Euphorbia leuconeura, Madagascar Jewel

Euphorbia leuconeura

Madagascar Jewel
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Origin: Madagascar
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapPlant used for bonsaiSmall plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeShadeModerate waterRegular waterOrnamental foliageIrritating plantSeaside, salt tolerant plant

Euphorbia leuconeura or Madagascar Jewel, is tolerant of most growing conditions, however it does benefit from some extra care. During summer the plant needs to be watered regularly, however it should not be overwatered. It is a salt tolerant succulent that can be used in seaside gardens. This small shrub is also cultivated as a bonsai. It does well in USDA Zones 9-11. In cold regions the plant should be grown in pots, as it may not survive temperatures below 30s F. When grown in a pot, it should be placed in an area that receives dappled or indirect sunlight, as it cannot tolerate direct sun for too long. Regular misting is also beneficial for this plant. It also responds well to a balanced fertilizer, with monthly application during spring and summer. To protect from cold weather, the pot should be placed in partially sheltered area and covered with frost cloth. Once matured, Euphorbia leuconeura is a very hardy plant.

Grown often as a houseplant that is very ornamental and easy to grow even for beginners. When damaged the plant secretes a white fluid which is toxic, causes severe skin irritation.

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Euphorbia leuconeura - Madagascar Jewel

This is a shade loving Euphorbia. Grows to about 28" tall. It is shaped like a miniature palm tree. The leaves are covered with a milky white bloom that adds to the interest. It is very easy to grow the plant.
Grown often as a houseplant that is very ornamental and easy to grow even for beginners. Unlike many succulents, E. leuconeura is less susceptible to overwatering issues; it doesn't mind dry air and is very shade tolerant.
Euphorbia leuconeura is endemic to Madagascar. It is threatened by habitat loss. The natural habitat is rocky areas in the dark forests.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
Grown in
4-6" pot
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