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Date: 29 Nov 2020, Entry id: 1606704662-2

PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Story of Raja, Part 2

Everybody was touched by the tragic story of Raja - the kitten Kristi rescued from the tough street challanges and gave her a chance for Life...
Today we continue this story. And although it is a sad one, there will be a happy ending, and there will be always lessons we learn from the experience of taking care of our loved once.
Raja taught us to never let our disabilities define what we can and can't do. She taught us that every live creature deserves to know what love, a warm home, and a family means. She taught us resilience, determination and perseverance. Sometimes goodbye is not always an end, but a possible new beginning with new lessons learned...


In the photo: Raja's Rainbow Cassia

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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