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Attention California gardeners:
New additions to CA list

Photo above: Exotic Stags Horn Fern - Platycerium x Netherlands - that everyone wants to have in their tropical plant collection. We have large developed plants in stock.

More plants added to the list certified for shipping to California

Top Tropicals ships plants Nationwide and Worldwide. We are certified for shipping to all 50 states including California which has very strict agricultural regulations from the State.
Additional plant list certified for shipping to California has been approved, and you can check a few updates at the end of this email. As usual, some items are limited quantity while many people have been waiting for them to be approved for shipping. So hurry up, first come, first serve!

Remember to always pay attention if a plant is certified for CA shipment.
Please note that in addition to our company annual certification approved by USDA, we are sending a Phyto Certificate with every plant shipment!

Photo above: Xanthosoma albo-marginata - Mickey Mouse Taro - one of most unusual plants in cultivation, a show stopper! This plant is thought to be a mutation of a species or even a possible hybrid. The leaves are never identical most are streaked with large blotches of white on dark blue green leaves. Leaves will develop a small cup like pocket at the leaf tip, and grow horizontally. It is always a conversation piece in the garden.


Easy Sunday Morning Deals: Sweet Dragon or Sweet Cherry?.. Both!

Sweet Dragon or Sweet Cherry?.. Both!

Photo above: Biquinho Pepper (Capsicum annuum x chinense) - nipple-shaped bright orange to red fruits with unique flavor which packs quite a bang!
Not because of its heat, but because of its intense fruity habanero flavor!

Saving on your favorite plants is Easy. Easy like Sunday Morning...

This weekend we celebrate our Easy Sunday and Cyber Monday together!
So we've doubled your opportunity to Save AND we've added a second beautiful plant to help you save even more!
Take an extra day to enjoy your Easy stroll through Top Tropicals' Garden with savings of

50% OFF and MORE!

For two days only, you can easily get the sweetest variety of the Dragon Fruit and add a super rare variety of Tropical Black Cherry Lolita to your garden!
Both plants Easy Priced at $19, that's a savings of more than 50% from the regular $39 price!
Learn more about these plants:

Yellow Dragon Fruit

Selenicereus megalanthus - Yellow Pitaya, Dragon Fruit
- is the best tasting Dragon Fruit in the world that is not only sweet, it has a great flavor (unlike most Pitayas that are pretty watery).
These plants originated from Ecuador and are well-developed, multi-branched, as you can see from the photo.

Picture of the actual plants for sale:

Lolita Cherry

Eugenia uniflora - Black Surinam Cherry Lolita
- rare, hard-to-find black-fruited variety Surinam Cherry starts as red and turns black as it ripens.
It is very sweet and has exceptional flavor, without aftertaste, large 1-1.2 inch, very juicy.
Reliable producer. The tree is upright, freely branching, cold hardy to upper 20's once established.
Plants are in 2 gal pots, well branched and ready to fruit next season.

Picture of the actual plants for sale:

You can save even more by using our Black Friday sales discount code on your order:

FRIDAY20 - 20% OFF - for orders over $200
FRIDAY15 - 15% OFF - for orders over $150
FRIDAY10 - 10% OFF - for orders over $100

Excluding S&H. Codes extended through Monday: 11/29/21

Remember, the special $19 prices are good for only 48 hours and expire Tuesday morning at 7 am EST.
Limited to availability, while supply lasts, hurry up!



Winter is coming tips

Reminder from Kristi, the Tropical Flower Girl

As the weather gets cooler, many of you move your potted tropical plants indoors. Please remember:

  1. Leaf drop. Lower air humidity, lower light and short day may cause some leaf drop. This is normal for seasonal environment change.
  2. Reduce watering as it gets cooler and darker. Under lower light and in cooler temperature, plants won't need much water; some plants go dormant and only need minimum water (so soil doesn't completely dry out). Excess water may damage roots and kill a plant in winter.
  3. No dry fertilizer in winter. Active growth stops. Let the plant to go into dormancy or simply have a rest. You can continue liquid Sunshine Boosters according to regular dosage chart with every watering. Since the watering is reduced, the plants will get only as much food as needed for getting through the winter.
  4. Watch for insects by inspecting leaves regularly. They may attack plants more likely in the indoor conditions. You may use organic NoBug insecticide especially for your indoor plants.

    Stay Warm!

