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Are you friend or foe? Cat or dog? I dont know yet

🤫 "Are you friend or foe? Cat or dog?" I don't know yet...

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Whats in the bag? Sound on

🤔 What's in the bag? Sound on 📢

Do you have more pictures of your cat in a box? How many?

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Cats have a unique attitude

 Cats have a unique attitude
😏 "Cats have a unique attitude - they move with the grace of royalty, demand attention like divas, and show affection on their own terms, reminding us that we are merely their humble servants."

😶 Good night from Nikki with Catitude...

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Groundbreaking discovery: cats revealed as Alien observers!

😀 Groundbreaking discovery: cats revealed as Alien observers!

👽 "Sometimes I wonder if cats are actually just alien spies, observing us with those knowing eyes, gathering data for their interstellar overlords. Their mysterious behavior and unearthly agility seem to defy the logic of this world, making you believe they're not just pets, but enigmatic visitors from another realm."

😶 Good night...

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Cats + plants = our best friends!

Cats + plants = our best friends!
🌳 Cats + plants = our best friends!

😶 Good night from Macaron...

Is your cat your best friend too?

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🐾 More #PeopleCats in our Garden: PeopleCats.Garden 

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Why do cats love boxes so much?

😨 Why do cats love boxes so much?

Do you have pictures of your cat in a box? How many?

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Cats and weeds both thrive where theyre least expected

🌳 Cats and weeds both thrive where they're least expected

Get your cats some fresh grass, don't let them feed on weed! 😷

😶 Good night from Valily "Wes" the Big Boy...

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Say Cheese! Bob is eating his favorite shredded cheese and purring - sound on!

🍿 Say Cheese! Bob is eating his favorite shredded cheese and purring - sound on! 🎤

He has extended healthy diet beyond his Corn and Philemon's Avocado.

🕯 Good night...

What special treats do your cats like? Share your cats in comments!
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What is your cats Zodiac sign?

  What is your cats Zodiac sign?   What is your cats Zodiac sign?   What is your cats Zodiac sign?
♋️ 😸 What is your cat's Zodiac sign?
Cat Horoscope: Cancer Zodiac Cats 06/22-07/22

❓ How to know the astrological sign of your cat? It can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats.

  • ✨ You can discover the astrological traits that describe the cat, such as their independence, diva-like tendencies, sense of humor, intelligence, and more.

  • ✨ It's also important to consider the astrological relationship between cats and plants...

♋️ Cancer Zodiac Cats are:
  • ▪️faithful, loving, and protective
  • ▪️affectionate and enjoy cuddling
  • ▪️excellent communicators
  • ▪️can be quite jealous, viewing their family members as their personal property
  • ▪️feel lonely when left alone
  • ▪️love being in the spotlight and are often the stars of social media platforms

🌟 Learn more about Cancer Zodiac Cats and their lucky plants

#PeopleCats #Horoscope

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Did you have a good day? Think of any blessings

🐈 Did you have a good day? Think of any blessings...

"I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine

🕯 Good night...

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