conditions, it represents strength, persistence and resilience. We could all use a little more of these qualities in our lives...

Adeniums (Desert Roses) are the easiest plants in cultivation yet they bring you so much joy with their colorful flowers and showy caudex. There are hundreds, if not thousands of amazing colors and new hybrids are created every year. Many gardeners want to collect them all! And we can help you to grow your collection. We have many new varieties in stock and are offering two special Collection Deals!

Special Deals for Desert Rose Collectors

The plants are well developed, with large caudex, grown in 1 gal pots, normally $42.95 each,
with Collection savings of $30 and $65!

3 Adeniums Collection

Regularly $128.95,
Collection price $98.95 - savings of $30 per set!

Varieties included in this collection:
RED Adenium Red Wine
WHITE Adenium Jasmine
BLACK Adenium Black Widow

5 Adeniums Collection

Regularly $214.95,
Collection price $149.95 - savings of $65 per set!

Varieties included in this collection:
PURPLE Adenium Mee Stang
LIGHT YELLOW Adenium Yellow Gold (Vanilla Gold)
STRIPED PINK Adenium Bua Champoo
ORANGE Adenium Yellow Gift (Sai Thong)
RED-BLACK Adenium Red Dragon

Now wait... Save even more with Easy Sunday:

Combine both collections and save ANOTHER $15! Use this limited time offer coupon:


Remember, this Easy Sunday Deal expires on Tuesday 3-1-22!


Flowering vine around garage trellis

Q: I want to grow flowering vines up and around my garage; however I want to make sure whatever I put will grow long enough to make it all the way around the top. I attached photo of my garage and where I mounted the bolts for the trellis. What plants do you recommend for doing something like this that will eventually grow long enough to complete the arch over the garage? Right now I have mandevillas there but I know they aren't the right species. I know bougainvilleas will work, but I was hoping to do something less thorny since it’s near the walkway.

A: There are several vines that can fit your project. These are just a few suggestions:

1017 Aristolochia gigantea - Giant Pelican Flower
Camptosema grandiflora - Dwarf Red Jade Vine
Cissus rotundifolia - Arabian Wax Leaf (very fast glowing)
Clerodendrum speciosum - Red Bleeding Heart
Clitoria ternatea - Blue Butterfly Pea (very fast glowing)
Jasminum sambac Maid of Orleans
Senecio confusus - Mexican flame vine
Stictocardia beraviensis - Hawaiian Sunset Bell (very fast glowing)
Thunbergia alata var. aurea Sunlady
Thunbergia laurifolia - Blue Sky vine
Trachelospermum jasminoides - Confederate Jasmine
Urechites lutea - Yellow Mandevilla

Check out full list of flowering vines

Photo above: Clerodendrum speciosum - Red Bleeding Heart

Photo above: Senecio confusus - Mexican flame vine

Photo above: Clitoria ternatea - Blue Butterfly Pea

Photo above: Thunbergia laurifolia - Blue Sky vine


Jasmine for a fence

In the photo: Jasmine Maid of Orleans

Q:We are looking for a jasmine variety without thorns that we can grow on a wire fence...

A: All true jasmines (Jasminum spp.) are thornless. So you are safe to get anyone you like. The most vigorous, fast growing jasmines that grow into a vine, are:
Jasminum dichotomum
Jasminum pubescens
Jasminum nitidum
Jasminum officinale
Jasminum sambac Maid of Orleans - the most fragrant!

In the photos: Jasminum nitidum (Star Jasmine)


Small flowering tree for community

Q: Hi, I live on the east coast near West Palm, but I see you ship your plants. My HOA allows for Yellow Tabebuia species and I'm looking for two or three smaller trees that can fit in my front yard in smaller spaces. Ideally looking for trees that would stay under 20' in height, but preferably even smaller. Can you tell me the average height and spread of the Dwarf Golden Tabebuia or Silver Trumpet trees?

A: The Yellow Tabebuia - Tabebuia caraiba is a very good choice for a small yard. It grows about 20 ft average size, 7-10 ft wide. Sometimes taller, but it is slow growing and it will take many-many years to grow to a bigger size. It is a spectacular tree when in bloom, however, keep in mind that it is not very wind resistant; although it is not difficult to secure it back being a small tree. Another Tabebuia which is even more compact tree, has stronger root system and is more wind resistant:
Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia
Also some other interesting choices:
Radermachera Kunming - Dwarf Tree Jasmine
Senna polyphylla - Bahamas Cassia, Desert Cassia
Cordia sebestena - Scarlet Geiger tree

