FNATS 2005

Top Tropicals at Plant show in Orlando


Marcela's new project: bonsai

Show exhibitor - mosquito control:

We we took only a few pictures of plants at the show - only of those that are something special, new introductions. All the rest - we already have in our Catalog! :-)

Echinacea purpurea

- the plant they make Cirkon with

Philodendron 'Painted Lady'

Philodendron 'Painted Lady'

Wrightia antidysenterica

Wrightia antidysenterica

Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno

Tabernaemontana variegata

Musella lasiocarpa

Golden Lotus Banana

Hibiscus coccineus

Scarlet Hibiscus

Dwarf caladium

Cardinal Flower



Butia capitata

Blobba Purest Angel

Blobba Purest Angel

Globba Blushing Maiden

Globba Rubi Queen

Globba Rubi Queen

Globba Rubi Queen

Curcuma Purple Prince

Alligator Fern

Kalanchoe prolifica




Magnolia seeds

Everything is upside-down here in Hurricane Floirida...