In the garden, Aspidistra sp. (Cast Iron Plant) makes a great groundcover, especially in shady areas. This small shrub typically reaches 2-5 ft in height, with an equal width. The foliage is dense and ornamental, which explains its popularity as a garden specimen. The leaves are evergreen and grow in a spreading or arching way. Plant can handle short periods of full sun but prefers semi-shade.
Care and Growing: Aspidistra sp. is easy to grow. It prefers moist, well-drained soil with moderate water and a slightly acid soil. Water when the top layer of soil becomes slightly dry. Feed with low-nitrogen fertilizer every 6-8 weeks during the growing season. The plant can also be grown in containers, under the right conditions.
In cold regions, it can be grown in pots in a sheltered spot. If the temperature drops below freezing, move the pot to a warmer area to keep the leaves from dying. The potted plant needs more frequent watering and more fertilizer during the warmer months than its outdoor counterpart. If necessary, pruning the stems may be done in late winter or early spring.
The most common variety is the one with all green leaves, Aspidistra elatior (sometimes labeled as Aspidistr lurida). Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata' has green leaves variegated with white striping