Vachellia sphaerocephala, Acacia sphaerocephala, Bulls-Horn Acacia, Bee Wattle

Vachellia sphaerocephala, Acacia sphaerocephala

Bulls-Horn Acacia, Bee Wattle
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Mimosoideae
Origin: Mexico
Large tree taller than 20 ftSmall tree 10-20 ftFull sunModerate waterYellow, orange flowersThorny or spiny

Vachellia sphaerocephala (Bulls-Horn Acacia) is a large, graceful, evergreen tree that is grown for its interesting and attractive silhouette, paired with its yellow and orange flowers. This plant is indigenous to southern Mexico and Central America, but has a wide growing range, as it can be found in warmer regions close to the equator and as far north as the USDA zone 9-11. The trees are known to get quite big, with mature trees reaching heights of more than 20 feet, however there are varieties which come in at 10-20 feet that can easily fit in to smaller spaces such as yards and gardens.

Vachellia sphaerocephala requires full sun and moderate water, while in terms of soils they are not very picky, but are great in well-drained soils. They are quite drought tolerant as well, once established. While the trees roots can be deep and spread far, so great care must be taken when planting near any structures or underground utility lines or pipes.

Vachellia sphaerocephala's main care requirement is that it requires pruning to make it stronger. The tree is known to have long, thorny or spiny stems, which may impale any passers by, particularly if planted near walkways. It is important to prune heavily to encourage this plant to develop a sturdy and strong frame making it much less likely to break in strong winds or stormy weather.

It is quite easy to grow Vachellia sphaerocephala in cold climates in a container or pot. Simply choose a pot with adequate drainage that is big enough to accommodate the size of the tree. Ensure the pot receives adequate sunlight and the plant is given proper hydration and fertilization throughout the growing season. In cold regions, it will require bringing the pot indoors when temperatures start to drop below freezing. This will stop the tree from suffering frost damage.

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Acacia collinsii (sphaerocephala) - Bulls-Horn Acacia

Bulls-Horn Acacia. The name comes from the shape of the thorns which do indeed resemble the horns of a bull. Rare species.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
Grown in
6-10"/1-3 gal pot