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How to make Dragon Fruit Smoothie? What to do with a

Dragon fruit and a cat

Dragon fruit and a cat

Dragon fruit smoothie

Dragon fruit smoothie

Dragon fruit yellow

Dragon fruit yellow

🍹 How to make Dragon Fruit Smoothie? What to do with a Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit, regardless of variety, makes excellent smoothies. A perfect Dragon Fruit Smoothie can be made with a creamy blend of dragon fruit, mango, and banana. The tropical flavor is played up with a squeeze of fresh lime.


Mix in a blender:
2 dragon fruit, peeled
  1. cup of mango pulp
    1 banana
    1 cup of milk of your preference
  2. tbsp sugar
    1/2 tsp Lime juce

Some Ice
Add Mint for decoration

🛒 Shop Dragon Fruit

#Food_Forest #Recipes #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


Cat Philemon is eating Avocado!

🥑 Cat Philemon is eating Avocado!

Avocado is good for you. It's one of the Superfoods. Even cats know this fact.

Did you know that Avocado comes in hundreds of varieties, not just green and black?

📚 Check out Avocado Varieties Guide

🛒 Shop Avocado Trees

📸 😺 👇 Share your cats in comments!

#PeopleCats #Food_Forest



How to water a newly planted Mango tree?

How to water a newly planted Mango tree?
🥭 How to water a newly planted Mango tree?

Never rely solely on your sprinkler system when planting a new tree, especially during the first week or even several weeks if you have no rain. By rain, we mean a nice downpour. Here in Florida, we usually have a hot and dry spring, and while springtime is great for starting new trees, additional hose-watering becomes essential for establishing them during the first months.

📚 Learn how to water your mango tree

#How_to #Food_Forest

We Grow Happiness


Why buy Mango from the store? Plant the trees today to enjoy your own fruit tomorrow!

 Why buy Mango from the store? Plant the trees today to enjoy your own fruit tomorrow!
🥭 Why buy Mango from the store? Plant the trees today to enjoy your own fruit tomorrow!

🛒 Shop Mango trees


🏵 TopTropicals


How to make a Mango tree fruit?

How to make a Mango tree fruit?
🥭 How to make a Mango tree fruit?

We use SUNSHINE Mango Tango - Mango Tree Booster, for healthy mango trees and profuse fruit production.

📚 Learn how to make a Mango tree fruit

#Food_Forest #How_to #Fertilizers

We Grow Happiness