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There is always the garden

There is always the garden
😳 There is always the garden

"When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden." - Minnie Aumonier

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Why this plant is called Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia reginae - Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia reginae - Bird of Paradise

🌈 Why this plant is called Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia reginae
- Bird of Paradise - is known for its striking, bird-like flowers that resemble a vibrant bird in flight. Native to South Africa, it's a popular ornamental plant that thrives in sunny, tropical gardens.

🛍 Plant Bird of Paradise

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Things youve always wanted

Things youve always wanted
🍑 Things you've always wanted

"One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now." - Paulo Coelho.

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What is the easiest Gardenia

Gardenia (Kailarsenia) vietnamensis - Vietnamese Gardenia

🌸 What is the easiest Gardenia
  • 🥰 Gardenia (Kailarsenia) vietnamensis - Vietnamese Gardenia - is one of the easiest and hardiest Gardenias in our collection is the Vietnamese Gardenia. This plant is much easier to grow than many other Gardenias. It can handle overly moist soils much better, is quite drought tolerant once established and has a high resistance to the typical Gardenia woes.
  • 🥰 Fragrant & Beautiful: Creamy white, 3-inch flowers with an unforgettable fragrance. Flowers are very unusual shape, work of art!
  • 🥰 Hardy & Easy to Grow: More resistant to typical Gardenia issues like root rot, mildew, and bud drop. Tolerates moist soil and is drought-tolerant once established.
  • 🥰 Cold-Hardy: The most cold-hardy of all tropical Gardenias, perfect for various climates.
  • 🥰 Perfect for Containers: A compact, bushy shrub that thrives in pots or the ground.
  • 🥰 Low Maintenance: Prefers well-drained, acidic soil and some afternoon shade. Prune after flowering for best shape.
  • 🥰 Evergreen Beauty: Blooming year-round. Ideal for beginners who want a reliable and fragrant plant!

🛍 Shop Gardenias

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What trees are fruiting and blooming right now?

Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia

Photo above: Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia

Q: What tropical trees are fruiting and flowering in March?

A: There's always something blooming and fruiting, especially with spring on the way! Our garden is buzzing with bees and butterflies, and in the nursery, you'll always find plants in bloom or bearing fruit. Here are a few standout winners of the season.

Orchid Trees

Bauhinia alba (candida) - White Orchid Tree

Orchid trees are among the most spectacular trees in Florida, flowering from late winter through spring. They are fast-growing, not fussy about soil or water, and bloom for several weeks in a stunning display of white, purple, pink, or red flowers. In the photo: Bauhinia alba (candida) - White Orchid Tree - the most cold-hardy of all Bauhinias, tolerating temperatures as low as 26F. You can see them in full bloom across Florida right now!

Carambola - Star Fruit

Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

Starfruit trees (Averrhoa carambola) have been fruiting in our garden since fall, and they just keep producing! We've had so many starfruits that we ended up making lots of jam.


Calliandra tweedi With Love - Red Tassel Flower

Calliandras are known to be spectacular winter bloomers, but in our garden, they seem to flower year-round. They make fantastic ever-blooming hedges or striking small specimen trees.
In the photo: red-flowering Calliandra tweedii "With Love" - Red Tassel Flower, yright now, this beautiful bush is covered in red blooms in front of our office at Sebring Farm.

Mulberry Trees

Mulberry fruit on the tree

Yes, it's Mulberry season! Some varieties have already ripened, while others are just about to. We're competing with the birds to see who gets the first fruit, but honestly, there's plenty for everyone! These trees are very cold hardy and highly productive.

Loquat Trees

Loquat tree Eriobotrya japonica

Loquat trees (Eriobotrya japonica) are loaded with fruit right now! We've started picking them and have already made some delicious preserves - you can only eat so many fresh. Loquats continue fruiting through April and May, making them one of the most rewarding, easy-to-grow, and productive fruit trees.

Tabebuia Trees

Tabebuia impetiginosa - Dwarf Pink Tabebuia, Pau DArco, Taheebo

Tabebuia trees put on a spectacular show from late winter through spring! Golden and pink Tabebuias are small, compact trees that fit any yard and deliver a breathtaking display year after year.
Check out these short videos of blooming Tabebuias:
Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia
Tabebuia impetiginosa - Dwarf Pink Tabebuia, Pau DArco, Taheebo


What Fertilizer to Use and How?

How to use Sunshine Boosters video

It's springtime - your plants are growing and need more food! Now is the perfect time to fertilize. Our customers have been stocking up on fertilizers and asking lots of questions.
In addition to our recent article What Fertilizer to Use Now and How? Five important keys to healthy plants, we're excited to share this short video on how to use Sunshine Boosters.

Our PeopleCats actively participated in the production with real hands-on (paws-on) involvement. Enjoy the show - and your happy plants!

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Subscribe to Top Tropicals YouTube Channel and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!

Cat with fertilizers


Secret is Patience

Secret is Patience
Secret is Patience

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Have you ever seen a pink gardenia?

Kopsia fruticosa - Pink Gardenia

🥰 Have you ever seen a pink gardenia?
  • 🌸 Kopsia fruticosa also called "Pink Gardenia", is one of nature's most exquisite and elusive treasures. Technically not a Gardenia, this beauty is a close relative of Plumeria and Adenium as well as Tabernaemontana (also often confused with Gardenia). All these beauties belong to the esteemed plant family Apocynaceae.
  • 🌸 This bush has been in bloom for us for many months, since Fall, through Winter, and and is still flowering!

Learn more about this elusive treasure:
What is pink gardenia? Does it exist?

🛍 Get your own Pink Gardenia

#Nature_Wonders #Container_Garden

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Talent at hard work

🏃‍♂️ Talent at hard work

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard." - Tim Notke

📸 Our talented friend Pelmen

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What are the flowers of Macadamia nuts

Macadamia flowers (Macadamia integrifolia)

😘 What are the flowers of Macadamia nuts
  • 🌰 Macadamia trees are in full bloom now at our farm! The trees have stunning panicles of flowers.
  • 🌰 Macadamia trees (Macadamia integrifolia) are known for their delicious flavor and high price tag, but you can grow these sweet nuts right in your garden!
  • 🌰 Cold-Hardy and Productive: Thrives in all Florida soils, and can tolerate both flooding and drought once established.

  • Beautiful Flowers: The tree features stunning panicles of flowers, adding beauty to your garden.
  • 🌰 Water & Soil Tolerance: Macadamia trees like water, but can become drought-tolerant once mature. Adapts well to all soil types.
  • 🌰 Nutrient-Rich: Macadamia nuts are packed with healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants, promoting heart health, digestion, and more.
  • 🌰 Fun Fact: The hardest-shelled nut in the world, macadamia nuts may help with weight management while offering numerous health benefits.

📚 More about Macadamia tree:
Ten best fruit trees to grow in Florida and Southern landscapes. # 6: Macadamia Nut Tree.
How to grow your own Sweet Macadamia Nuts

🛍 Plant a Macadamia Tree


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