Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) is a beautiful ornamental foliage native to mountains in Central America and South America. Its small shrub - 2-5ft high - and groundcover varieties - low growing 2ft - feature large green leaves with white stripes, making it stand out in the garden. Zebra Plant has yellow and orange flowers and is grown in the USDA Zone 9-11. This plant needs semi-shade, regular water and bright light, but no direct sunlight. In colder regions, it can be grown in pots! High humidity is ideal for this plant, as it can survive at average home humidity. When watering it, soil should be dry to the touch, but not bone dry. In winter, water it less than in other periods. Zebra Plant needs a well lit area in order to be forced into bloom. Also, a winter rest period is necessary for the plant to flourish.
If you take good care of your Zebra Plant and provide it with correct light, water and humidity, you'll have this beautiful decorative plant in your garden for many years to come!
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