PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Chief, Employee of the Month
"Can we get to normal World?"
If you visited TopTropicals Garden center, you've seen our Employee of the Month board in the office. And the picture on it... with our Chief, who is truly an irreplaceable member of our Shipping Crew. He is definitely the most responsible worker and reliable Chief Supervisor. This week, while greeting customers, he asked everybody to follow these simple rules that he established in the Nursery for everybody's safety during COVID-19 alert:
1. Yes, we are open! But If you want to browse the nursery, please call
for assistance at the gate and we will come over to help you.
2. Please NO CHILDREN on the property at this time. If you came with kids,
have them wait in your car while you are shopping. Chief can entertain
3. Nursery is OPEN for browsing, limiting 2 customers at a time on the
4. If you know what plant(s) you want, just call us directly at our
customer service desk 239-771-8081 and we can bring those plants, for your
convenience, to the office or even to the gate.
Stay connected and we will get through this, all together, and we all will be just fine! So says Chief.
TopTropicals PeopleCat Club
Thank you everybody for supporting us in helping PeopleCat Community! Donations accepted from our website. Thank you and God bless you and your pets!