Five Favorite Winter Bloomers
#5. Parrots Beak
Gmelina philippensis - Parrots Beak. An extraordinary fountain-like shrub with pendant branches, large long leaves and exotic flowers comprised of yellow blossoms which emerge at the end of a tube-like structure of overlapping bracts. The flower resembles parrot's beak!
#4. Royal Queens Wreath
Petrea - Royal Queens Wreath, Tropical Wisteria. Spectacular tall clusters of purple flowers similar to those of Wisteria come in racemes reaching over 1 foot long!
#3. Chinese Hat
Holmskioldia sanguinea - Bronze Chinese hat. Rare variety with orange-bronze flowers. Unique flowers are the main interest: each is a narrow tube backed by a broad, circular calyx, just like an oriental hat!
#2. Jacaranda
Jacaranda - all-time favorite winter flowering tree. Hypnotizing bluish-purple, trumpet-like flowers create the magical image of the tree...
#1. Royal Poinciana
Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant. one of the most popular tropical trees covered with bright red orchid-like flowers from late winter through early summer. A must for any tropical garden, this tree however requires space since it spreads its branches 30-40 ft wide or more.