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Plants that make you feel better

Researchers are claiming that gardening can be much more than just a hobby, and that honing those green-finger skills could actually have many benefits, including making us healthier! The presence of plants has been found to be helpful in many different settings, according to results of several experimental studies:

At school and work:

  1. Improve your learning abilities
  2. Improve reaction times, attentiveness, and attendance
  3. Increase energy and your performance, purpose and motivation
  4. Raise productivity and job satisfaction

At home
  1. Relax and feel closer to nature while indoors
  2. Make you feel needed
  3. Have a clean air
  4. Improve relationships and increase compassion.

In recovery:
  1. Lower blood pressure (systolic)
  2. Improve well-being
  3. Lower levels of anxiety during recovery from surgery
  4. Accelerate healing process

    See full list of Rare Tropicals that are great house plants.

    Get a plant, feel better, be needed and loved!



Some tropical plants like Durian, Breadfruit, Cacao are rare in plant collections and require true tropical environment for successful growing and most likely greenhouse conditions unless you live in mild tropical climate like Hawaii. These plants are hard to find and are not cheap. They can be shipped to you in original containers via Express mail and usually take trip well as long as there are no delays or overheating (or cold) during transportation. To enjoy your rare plant collection gem, please make sure to follow these recommendations:
- Keep your eye on delivery, track the shipment and make sure package is not left outside in the heat or cold.
- Unpack immediately and put plant in humid, warm environment with filtered light. Remember, "warm" for tropical plant means 78-85F.
- If a plant is wilted, put clear plastic bag over leaves to increase humidity for a few days. Keep the branches covered with clear plastic, in shade only - to avoid overheating.
- Keep soil slightly moist and don't let dry out. These plants like water as well as good drainage.
- Keep plant in original container until recovers from shipping stress. If necessary, re-pot in 2-3 weeks in bigger pot with rich organic potting mix, containing a lot of peat moss, and perlite or bark for good drainage.
- Grow these plants in warm and mild conditions, in filtered light, high humidity, with no temperature extremes. Remember to keep these plants at temperatures above 50F at all times.



National Sweetest Day - 100th Anniversary!

National Sweetest Day is observed on the third Saturday in October by people of all ages. Just in time for its 100th Anniversary, National Sweetest Day encourages everyone to be generous even in the smallest ways. This day reminds us that even small tokens improve the lives of those around us who are suffering or going without. While the day may have begun with sweets, encouraging us to take home sweets to our sweethearts and friends (similar to Valentine's Day!), it is a day full of lessons in persistence, resilience and doing small things in greatly. A Gift Plant (sweet fruit tree is the best!), a treat, a card, a show of support during a time of need may be the sweetest gift on this day.



Scorpio Zodiac lucky plants

Scorpio - 10/23-11/21. A WATER sign ruled by both Mars and Pluto. Scorpio's plants are often found in remote places or on poor ground. They will likely have thorns, can be red in color, and grow under adversity. The good news is, most of these plants are nearly indestructible! This makes them desirable for every gardener.

Scorpio Zodiac lucky plants: Peppers, Ceiba, Baobab, Pistachio, Nutmeg, Black-eyed Susan Thunbergia, Combretums, Dragon fruit, Medinilla, Camphor Basil, Cuban Oregano, Vanilla orchid, Hibiscus, Various cacti and succulents, Adenium, Honeysuckle, Cordyline, Spider plant, Jasmine, Gooseberries, Wild indigo, Bougainvillea, Aloe vera, Raspberry, Palmetto, Horseradish tree, Camphor, Allspice and Bay Rum, Jujube, Sweet Mimosa, Agave, Milkweed, Hong Kong Orchid Tree, Pony Tail, Dwarf Poinciana, Bottlebrushes, Clusias, Crocosmia, Zig-Zag Cactus, Dracaena, Fire Bush, Hoyas, Jatropha, Kalanchoe, Sausage tree, Devils Backbone, Pereskia, Red Plumeria, Firecracker, Rattlebox, Rhoeo, Calendula, Geranium, Thistles, Mint, Sage, Catnip, Coriander, Sandalwood, Ginseng, Euphorbias, Acacias.

For more info on Scorpio Lucky plants, links to these plants and other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.



Carambola (Star Fruit) in winter

A word from our customer:
I just wanted to let you know that the Dwarf Carambola Kari has survived last winter and turned into a nice bushy tree this summer.I have been trying to grow this tree forever it never survived winters here. Then last year you suggested me to plant Carambola in wind protected corner, so I picked a place next to the house,South side very close to the wall. I covered it several times with a sheet on windy days like you said. The tree did lose leaves during winter but it survived and established well. I had my first crop this year nearly 20 fruit!Just thought your other customers wanted to know keep it protected from winds this is the secret,it works! (M., Avon Park, FL)

Check out this plant...


