Food for Thought: to be penny-wise and pound-foolish?...
A wiseman said, "A miser pays twice". It is very true when it comes to tropical plants. When you buy an expensive rare plant, don't you try to provide it with a high quality soil, best food and conditions to make it happy, raward you with fruit or flower and worth your dollar? It is even more true when information on "how-to" is very limited: the more we can learn about a rare plant, the more chances are not to kill it... Never underestimate information - this is your key to success! Eventually, you will get what you pay for...
A quote from correspondence with a customer:
- I want to buy a Soursop plant. I live in Massachusetts, can it survive the cold months? I live in apartment and want to be able to take it with me if I move.
- None of our plants will survive outside in your area. You can grow Soursop indoors, however, it's a tropical plant, which requires warmth and humidity. We wouldn't suggest to grow it unless you have good experience with tropical plants. You may wish to get older issues of our magazine regarding indoor cultivation of Annona muricata - //
- Thanks but I don't want to pay 20 bucks for the info!
2383 Calliandra haematocephala - Red Powderpuff
Rose cascade, Blood Red Tassel Flower. Bushy small tree or large round shrub with 2-3 inches flowers, big red puffs, in winter and spring. Nice landscape plant, very fast growing.
4353 Schizolobium parahyba - Tower Tree
Curious tree from Brazil with straight trunk and showy golden flowers can grow as fast as 10 ft meters per year. The tree has enormous bipinnate leaves that sometimes exceed 6-7 ft in length, so many people confuse this tree with a fern or palm. Native to tropical regions, the tree still can withstand mild frost once established.
Large flowered Crown of Thorns from Thailand:
4354 Thai Coral, large flower
4355 Thai RED, large flower
The easiest plant to grow! Drought tolerant. Everbloomer. Chinese grow E. millii as plant of fortune, they believe that when the plant produces 8 flowers in an inflorescence, they will be lucky.
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