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Winter is coming tips

Reminder from Kristi, the Tropical Flower Girl

As the weather gets cooler, many of you move your potted tropical plants indoors. Please remember:

  1. Leaf drop. Lower air humidity, lower light and short day may cause some leaf drop. This is normal for seasonal environment change.
  2. Reduce watering as it gets cooler and darker. Under lower light and in cooler temperature, plants won't need much water; some plants go dormant and only need minimum water (so soil doesn't completely dry out). Excess water may damage roots and kill a plant in winter.
  3. No dry fertilizer in winter. Active growth stops. Let the plant to go into dormancy or simply have a rest. You can continue liquid Sunshine Boosters according to regular dosage chart with every watering. Since the watering is reduced, the plants will get only as much food as needed for getting through the winter.
  4. Watch for insects by inspecting leaves regularly. They may attack plants more likely in the indoor conditions. You may use organic NoBug insecticide especially for your indoor plants.

    Stay Warm!

    In the photo: Mr Big and Zoe-the-Scooby-Doo sharing a warm tub with Emerald Peperonia.


Carambola - the Star of the orchard

from seed to flower... in less than 2 years?

by Ed Jones, the Booster guy

...My story starts on Dec. 2, 2019 when a co-worker brought a bag of carambola. Well, being a crazy plant person, and being still fairly new to Florida, you know I had to save a seed and plant it, right? Why not, it just might grow. If it does, I may get my own star fruit someday. But when? Google tells me that it takes 3 - 8 years to get fruit from a carambola that is planted from seed. OK, I am good with 3 years....8, not so much, but I was willing to give it a shot... Not really knowing what to expect, I planted just one salvaged seed in some potting soil in a coffee cup and placed in on a shelf on our lanai...
...Here is a picture of that plant FLOWERING and ready to fruit, taken at the end of October 2021... Now, read the whole story...


Grafted Carambola Trees available from our store are ready to flower and fruit right away. Some of them start fruiting right in a pot!


7 reasons to get an Aroid Houseplant

1. It's almost Winter... You need something tropical in your home! Aroids have the most tropical look!
2. Aroids tolerate low light conditions of indoors.
3. Aroids require almost no care. Care is easy because if you watch for the signals, the plant will tell you exactly what it needs
4. Aroids adapt to wide range of conditions. Many of them thrive in neglect and survive even in sub-optimal conditions... Unlike most tropicals, Aroids don't experience much stress when moving from indoor to outdoor settings and adapt readily to conditions inside the home.
5. Aroids are compact and easy to manage.
6. Aroids are fast growing while still being compact.
7. They are on sale now!

Check out our Philodendrons, Monsteras, Fancy Syngoniums, Alocasias, Colocasias.


Philodendrons: from the Magic Rainforest...

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Tropical rainforests have been called the "jewels of the Earth" and the "world's largest pharmacy", because over one quarter of natural medicines have been discovered there... One of the most excellent representative of this green world is a Philodendron... Taxonomically, the genus Philodendron is still poorly known, with many undescribed species...
...Philodendron care is easy because if you watch for the signals, the plant will tell you exactly what it needs. Even inexperienced houseplant owners will have no trouble growing philodendron plants because the plants adapt readily to conditions inside the home. This makes learning how to care for a philodendron incredibly simple...



Cat of the Week:
Snitch, the Garden Boy

...According to the National survey, 80% of cats suffer misunderstanding from humans: "Every time I try to have a serious talk with him, he simply gives me food" - this was the most common opinion among cats who took the survey...

See more: TopTropicals PeopleCats


Yerba Mate Tea from Argentina
(llex paraguariensis)

by Ed Jones, the Booster guy

...My first introduction to Yerba Mate happened many years ago when my stepson returned home for a visit after graduating from college and then touring with a vocal group from the school. One of the stops on their tour included the country of Argentina. While there, they took in the local customs, one of those being the sharing of a cup of tea made from this tree. He brought a bag of the dried tea home along with a special vessel that is used to steep and drink the concoction and gave it to my wife as a gift...


...Yerba Mate is high in antioxidants, contains 24 vitamins and minerals and several amino acids...Find out more...


How to grow a nice Olive tree fast?

by Ed Jones, the Booster guy

Q: I got an Olive tree from you a few months ago, planted in the ground and it is doing well, but I don't see any active growth. The tree looks healthy but still about the same size when I planted it in June. I'm old and I want to see the olives sooner than later. Any suggestions, should I give it some fertilizer?

A: Olive trees are relatively slow growers, however, with balanced nutrition they can grow much faster, as fast as a few feet per year. Check out this Article by Ed Jones where he describes how he grew nice, bushy Olive trees just within one season with a help of Sunshine Boosters fertilizers. The article shows in details how to properly use liquid fertilizer on your fruit trees.



Is Ugly Betty mango ugly or awesome?

A note from our customer

"...Hello my name is Gary, I bought your Ugly Betty Mango tree a little over a year ago. When I saw your photo I thought to myself why are they calling this mango ugly Betty? It doesn't look ugly at all to me. It was a deep yellowish orange with a little red to it round so what is so ugly about it? Once the fruit started developing on my tree I thought - now I understand, it's such an odd shape! However, it looks nothing like your photo and personally I thought this mango should be called Awesome Mango! I did not find it ugly at all. Here's a photo of what you call an ugly mango Betty..."

Sunshine Mango Tango.
Plant Food for every Mango to be Awesome


Soil, media, substrate or just plain dirt, which is correct?

by Ed Jones, the Booster guy

...Dirt. What is it really and does it matter what you use to grow your plants? What is the right dirt for growing plants? In the growing industry, we refer to it as soil, media or substrate. In the real world, we just call it dirt. But is it? Is it just dirt or is it something special? We will try to give some good insight in this article...



New Video:
Secrets of Longevity

Best Hot Humid Weather Spinach Crops:
Longevity and Okinawa Spinach

by David Mortimer, Tropical Edibles Expert

...This video is all about the greens. Most find it difficult to grow vegetables year round in hot climates. In this video we show you two different spinach varieties that not only handle the heat but thrive in it...


Even more: Longevity Spinach recipes!

...Can healthy food taste delicious? Healthy Longevity Spinach... it tastes like... spinach. You can add it to your salads, but let's face it, you can only eat so much of... a salad. So try it cooked!..