Tropical Planting Breaks the Rules. Should I plant in the ground before Winter?

Q: Winter is coming and I still have a few plants I want to plant in the ground. Should I keep them in pots and wait till spring?

A: In subtropical areas, if temperatures don't drop below freezing, you can continue planting in the ground. In fact winter planting has some unique advantages - less heat stress on a plant and root system, mild environment - help the plant to establish better. Besides, no-sweat garden work is much more enjoyable, and you can get done a lot!

To learn more about winter planting, see article Tropical Planting Breaks the Rules by Murray Corman (Garden Of Delights).



Mangos in portable garage

A word from our customer: I wanted to let you know how happy I was with my latest order, Mesk Mango. It arrived this past Saturday in EXCELLENT condition only losing 3 leaves while in transit to Morgan City, LA. I like the idea of the root ball dry, loosely packed and no Styrofoam peanuts compared to the old wet tightly packed root ball.
The attached pictures show where my container Mango collection (list below) will spend this winter so I donโ€™t lose any of my prized possessions! Again, thanks for supplying a great product and happy you survived the storm! 2 Nam Doc Mai, 2 Jakarta, 2 Valencia Pride, 2 Keitt, Pina Colada, Orange Sherbet, Cat Hoaloc, Spirit of 76, Carrie, Glenn, Coconut Cream, Mesk - in 7 gallon container during winter. 6-Nov-17.



Winter coming tips

As the weather gets cooler, many of you move your potted tropical plants indoors.

Please remember:

  1. Leaf drop. Lower air humidity, lower light and short day may cause some leaf drop. This is normal for seasonal environment change. Learn more about leaf drop and deciduous plants from this info sheet (PDF).
  2. Reduce watering as winter coming. Under lower light and in cooler temperature, plants won't need much water; some plants go dormant and only need minimum water. Excess water may damage roots and kill a plant in winter.
  3. No fertilizer in winter. Active growth stops. Let the plant go into dormancy or simply have a rest.
  4. Insects. Watch for insects by inspecting leaves regularly. They may attack plants more likely in the indoor conditions.




Sagittarius - 11/22 - 12/21. Sagittarius is a FIRE sign that is ruled by the large and optimistic planet Jupiter.
Archer's plants tend to be large in size and fairly conspicuous, with a pleasant odor. They may have large, or elongated leathery leaves and showy flowers.
The best plants for Sagittarius will support the bodyโ€™s largest glandular organ, the liver. The planet Jupiter also rules the hips, thighs, lower spine, and the autonomic nervous system, as well as the process of growth and preservation. Herbs related to Jupiter have traditionally been used to treat lower back problems (including sciatica and lumbago), arthritis, and rheumatism. Herbs with a high silica content are related to Sagittarius (they promote a positive frame of mind), as are plants with large taproots and trees that produce fruit and nuts. Illnesses of Jupiter are said to arise from immoderate consumption. Basil is an herb that's both expansive and cheerful - just like Sagittarius - and its reputation as a money attractor resonates with this sign's generous nature as well. Use this happy herb when you want to infuse your life with fun and prosperity!

Sagittarius Zodiac lucky plants: Mulberry, Ceiba, Chonemorpha, Beaumontia, Baobab, Grapefruit, Anise, Sage, Cinnamon, Blueberry, Thistles, Nut trees, Lemon, all Ficus trees, Peepal, Fig, Coleus, Basil, Banana, Mango, Ironwood Mesua ferrea, Clematis, Peony, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Mint, Tea, Date palm, Guava, Jambul, Maple, Magnolia, Teak, Bird of Paradise, Heliconia, Showy Gingers.

For other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.


White Sapote from under graft

Q: My super sweet white sapote died back all the way to the roots but itโ€™s growing back from the roots and I'm wondering if that's just the rootstock growing back or if thatโ€™s good fruiting wood that's going to make a nice healthy super sweet tree?

A: The "super sweet" White Sapote, or Casimiroa edulis, was probably variety Young Hands, Super Sweet White Sapote. It was grafted on seedling of White Sapote that has a pleasant somewhat-sweet flavor. The grafted variety you had is a little sweeter than that. So to answer your question, it is worth to give the tree a second chance as far as fruit quality is concerned, although it won't be the a grafted variety, if the new growth coming from under the graft point. The only problem is, non-grafted tree may take longer until it fruits. Grafted trees may fruit right away, seedlings may take a few years.

We suggest to use SUNSHINE-Sweet to enhance flavor of your White Sapote fruit, and make them sweeter, better tasting!