Calliandra brevipes, Calliandra selloi, Acacia selloi, Pink Powderpuff, Shuttlecock, Esponja, Esponjinha, Manduruva, Fairyduster, Mesquitilla, Mock mesquite, Quebra-foice. Calliandra selloi 'Pink Lilian'
Calliandra selloi 'Pink Lilian'
calliandra_selloi 'Pink Lilian'

Calliandra brevipes, Calliandra selloi, Acacia selloi

Pink Powderpuff, Shuttlecock, Esponja, Esponjinha, Manduruva, Fairyduster, Mesquitilla, Mock mesquite, Quebra-foice
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Mimosoideae
Origin: Brazil
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapPlant used for bonsaiSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterPink flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirds

Calliandra brevipes (Pink Powderpuff) is an eye-catching shrub that is native to Brazil, Uruguay, and northern Argentina. It is a robust deciduous shrub that is capable of growing to a height of 10-20 ft (3-6 m). This vibrant, medium to large-sized shrub has finely divided leaves and clusters of beautiful red powder-puff flowers. The petals are inconspicuous, yet the long, pink filaments of the stamens form delicate, pink balls, giving it a gorgeous fluffy pink appearance when it is in full bloom during the summer months.

Calliandra brevipes can be grown in both full sun and semi-shade. Its soil should be kept moist yet well-drained, and it requires moderate amounts of water. Moreover, the plant is a great way to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other beneficial insects.

This shrub is not just attractive; it is also hardy and capable of withstanding temperatures of at least 30°F for a short duration of time, making it suitable for cultivation in USDA Zone 9-11. Furthermore, Calliandra brevipes has a delightful and delicate appearance, making it a popular choice for bonsai.

One can easily grow Calliandra brevipes in a pot or container. To successfully do so, find a container that is big enough to accommodate growth and provide the plant with the necessary amount of soil and water. Place the pot in a spot that receives ample sunlight and ensure that the soil is kept moist yet well-drained. Furthermore, if you live in a cold region, it is recommended to bring the pot indoors during winter months or protect it from extremely low temperatures.

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Calliandra selloi (brevipes) Pink Lilian

Pink Powderpuff, Shuttlecock. Spectacular bloomer! Attractive shrub with finely divided leaves and clusters of red powder-puff flowers. It is native to southeastern Brazil, Uruguay, and northern Argentina. One of the most beautiful of the Calliandra species, it is a medium- to large-sized shrub with a graceful growth habit. Silky, pink-white, powder-puff-like flowers appear during the summer months. The fine foliage is an attractive mid-green color.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
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