Adansonia gregorii, Boab, Baobab, Australian Bottle Tree

Adansonia gregorii

Boab, Baobab, Australian Bottle Tree
Family: Malvaceae    (Formerly:Bombacaceae)
Subfamily: Bombacoideae
Origin: Northern Territory, West Australia
Large tree taller than 20 ftFull sunModerate waterWhite, off-white flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsDeciduous plant

Adansonia gregorii is native to the northern parts of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Once appropriate conditions are provided, it thrives in USDA zoning 9-11, and can reach up to 20 feet tall. It prefers a full sun location and regular watering, usually around 1-2 times a week. The swallow-shaped trunk, in combination with its light green leaves, gives the plant an interesting texture and an overall rounded-look.

The flowers are the showpieces of the Adansonia gregorii, ranging from off-white to white in color and bell-like in shape. They are known to attract butterflies and hummingbirds which adds a whimsical, airy feel to the garden.

The Boab tree is deciduous and sheds its leaves during the winter and spring months. Once it goes dormant in the late summer or early autumn, it is best to preserve the existing moisture level.

Adansonia gregorii is best grown in pots in colder regions. Loamy soil is preferred and watering once a week is more than enough. Depending on the climate and indoor location and temperature, the Boab tree may benefit from careful pruning to reduce its growth so it can comfortably fit in its container. Keeping the moisture level during its dormant season is essential to prevent any damage to the plant.

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