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Planting during hot summer

In the photo: Malpighia glabra - Barbados Cherry, Acerola

Q: We just moved to Florida from New York. The weather is so hot and I wonder if I should wait till Fall to plant my garden? I tried to plant some seeds of annuals but nothing grew, just weeds. I also planted tomato seeds, they germinated but died in few days. What am I doing wrong?

A: Growing from seeds during hot season can be tricky. Here in Florida, we still can grow anuals and vegetables from seeds, but only during winter season. Annuals and tomatoes need cooler temperatures and protection from rain water which we have in abundance during summer. Combination hot + wet can kill those seedlings. On the other hand, seeds of tropical species love the heat and humidity, and germinate in no time, they just require a little experience.
However, Summer is a perfect time to plant and establish starter plants in your garden.

Five advantages of summer planting

1. Root growth. High temperatures promote rapid root growth - this is one secrets of a plant nursery. If you grow plants in pots, putting a pot on top of black ground cover will increase the effect, and the roots will grow even faster than the tops! This is a great head start for a plant. Make sure to provide adequate watering.
2. Fast development. With bright sun and longest day light, photosynthesis is more efficient. In simple words, during hot summer tropical plants have faster metabolism, they produce cells faster and grow leaves and stems faster.
3. Bugs be gone. Bright sun in combination with good air circulation will help to stay away from insects, leaf fungus, and other diseases.
4. Fertilizing can be generous and will be most efficient. In summer, there is less chance to overdose, as plant food is consumed fast, and summer rains help to prevent nutrient lock up in soil.
5. Rain water works like magic. Rainy season in Florida is our blessing. It can not be replaced by sprinklers or even daily hose water. Rain penetrates evenly and saturates not only a root ball but also the surrounding area that gives room to spread even bigger roots. Rain water also works like a "flush" to rinse off all excessive salts that may build up in soil.

As a result, plants will establish faster and grow bigger before winter, which will give them a better chance to survive possible cold spells.

Plant in summer and watch plants grow healthy and happy every day!

In the photo: Magnolia virginiana - Sweet Bay


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster - Mango Talk

Today we are introducing a new column - Mango Talk! Everybody loves Mango - the most delicious fruit in the world. Fruit experts like to talk about varieties, how to grow a Mango tree better, and the fruit bigger and sweeter. And beginners want to know more! What variety to get? How to take care of it? How to get more fruit sooner than later?
This easy-read blog from Ed Jones is about the first steps - what to do when you get your first Mango tree...
In our future publications, you will hear from Mango experts and have a tour on Mango varieties...

Fertilize your Mango trees

By Ed Jones, the Booster Guy

Ok, you finally did it. You bought your first mango tree. Now what? Well, you have to love it and feed it and trim it and love it some more. But today, lets talk about how to fertilize your mango tree. The photo above shows some very small grafted mango trees. This is probably how yours will look when you bring them home or have them delivered....


The photo above is of the two trees at the beginning of this blog after just under 10 months of TLC.


New Video:
Magnolia champaca... get some Joy!

Champaka, or Joy Perfume Tree, is regarded as one of the most sacred trees of India and tropical Asia. Its flowers exude a divine fragrance that is exceedingly pleasing to the Gods... and women!..
(See more info about Champaka). This video presented by our video host David Mortimer.


Meet Top Tropicals Team: David

About David in his own words:
"...I am passionate about health and living life to the fullest. I grew up in northern Wisconsin and my travels have allowed me to live in places like Colorado and Arizona before I arrived in SW Florida. I make fresh vegetable juices and cleansing programs for people as well as inspiring, educational and some funny videos on my YouTube channel and Instagram. I got into gardening during the first month of the pandemic. After I harvested my first radish and ate it fresh I was hooked! I am excited to be working and learning in such a great environment like Top Tropicals. I hope to talk about all the cool plants with everyone while I am here!.."

Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


Joy Perfume Tree is available from our store.


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

Pineapple Season is Here!

Pineapple season is here and people often ask, "how do you get them to grow?" Well, the answer is simple really. One method involves cutting the top off a pineapple, prepping it and then planting it. You can find several different ways to do this with a short Google search. Of course the easiest way is to purchase plants that have already been started. You can do that here...



Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

Meet our new Booster Guy

Plants need food too! Our line of Complete Plant Nutrition system - Sunshine Boosters - will give your plants exactly what they need, and nothing they don't! The boosters are easy to use, and -

ON SALE NOW with FREE shipping

- as a part of our 4th of July specials!

We have a new team member to help you learn more about Sunshine Boosters and how they can make your plants grow healthy and fast.
Meet Ed Jones - our new Booster Guy! Ed will be your contact for all Sunshine Boosters questions, he will help you with fertilizer product selection and ordering.

