Gelsemium sempervirens, Yellow Jessamine, Carolina Jasmine, Trumpet Flower

Gelsemium sempervirens

Yellow Jessamine, Carolina Jasmine, Trumpet Flower
Family: Loganiaceae
Origin: Southeastern United States
USDA Zone: 7-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterYellow, orange flowersPoisonous or toxicPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.Fragrant plantSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time

Gelsemium sempervirens (Carolina jasmine) is native to the Southeastern United States and will thrive in full sun, semi-shade and requires moderate water to keep it looking its best. The blooms appear in yellow or orange clusters of fragrant flowers and typically appear in late winter or early spring and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden. Variety 'Plena' has double-flowers.

Carolina jasmine is suitable for growing in USDA zones 7 to 11. Hardy to 15 degrees F. If you are living in a colder region, you will need to provide it with extra protection by planting it in pots and bringing it indoors. In addition, ensure that you water the plant regularly, especially during periods of drought. Other than that, you will need to prune the plant after it has finished blooming for the season.

When it comes to caring for Gelsemium sempervirens it is important to remember that all parts of the plant are considered poisonous and should never be ingested. If any sap of the plant were to come in contact with the skin, it may cause irritation in sensitive individuals. As a result, extra care should be taken when growing this plant in areas with small children and pets.

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