Hibiscus: TopTropicals' first plant

- September 2001 @ TopTropicals -
Q: I wonder how you started your plant business and what was your
first plant?
A: It was 20 years ago this month that we started Top Tropicals
Project. No idea where it was going or how to even get "there", just started
with the idea of sharing these wonderful creatures we call plants with anyone
and everyone who felt the same way.
Believe it or not, the first plant at TopTropicals was a hibiscus. Right
before we opened our plant nursery in Florida, we ran into a place called Winn Soldani's FANCY
HIBISCUS. The variety of colors inspired us to start our own tropical plant
business. We asked the owner Winn Soldani: what plants do you suggest us to
grow in Florida? His answer was, "Your plant will find you". Very soon we
jasmines, then perfume trees and fruit trees - all those became our specialty. Then very quickly
TopTropicals.com turned into a large Plant Mall where you can find every tropical plant you can think of!
But at TopTropicals we still grow hibiscus!

- September 2004 @ TopTropicals -
Hibiscus Plus
Hibiscus is a wonderful plant, considering there are thousands of
hybrids with color palettes you can only imagine. Especially interesting are those
rare and useful species, yet very easy to grow, such as:
- Salad Hibiscus - Hibiscus furcellatus - yes, used in salads
- Coral Hibiscus with crazy pendant flowers - Hibiscus schizopetalus
- African Cranberry hibiscus that is used for making teas and salads - Hibiscus
- Cotton Candy Hibiscus mutabilis - the flower changes color, opens as white and turns
into bright pink within 3 days, like Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow

Photo above: Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy
Care of Hibiscus and other flowering tropicals
"If your plant isn't flowering, feed it."
- Winn Soldani, Fancy Hibiscus -
Among gardeners, Hibiscus plants have a reputation to have couple
maintenance issues:
- they can get bugsy (because they must be so tasty!)
- they can get leggy, especially fancy grafted cultivars, and after a
while they don't look as perfect as when they came from a nursery.
4 tips for healthy and pretty hibiscus plant
1. Full sun. Essential for profuse flowering and keeps away
- Pruning. Keep it pruned and it will get bushy and produce more
- Well-drained soil. Hibiscus likes regular watering but hates wet
- Nutrition program. Hibiscus plants are heavy feeders. But keep in
mind that if you just keep pushing granulated plant food, you can
over-fertilize the plant. Excessive salts will accumulate in soil and you will end up
with a sickly looking plant.
Keys to balanced plant food and bloom booster
1) Use liquid fertilizer, preferably amino acid based, it won't create
nutrients lock up
- Fertilize on regular basis, it's better dilute concentration and add
food with every watering
- Always add micro-elements - they are essential for plant health
If you do this part right, the result will be:
- healthy, green plants, like they just came from a nursery
- reliable blooming circle
- better cold tolerance and disease resistance. Remember that a strong
plant will be less stressed and less "bugged" by bugs!
We always suggest Sunshine Boosters - scientifically balanced liquid fertilizers that are
amino acid based = they are natural and organic, can be used for both
flowers and edibles, and what's most important - year around. They are safe to use
virtually with every watering.
This is all you need for healthy plants and lots of