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Date: 6 Nov 2023, Entry id: 1699321863-2

Cat Horoscope
Scorpio Zodiac Cats 10/24-11/21

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Scorpio Zodiac cat with indoor plants

In the photos: Typical Scorpio cat Sonya, born 11-4-2010.

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
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Scorpio Zodiac cat with seagull

Love all around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans...

Scorpio Cats exhibit a profound passion for life and love, extending not only to their own romantic affairs but also to the relationships of those around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans. These feline individuals thrive on being intricately involved in everything...

Scorpio Cats are inclined to assert dominance in any situation...

Scorpio Cats are known for their intense focus. Once they set their sights on something, they pursue it relentlessly, demonstrating fearlessness and a confrontational spirit...

One of the most distinctive traits of Scorpio Cats is their unwavering fidelity and loyalty. You’ve heard stories of cats separated from their families who travel miles to get back to them? They were probably all Scorpios!..

Scorpio Cats harbor a fondness for tall flowering shrubs and fragrant creepers with large blossoms. They possess a unique connection to scents, and while ordinary cats may recoil from potent odors, Scorpio Cats exhibit a particular affinity for select aromatic plants. For instance, while most cats are drawn to Catnip (Nepeta cataria) and Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis), Scorpio Cats go wild for the fragrances of Patchouli and Chinese Perfume Plant (Aglaia odorata). Even female perfumes containing oils from these plants bring the Scorpio Cat bliss, as they savor the scent and affectionately attend to the "mistress" of this aroma...

Scorpio Zodiac cat with flowers on a balcony