Mammea americana, Mammee Apple, Abricodo Para

Mammea americana

Mammee Apple, Abricodo Para
Family: Calophyllaceae
Origin: Caribbean, Central America and Northern South America
Large tree taller than 20 ftFull sunRegular waterEdible plant

Mammea americana (Mammee Apple) is a tropical tree that is native to the Caribbean, Central America and Northern South America. It is a large tree, growing to more than 20 feet tall, with dark-green, leathery, 10-inch waxy leaves and inconspicuous 1-1/2-inch white and yellow flowers. Trees may have all male flowers, but the Redland variety has a perfect flower that are both male and female.

When fully mature, the Mammee Apple tree produces round to oval, scurfy brown fruits with sweet to slightly sub-acid, crispy flesh. The exterior of the fruit is similar in texture to the Mamey or Sapodilla. It is usually eaten fresh, although it can also be used in drinks, compotes and jams. The tree needs full sun exposure and regular watering. It is usually planted in USDA zones 9-11, and grafted trees may bear fruit in as little as 3-4 years.

In regions with cold winters, the Mammee Apple tree can be grown in containers and brought indoors when the temperature drops. It is important to protect Mammee Apple trees from extended periods of cold temperatures. The trees are relatively easy to care for and can grow in a variety of soil types and depths.

The fruit of a Mammee Apple tree is incredibly nutritious and offers various health benefits. It is rich in fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants. It also provides small amounts of Vitamin A and B, as well as several other trace minerals and phytochemicals. Depending on the size and health of the tree, it can produce up to 50 fruits per season.

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