    In the photo: Mr Big and Zoe-the-Scooby-Doo sharing a warm tub with Emerald Peperonia.


Philodendrons: from the Magic Rainforest...

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Tropical rainforests have been called the "jewels of the Earth" and the "world's largest pharmacy", because over one quarter of natural medicines have been discovered there... One of the most excellent representative of this green world is a Philodendron... Taxonomically, the genus Philodendron is still poorly known, with many undescribed species...
...Philodendron care is easy because if you watch for the signals, the plant will tell you exactly what it needs. Even inexperienced houseplant owners will have no trouble growing philodendron plants because the plants adapt readily to conditions inside the home. This makes learning how to care for a philodendron incredibly simple...



Soil, media, substrate or just plain dirt, which is correct?

by Ed Jones, the Booster guy

...Dirt. What is it really and does it matter what you use to grow your plants? What is the right dirt for growing plants? In the growing industry, we refer to it as soil, media or substrate. In the real world, we just call it dirt. But is it? Is it just dirt or is it something special? We will try to give some good insight in this article...



Bottlebrush to Little John
or the story of a Dwarf Plant

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Bottlebrush... Bottle washing brushes... Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a more outdated concept! For reuse, all glass containers have been cleaned industrially for many years. Young people have never even heard of, especially used, such a thing. Nevertheless, Bottlebrush not only lives, but is often used by many people. In today's world, Bottlebrushes are not brushes at all, but... beautiful ornamental plants!..
...This plant was originally selected as a chance seedling in the 1980s by Ken Dunstan of Alstonville, New South Wales and was also called Callistemon Alstonville Dwarf, Tom Thumb and, at last, Little John. They said that the choice of this name was the song "Little John, Bottle John" by the American singer and songwritter Terry Grosvenor on lyrics by Laura E. Richard. Little John was the 1986 Shrub of the Year in Australia and was originally introduced as a plant that only grew to 3ft tall...



Flowering vine around garage trellis

Q: I want to grow flowering vines up and around my garage; however I want to make sure whatever I put will grow long enough to make it all the way around the top. I attached photo of my garage and where I mounted the bolts for the trellis. What plants do you recommend for doing something like this that will eventually grow long enough to complete the arch over the garage? Right now I have mandevillas there but I know they aren't the right species. I know bougainvilleas will work, but I was hoping to do something less thorny since it’s near the walkway.

A: There are several vines that can fit your project. These are just a few suggestions:

1017 Aristolochia gigantea - Giant Pelican Flower
Camptosema grandiflora - Dwarf Red Jade Vine
Cissus rotundifolia - Arabian Wax Leaf (very fast glowing)
Clerodendrum speciosum - Red Bleeding Heart
Clitoria ternatea - Blue Butterfly Pea (very fast glowing)
Jasminum sambac Maid of Orleans
Senecio confusus - Mexican flame vine
Stictocardia beraviensis - Hawaiian Sunset Bell (very fast glowing)
Thunbergia alata var. aurea Sunlady
Thunbergia laurifolia - Blue Sky vine
Trachelospermum jasminoides - Confederate Jasmine
Urechites lutea - Yellow Mandevilla

Check out full list of flowering vines

Photo above: Clerodendrum speciosum - Red Bleeding Heart

Photo above: Senecio confusus - Mexican flame vine

Photo above: Clitoria ternatea - Blue Butterfly Pea

Photo above: Thunbergia laurifolia - Blue Sky vine


Top Tropicals Top House Plants

Photo above: Clerodendrum indoor garden of Ludmila Ezhova, St Petersburg, Russia.

Enjoy the Tropics Year round!
Bring them inside...

Q: I just discovered your amazing website and spent hours browsing your beautiful tropical plants! I wish I could have them all! But it's getting cold here (I live in Chicago area), too late? Can you recommend something of a small size, colorful, that I can easily overwinter indoors? Thanks for bringing this beauty into our lives!

A: Don't get discouraged even in colder climates. Yes, you can grow tropical plants indoors! Remember that all traditional houseplants are in fact tropical plants that grow in tropics in a wild habitat. Humans didn't invent them as indoor plants, they originally collected them from the rain forests and jungles! Most of tropical plants, including trees and fruit trees, can be grown in containers and even indoors. It's just a matter of space limitations and amount of time you are willing to spend caring of your exotic babies. Many gardeners up North are very successful with their tropical plant collections.
Below are a few suggestions of compact growing, easy species for your indoor collection. Enjoy the Tropics Year round!

