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How to eat a papaya?

🍴 How to eat a papaya?

😂 Cut it open, scoop out the seeds (they're not part of the fun), peel off the skin, and chop it up. Now enjoy the tropical sweetness – no passport required!

🎥 Or, if you are desperate and have no time for prep – do it like Cash in the video!

📚More from previous posts:
Why do we love Papaya?
How easy to grow is Papaya tree?
Top 10 fruit you'll ever need for your health benefits: #4 Papaya
Top 10 fast-fruiting trees: #6. Papaya
How to have fresh Papaya fruit year around
Top 3 most wanted Papaya varieties
The truth about Papaya
Papayas contain a secret enzyme

🛒 Shop Papaya trees

#Food_Forest #PeopleCats #How_to #Papaya

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Your Angles are watching you

Your Angles are watching you Your Angles are watching you
😨 Your Angles are watching you

"...Angels live in clouds of luxury above,
Beyond the reach of shouts or any call.
They send their joy in cats and dogs with love,
In dogs it's swift, in cats it lingers all..."
- Serge Plotov

"Ангелы проживают в своих облаках роскошных.
Дотуда не докричаться. Оттуда не дозвониться.
А радость они посылают людям в собаках и кошках.
  • В собаках быстрей доходит. В кошках дольше хранится."

© Сергей Плотов

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Dinner time? All the time

Dinner time? All the time
🍴 Dinner time? All the time!

🕙 Better be on time! Big Brothers are watching you... 👀

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Answer the quiz above 👆 and post them all here👇

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People or PeopleCats?

People or PeopleCats?
🥰 People or PeopleCats?

👍 "Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year." – Victor Borge

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Cat Christmas Fairy Tale: how to collapse a Christmas Tree

🧝 Cat Christmas Fairy Tale: how to collapse a Christmas Tree 🥰

🎄 Merry Christmas, everyone!

🦌 May your pets be as helpful and productive this season as our #PeopleCats at TopTropicals!

  • 🔴 Whether it's "redecorating" the tree, "reorganizing" the ornaments, or "stress testing" the branches, they're always full of holiday cheer... and a little chaos! 🐾

📱 Watch in high quality on YouTube and next post👇

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1. Cat Christmas Fairy Tale:
A Guide How to Collapse a Christmas Tree

Cats Collapsing a Christmas Tree Video

Happy Holidays, everyone! May your pets be as helpful and productive this season as our PeopleCats at TopTropicals! Whether it's "redecorating" the tree, "reorganizing" the ornaments, or "stress testing" the branches, they're always full of holiday cheer... and a little chaos!

2. Are you a collector?
Enjoy the Holiday Display for you!

holiday display

Are you a collector like many of us here in Top Tropicals community? We know our passion often lies with rare plants, but what else captures your interest?
Take inspiration from our friend Lynda, who collects... toys. Her holiday display is a delightful sight, featuring Christmas miniatures, bunnies, puppies, and, of course, teddy bears! It’s a wonderful blend of festive cheer and cherished collectibles.

What are your favorite collections besides plants? Share your own pictures and unique displays with us in our Telegram Channel!

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Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


Im the boss

Im the boss
🦊 I'm the boss

"In my house, I'm the boss, my cat is just the decision-maker"

  • 🐈🐈🐈 

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Team work in the kitchen

Team work in the kitchen Team work in the kitchen
🍿 Team work in the kitchen

📸 "I like team work: you cook, I watch" - Bob

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Friendship lasts longer

😈 Friendship lasts longer...

"Friendship is far more tragic than love. It lasts longer"
- Oscar Wilde

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Paws, Claws, and Garden Flaws: How Cats Help in the Garden

Paws, Claws, and Garden Flaws: How Cats Help in the Garden
🌳 Paws, Claws, and Garden Flaws: How Cats Help in the Garden

😨 Pest Control (Sort of): Cats love to chase bugs, mice, and lizards, though they rarely catch them. Mostly, they just keep pests entertained until they die of laughter or exhaustion.

😎 Quality Control Inspectors: Every freshly dug hole, bag of soil, or new plant needs a thorough inspection. Expect your cat to sit on it, sniff it, or bat at it like a professional.

💩 Fertilizer Experts: Got a sandy patch? Your cat will "fertilize" it for free - just don't ask what they're burying.

🚽 Weed Prevention: Cats help stop weed growth by rolling around and flattening anything remotely green and edible. Who needs grass when you have a furry steamroller?

  • 🐈 Scarecrows on Demand: No bird or squirrel will dare stick around when your cat strikes their ultimate "hunting pose". Bonus: the pose is 90% napping 😴

🤗 Mood Boosters: Cats are pros at reminding you to take a break. Just try to resist when they flop dramatically onto your tools or demand belly rubs mid-planting.

  • 🐈 Your garden may not be more productive, but it'll definitely be more entertaining with a cat around!

  • Share your cats in comments!

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