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Date: 21 Feb 2020, Entry id: 1582268462-2

Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Itembi - the Brave African Cat

by Onika Amell

"You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats".
Colonial American Proverb

This is a story of a Cat traveling across the World...
...I found Itembi, a tiny Calico kitten, in 2015 while I was hiking in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve while visiting Cape Town in my mother country South Africa. The little kitty appeared out of nowhere, sitting in the middle of the dusty path I was walking. It took me by surprise to see a kitty there, as I was in the middle of the boonies, with no sign of life for many miles around. She was skin and bones. My heart broke for the kitty. She was sad-eyed and so incredibly frail. I went down on my hands and knees and extended my hand. To my surprise she came over to me immediately and nestled her head into my palm, purring and purring. It was love at first sight. There was nothing else to do but to scoop her up and carry her back to my jeep to take her home with me...


Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.