In this issue:
Growing indoors
Capturing the Clerodendrum: Growing Butterfly Flowers Indoors
...A fascinating story about tropical clerodendrum collection grown indoors. How-to-grow tips, all secrets you need to know for successfull cultivation of these beautiful flowering exotics indoors....
Legendary Plants
Aphrodisiacs: plants of love
...During the course of history, humans have discovered many plants with peculiar effects: magical, reality- altering, and stimulating. Many of these sacred plants had interesting side effects, such as the awakening of sexual desire, and increased physical pleasure. These plants were called "plants of love"...
Growing a pomegranate tree
...Of all the plants of Aphrodite, the pomegranate tree attracted the greatest cultural interest. The ancient Egyptians associated it with love, eroticism, and sensuality...
Growing outdoors
The garden where happiness lives
...A story about creating amazing garden with tropical fruit trees in subtropical Florida: useful tips how to make plants happy outside of tropical area, how to fit more trees into your small yard, how to reduce watering and maintenance, how to make the garden enjoying...
Exotic Kaleidoscope
Tambalacoque, the Dodo tree
...Until recently, it was thought that this species was dying out. It was hypothesized that the Dodo bird, which became extinct in the 17th century, ate tambalacoque fruit, and only by passing through the digestive tract of the Dodo could the seeds germinate...
Richardia: humble groundcover from the royal family
...Low growing, fast growing, easy growing and yet, it has pretty baby-pink flowers... It makes a beautiful ground cover...