Gonialoe variegata, Aloe variegata, Tiger Aloe, Partridge-breasted Aloe

Gonialoe variegata, Aloe variegata

Tiger Aloe, Partridge-breasted Aloe
Family: Asphodelaceae    (Formerly:Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
Origin: South Africa
Small plant 2-5 ftFull sunModerate waterYellow, orange flowersRed, crimson, vinous flowersOrnamental foliage

New leaves appear individually over time from the centre of the plant, flattening older leaves and pushing them outward in a spiral fashion.The leaf color may be variable depending on the habitat and climatic conditions: deep green in good years or chocolate brown when plants have experienced drought stress. White markings, spots or blotches that form irregular transverse bands, decorate both surfaces of the densely overlapping leaves. The leaf margins have closely spaced small teeth along a white horny edge. The flowers are orange, arranged in a raceme of around 20-30 cm in height.

Gonialoe variegata is a very attractive plant for garden and container planting. It is easy to grow in light shade and make a great, almost no care houseplant although, without bright enough lighting can become leggy and pale but looks it's best when grown in full sun. Its main growing periods are spring and autumn. Keep relatively dry, careful watering is required, as it is prone to rot if overwatered, especially in the winter months.

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Gonialoe variegata, Aloe variegata, Tiger Aloe, Partridge-breasted Aloe
Gonialoe variegata, Aloe variegata, Tiger Aloe, Partridge-breasted Aloe

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