Hibiscus furcellatus

Salad Hibiscus, Linden-leaf rosemallow, Sleepy Hibiscus

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Salad Hibiscus (Hibiscus furcellatus) flower

pictogram guide

It's an amazing hibiscus. Grows REALLY fast (might grow as tall as 7 ft in 3 months) and spreads wide, too. Needs to be pruned all the time, otherwise becomes leggy. If pruned constantly, forms a nice big shrub. Tolerates dry conditions. Started to bloom in autumn. Covered all over with vinous flowers (2-3" in diameter) that open in the morning, and by 3-4 pm they convolve in a fico-like knot, very funny!

Leaves are very tasty and are used in salads - it's a great source of Vitamin C.

Seeds are used for making delicious tea.