Soon we will introduce some new fun stuff... including: new advanced formulas, and cool electronics for ultimate control of your plant collections, gardens, greenhouses, and groves... Stay connected!


Meet Ed's serious Booster People: Roxy and Delilah


Black Magic of Colocasias

Spectacular unusual plants

Q: I need something unusual to plant next to a small pond at my front yard. It is full sun location. I need a plant that is not too messy and doesn't require much maintenance. Preferably without flowers, so they don't drop into the water, and not too tall. Any suggestions?

A: Your ideal solution is - colorful Colocasia hybrids with spectacular large leaves. Our favorite is variety Black Magic - it creates a magic tropical atmosphere. The color of the leaves in full sun is dark purple, almost black, and the brighter the light, the deeper the color.
Light colored varieties - Royal Hawaiian Maui Sunrise, with bright sunny stripes, or Illustris, in case you want to create a bright, mixed-color border around your pond. Colocasias are perfect plants for perimeter borders, and naturally are marginal plants around lakes and along river banks.

Photo above: for enhanced effect of your Black Magic Colocasias, use Black Magic Ti Leaf for the background planting... Cordyline fruticosa Black Magic - Hawaiian Good Luck Ti Leaf.


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

How to prevent mango flowers drop

Q:The mango blossoms my tree had in February have blown off due to weather conditions. Do you know what I can do to prevent this from happening again in the future?

A: The only "guarantee" to protect mango flowers from cold weather damage here in Florida is to plant a LATE flowering variety. Generally, mango trees are winter bloomers. Those varieties called "early season" start flowering in January (for example, Nam Doc Mai), and of course very often they get affected by cold, so they drop. Some varieties are so called "late season" - for example Venus. They start flowering in spring when the weather conditions are more favorable.
Another thing that may help you with mango flower drop is applying plant micro-element supplement Sunshine-Honey - it contains Molybdenum and Boron, which help flower and fruit development/strength and prevent their drop.

Read more: Boosting Mango Flowers and Fruit.


Tahitian Gardenia

Q: I am interested in your Tahitian Gardenia and I would love to try and grow this plant in a large container/fabric pot. The soil here where I live is terrible as it's hard rock, clay, and sand! So I'm not sure if amending the soil would help to plant in the ground? Can you tell me if this will do okay in a container or best in ground? I live here in Las Vegas, NV (zone 9a). Any information would be great to help me make a this decision, I love the selection of cool tropical plants you offer! Also my daughter does Tahitian/Polynesian dance and this would be a cool "topping on the cake" if she could have a live Tiare flower in her performances.

A: Tahitian Gardenia will be doing best if grown in container in your area. In its natural habitat, it grows full sun but also it enjoys mild weather conditions and high air humidity. All gardenias prefer acidic soils. In your area, if planted in the ground, it may be exposed to some harsh conditions: too high temperatures, too hot sun, dry air, and as you mentioned - heavy clay and sandy soil. You can enjoy this plant grown in container, which can be moved as needed away from too much sun during summer months. Use well-drained potting mix. Use plastic pot, do not use fabric or clay pots - soil will dry out too quickly.
Also remember to fertilize this plant on regular basis with a liquid fertilizer SUNSHINE Pikake - Fragrant Flower Booster.
Grow gardenia in full sun or semi-shade during the hottest months. You may spray it with pure water if the air too dry and hot. Enjoy your Tropical Beauty and good luck!


Fragrant plants - Sweet memories

...More than any other sense, the sense of smell has the power to recall memories of the past. Perhaps this is because the olfactory impressions are received by the brain's limbic system, one of the most ancient components that also associated with emotions. The result is that even a whiff of a certain flower or leaf can instantly transport us in time to when we first encountered the fragrance. Little wonder that fragrant plants have always ranked high among Southern favorites...



Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

Healthy Heliconia Leaves?

Q: I purchased a heliconia from you a couple months ago. The new growth seems to be doing fairly well, however some of the larger leaves are discoloring around the edges then drying up. It's potted in a large pot with potting soil with 3 holes in the bottom to help with drainage in partial sun under a Royal Palm facing northwest. I'm here in Ft Myers. I was previously watering it every other day with your rapid growth fertilizer 1 tbsp per gallon but I have cut that back to once or twice a week. Please let me know your thoughts.

A: Heliconias and Gingers tend to develop dry leaves if grown in pots, especially ceramic or clay pots, because soil in such pots dries out too fast. These dry leaves are not caused by fertilizer, and you can see lots of new healthy green growth. The plant overall seem to be healthy. Continue fertilizing it with liquid Sunshine Robusta that is great for all wide-leaf tropical species, promotes green, lush foliage, and do not use any additional dry fertilizers!
Another suggestion, try to move the plant in more shady spot. Right now it sits in pretty bright light, this may be OK for established plants in the ground, but potted heliconias are very sensitive to hot sun. They get leaf burn easily.