Hibiscus tiliaceus, Talipariti tiliaceum, Mahoe

Hibiscus tiliaceus, Talipariti tiliaceum

Family: Malvaceae
Origin: Tropical Asia
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapLarge shrub 5-10 ft tallSmall tree 10-20 ftFull sunRegular waterYellow, orange flowersRed, crimson, vinous flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirds
Hibiscus tiliaceus, commonly known as Mahoe, is a tropical flowering shrub or small tree native to Pantropical. It typically grows between five to ten feet tall as a shrub and up to 20 feet tall as a small tree. Mahoe prefers full sun and regular water, making it an ideal addition to any garden. It's a fast growing tropical plant, so pruning can be a necessity to keep it within bounds.

Its flowers bloom from summer to winter and are colored red, crimson, or vinous. As the blooms age, they transition from vibrant yellow and orange hues to deep red. This makes for a beautiful display, and the flowers typically attract hummingbirds and butterflies to the garden.

Mahoe can be grown in USDA zones 9-11. Planting it in a pot can be a great alternative for those living in colder climates as it can be brought in and placed outdoors once temperatures begin to rise. When grown in a pot, it should be sited in an area that receives full sun, but it should also be protected from the wind. The plant should be watered regularly to ensure that the soil stays consistently moist, but not soggy. Additionally, fertilizing and pruning should be done on a regular basis.

Mahoe is an excellent choice for a low-maintenance tree or shrub, with its beautiful foliage, colorful flowers, and ability to attract hummingbirds and butterflies making it an ideal choice for any garden.

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Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
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This item can not be shipped. Pick up only. We can provide local delivery around Ft. Myers or Sebring, Florida. Contact us for an estimate. Non-pickup orders are subject to restocking fees.
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Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
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6 Plants in stock

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This item is not certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Arizona More info
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6"/1 gal pot
1 plant in stock
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