See more plants well-suitable for indoor culture and our specials at the end of this newsletter.

Photo above: small tropical indoor garden of Julia Nikolayeva, St Petersburg, Russia.


A Native Virgin - Sweetbay Vanilla Magnolia
(Magnolia virginiana)

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Fossilized specimens one of Magnolias have been found dating to 20 million years ago. Magnolia virginiana as a true American pioneer - it was the first magnolia to be scientifically described, and is the type species of the genus Magnolia; as Magnolia is also the type genus of all flowering plants (magnoliophytes), this species in a sense typifies all flowering plants...
...The flowers carry a very strong vanilla scent that can sometimes be noticed several hundred yards away! Fresh off the tree, the flavor of leaves is unique and fun to use. If you have a Florida Sweet Bay, your cooking will have flavors folks outside Florida can never hope to duplicate. It likes moist soils, so if you have a wet spot on your land - plant this tree. The lifespan of individual trees has been estimated at 130 years! No bugs, no pests!..



Hibiscus: TopTropicals' first plant

- September 2001 @ TopTropicals -

Q: I wonder how you started your plant business and what was your first plant?

A: It was 20 years ago this month that we started Top Tropicals Project. No idea where it was going or how to even get "there", just started with the idea of sharing these wonderful creatures we call plants with anyone and everyone who felt the same way.

Believe it or not, the first plant at TopTropicals was a hibiscus. Right before we opened our plant nursery in Florida, we ran into a place called Winn Soldani's FANCY HIBISCUS. The variety of colors inspired us to start our own tropical plant business. We asked the owner Winn Soldani: what plants do you suggest us to grow in Florida? His answer was, "Your plant will find you". Very soon we discovered jasmines, then perfume trees and fruit trees - all those became our specialty. Then very quickly TopTropicals.com turned into a large Plant Mall where you can find every tropical plant you can think of!
But at TopTropicals we still grow hibiscus!

- September 2004 @ TopTropicals -

Hibiscus Plus

Hibiscus is a wonderful plant, considering there are thousands of hybrids with color palettes you can only imagine. Especially interesting are those rare and useful species, yet very easy to grow, such as:
- Salad Hibiscus - Hibiscus furcellatus - yes, used in salads
- Coral Hibiscus with crazy pendant flowers - Hibiscus schizopetalus
- African Cranberry hibiscus that is used for making teas and salads - Hibiscus acetocella
- Cotton Candy Hibiscus mutabilis - the flower changes color, opens as white and turns into bright pink within 3 days, like Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow

Photo above: Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy

Care of Hibiscus and other flowering tropicals

"If your plant isn't flowering, feed it."
- Winn Soldani, Fancy Hibiscus -

Among gardeners, Hibiscus plants have a reputation to have couple maintenance issues:

  1. they can get bugsy (because they must be so tasty!)
  2. they can get leggy, especially fancy grafted cultivars, and after a while they don't look as perfect as when they came from a nursery.

    4 tips for healthy and pretty hibiscus plant

    1. Full sun. Essential for profuse flowering and keeps away diseases.

  3. Pruning. Keep it pruned and it will get bushy and produce more blooms.
  4. Well-drained soil. Hibiscus likes regular watering but hates wet feet.
  5. Nutrition program. Hibiscus plants are heavy feeders. But keep in mind that if you just keep pushing granulated plant food, you can over-fertilize the plant. Excessive salts will accumulate in soil and you will end up with a sickly looking plant.

    Keys to balanced plant food and bloom booster

    1) Use liquid fertilizer, preferably amino acid based, it won't create nutrients lock up

  6. Fertilize on regular basis, it's better dilute concentration and add food with every watering
  7. Always add micro-elements - they are essential for plant health

    If you do this part right, the result will be:

- healthy, green plants, like they just came from a nursery
- reliable blooming circle
- better cold tolerance and disease resistance. Remember that a strong plant will be less stressed and less "bugged" by bugs!

We always suggest Sunshine Boosters - scientifically balanced liquid fertilizers that are amino acid based = they are natural and organic, can be used for both flowers and edibles, and what's most important - year around. They are safe to use virtually with every watering.

This is all you need for healthy plants and lots of flowers!