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Cochliasanthus caracalla, Vigna caracalla, Phaseolus caracalla, Corkscrew flower, Snail vine

Cochliasanthus caracalla, Vigna caracalla, Phaseolus caracalla

Corkscrew flower, Snail vine
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Origin: South America
Vine or creeper plantFull sunModerate waterWhite, off-white flowersPink flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsFragrant plant

In terms of care, Cochliasanthus caracalla requires full sun and moderate water, with occasional light pruning to keep in tidy. It does not need much fertilizer, only occasionally in spring and summer. Deadheading is recommended to ensure new blooms and to have a continuous show of the gorgeous, fragrant, unique flowers of this plant. The flowers can be white, off-white, pink and they attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

Cochliasanthus caracalla is very easy to grow in warmer climates, USDA Zones 10-11, and can be a little tricky in areas with colder climate. In cold regions, you can choose to grow it in a pot and bring it inside in winter. The pot should have well-drained soil, but the soil should still be kept moist. When growing it in a pot, it is important to water it regularly and keep it in a spot that gets good sunlight. Once the temperature in the region starts to drop, it is important to bring it inside and stop watering it. Place the pot in a cool and dark place, as the plant will enter a dormant state. Keep in mind that the plant may need to be pruned to fit its new container.

Cochliasanthus caracalla is a rare and beautiful plant native to South America with its unique coiled flower petals and fragrant blooms. It can be grown in hot to moderate climates and make a beautiful addition to gardens and patios. For colder region, it could be grown in a pot and brought inside during winter. Its blooms attract butterflies and hummingbirds, so it is ideal for attracting wildlife to your garden. Regular light pruning and deadheading are necessary for its care, but it is an easy-to-grow and rewarding plant.

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