See full list of compact small trees

Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia

Radermachera Kunming - Dwarf Tree Jasmine

Senna polyphylla - Bahamas Cassia, Desert Cassia

Cordia sebestena - Scarlet Geiger tree


Little Duke - new variety of Jasmine Sambac

We are exited to introduce to the world of tropical plant lovers a new hybrid of Jasmine sambac Grand Duke Supreme - Little Duke!
This new variety combines benefits of 1-1.5" large, triple flowers with a compact, bushy growth habit. What an amazing gift for every jasmine lover! Unlike regular Grand Duke that tends to be leggy, this variety branches out much more and stays short with minimal pruning. Leaves are similar to Grand Duke Supreme - elongated and come in swirls of 3's and 4's. It is a fast grower, reaching mature size in no time, but the plant stays compact, producing multiple flowers on every branch.
Little Duke, or Baby Duke, is a profuse bloomer, providing lots of sun, warmth, and moderate water. It is a perfect houseplant with the strongest jasmine fragrance in the world. A must have for every jasmine collector!

The plants we currently have in stock are very large and developed, with multiple stems, some are full of buds and ready to flower for you. They are in 1 gal pots, ready to be stepped up soon. But hurry up! We have limited stock that will be sold FAST! Don't wait and get this gem today for your fragrant plant collection, before they all sold out! The next batch won't be coming until a few months later and the plants will be much smaller...


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

Jasmine Grand Duke flowering

Q: Hey can you help me figure out why my jasmine grand duke supreme is not flowering? Ive had it for almost a year (in NY) and only had 1 flower bloom and that immediately turned brown and died. Since then no flowers have come. The leaves are green and healthy and its growing like crazy but not flowers. Please help me figure this out.

A: For profuse flowering, Jasmine sambac needs 2 things: bright light and special plant food. We have plenty of both here in Florida. If your grow this plant indoors in colder climate, get it to flowering can be a bit tricky.
Your plant grows well overall with lots of vegetative growth, this is a good sign, it means it's healthy, and not being overwatered which is one of the most common problems with Sambacs. You're doing a great job! This jasmine just needs more sun and fertilizer.
Make sure to keep it in the brightest spot of your home. The more hours of light, the better. When night temperatures stay above 65F, it is beneficial to bring the plant outside on a balcony, patio, or in a garden in full sun as a potted specimen (move to bright light gradually). You should give this Jasmine plenty of food with every watering. We recommend SUNSHINE Pikake - Fragrant Flower Booster. This is a natural fertilizer that can be applied to plants year round without risk of burning the roots or nutrient lock up in the soil. It provides all necessary elements for the flowering cycle - just add a bit into watering can, every time you water.


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

How to keep bugs away naturally?

Q: I started moving my tropical plant collection indoors as it's getting colder... And all of a sudden, I noticed bugs on leaves! I know for sure all my plants were bug-free when I kept the pots outside in my lanai. What happened? And how can I keep them clean and healthy without using any harsh chemicals? I have many edibles and herbs that I use in my cooking and prefer to stay away from insecticides. Any suggestions?

A: It is very common when healthy looking plants, once moved indoors for the winter, get insect infestations. The main reason is change of environment that puts a plant into stress and makes it susceptible to parasites and diseases. Just think about what a plant is missing, a whole combination of necessary conditions that provided a good life:
- Bring light -> light level reduced, so beneficial UV spectrum is gone
- Air circulation -> less wind = more bugs thriving
- Warm temperature -> from upper 80's in summer to 70's in your AC room
- Air humidity -> although humid air is believed to be causing some issues (for example fungus), however, reducing humidity overall puts a plant into stress and makes it more vulnerable.

Many gardener prefer to avoid chemicals, especially when it comes to treating edible plants and indoor collections. The solution to your problems is - Organic Solution!

SUNSHINE NoBug - Natural Plant Protector.
Shampoo for Plants - for both indoors and garden

SUNSHINE NoBug - is a natural solution to keep your plants healthy and bug-free without harsh chemicals. It is great for organic gardening and edibles, eco-safe and non-toxic for humans and pets. It kills, repels and prevents: spider-mites, mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids and many more. No wait time required - spray and play! And it smells like jasmine, forget stinky insecticides!
How does it work? Just look at these ingredients: Kosher Glycerine, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Palm Oil, Oat Protein, Organic Soap, Horticultural Oil, Jasmine Oil, Water. Yum! But bugs hate it - they suffocate in it! This is why your plants will have NO BUGS with NoBug, that's it!

Directions are simple:

- Mix 100 ml (3-4 oz) with 1 qt (32 oz) of water, or 500 ml (16 oz) in 1 gal of water - for larger applications
- Spray foliage to drip point, including underneath leaves.
- Repeat the treatment in 7 days.
- As a preventive care, spray leaves once a month to keep insects away.
- You may use a paper towel saturated with this solution to wipe the leaves and remove residue from insects.
- Store at room temperature.

This poor Pepper plant was tossed into garbage can by a neighbor... it looked hopeless, infested with mealybugs. We saved it with NoBug ! In 2 days it perked up, and after 4 weeks its healthy and fruiting!